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Full text of "El Niño in Peru : biology and culture over 10,000 years : Papers from the VIII Annual A. Watson Armour III Spring Symposium, May 28-29, 1999, Chicago"

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NEW  SERIES,  NO.  43 

El  Nino  in  Peru: 

Biology  and  Culture  Over  10,000  Years 

Jonathan  Haas  and  Michael  O.  Dillon,  Editors 

July  31,  2003 
Publication  1524 




OVER  10,000  YEARS 

Papers  from  the  VIII  Annual 

MAY  28-29,  1 999     CHICAGO 




AUG  0  8  2003 

El  Nino  in  Peru: 

Biology  and  Culture  Over  10,000  Years 

Jonathan  Haas  and  Michael  O.  Dillon,  Editors 

Field  Museum  of  Natural  History 
1400  South  Lake  Shore  Drive 
Chicago,  Illinois  60605-2496 
U.S.  A. 

Published  July  31,  2003 
Publication  1524 


©  2003  Field  Museum  of  Natural  History 

ISSN  0015-0746 


Contributors  vii 

Introduction  ix 

1  The  Lomas  Formations  of  Coastal  Peru:  Composition  and 
Biogeographic  History  1 

Michael  O.  Dillon,  Miyuki  Nakazawa,  and  Segundo  Leiva  Gonzdles 

2  Response  of  a  Land  Snail  Species  (Bostryx  conspersus)  in  the 
Peruvian  Central  Coast  Lomas  Ecosystem  to  the  1982-1983  and 
1997-1998  El  Nino  Events  10 

Rina  Ramirez,  Saida  Cordova,  Katia  Caro,  and  Janine  Dudrez 

3  Debris-Flow  Deposits  and  El  Nino  Impacts  Along  the  Hyperarid 
Southern  Peru  Coast  24 

Luc  Ortlieb  and  Gabriel  Vargas 

4  Paleoenvironment  at  Almejas:  Early  Exploitation  of  Estuarine 

Fauna  on  the  North  Coast  of  Peru  52 

Shelia  Pozorski  and  Thomas  Pozorski 

5  The  Impact  of  the  El  Nino  Phenomenon  on  Prehistoric  Chimu 
Irrigation  Systems  of  the  Peruvian  Coast  7 1 

Thomas  Pozorski  and  Shelia  Pozorski 

6  El  Nino,  Early  Peruvian  Civilizations,  and  Human  Agency: 

Some  Thoughts  from  the  Lurin  Valley  90 

Richard  L.  Burger 



Jonathan  Haas 

Anthropology  Department 

Field  Museum 

1400  So.  Lake  Shore  Drive 

Chicago,  Illinois  60605-2496 



Michael  O.  Dillon 

Botany  Department 

Field  Museum 

1400  So.  Lake  Shore  Drive 

Chicago,  Illinois  60605-2496 


(dillon  @ 


Richard  L.  Burger 

Peabody  Museum  of  Natural  History 

Yale  University 

170  Whitney  Avenue 

New  Haven,  Connecticut  06520 



Katia  Caro 

Museo  de  Historia  Natural 

Universidad  Nacional  Mayor  de  San  Marcos 

Apartado  14-0434 

Lima- 14,  Peru 

Saida  Cordova 

Museo  de  Historia  Natural 

Universidad  Nacional  Mayor  de  San  Marcos 

Apartado  14-0434 

Lima- 14,  Peru 

Janine  Duarez 

Museo  de  Historia  Natural 

Universidad  Nacional  Mayor  de  San  Marcos 

Apartado  14-0434 

Lima- 14,  Peru 

Segundo  Leiva  Gonzales 

Museo  de  Historia  Natural 
Universidad  Privada  Antenor  Orrego 
Trujillo,  Peru 

Miyuki  Nakazawa 

Department  of  Biology 
Kyushu  University 
6-10-1  Hakozaki,  Higashi-ku 
Fukuoka  812-8581,  Japan 

Luc  Ortlieb 

Institut  de  Recherche  pour  le  Developpement 

UR  Paleotropique 

32  Avenue  Henri-Varagnat 

F-93143  Bondy-Cedex,  France 


Shelia  Pozorski 

Department  of  Psychology  and  Anthropology 

University  of  Texas-Pan  American 

Edinburgh,  Texas  78539 



Thomas  Pozorski 

Department  of  Psychology  and  Anthropology 

University  of  Texas-Pan  American 

Edinburgh,  Texas  78539 


(tpozorski  @ 

Rina  Ramirez 

Museo  de  Historia  Natural 

Universidad  Nacional  Mayor  de  San  Marcos 

Apartado  14-0434 

Lima- 14,  Peru 


Gabriel  Vargas 

Institut  de  Recherche  pour  le  Developpement 

UR  Paleotropique 

32  Avenue  Henri-Varagnat 

F-93143  Bondy-Cedex,  France 


Departamento  de  Geologia 
Universidad  de  Chile 
Plaza  Ercilla  803 
Santiago,  Chile 


Title-page  illustration:  Moche  fineline  painting  from  northern  Peru 
showing  a  naturalistic  figure  in  an  animated  reed  boat.  The  draw- 
ing is  by  Donna  McClelland  and  is  reproduced  from  Moche  Fine- 
line  Painting:  Its  Evolution  and  Its  Artists  (UCLA  Fowler  Museum 
of  Cultural  History,  1 999)  courtesy  of  the  artist,  the  authors,  Chris- 
topher Donnan  and  Donna  McClelland,  and  the  publisher.  The  ves- 
sel from  which  the  drawing  was  made  is  in  the  collections  of  the 
Art  Institute  of  Chicago. 


On  May  28-29,  1999,  a  group  of  sixteen  scientists  met  at  the  Field 
Museum  in  conjunction  with  the  VIII  Annual  A.  Watson  Armour 
III  Spring  Symposium  to  discuss  the  impacts  of  the  El  Nino  phe- 
nomenon on  the  biology  and  cultural  history  of  coastal  Peru  over 
the  last  10,000  years.  The  meeting  brought  together  anthropolo- 
gists, archaeologists,  and  biologists  with  a  shared  interest  in  the 
effects  of  this  potent  global  weather  disturbance.  The  one-day 
workshop  and  subsequent  symposium  presented  research  results 
documenting  the  impact  of  this  phenomenon  from  a  wide  range  of 
perspectives.  The  papers  published  here  represent  the  results  of 
research  from  these  various  fields  and  differing  points  of  view. 
The  impact  of  El  Nino  on  terrestrial  and  marine  ecosystems  has 
been  well  documented  over  the  last  20  years,  but  the  interpretation 
of  these  results  remains  controversial.  The  common  thread  linking 
most  of  these  efforts  is  an  attempt  to  date  the  onset  of  the  El  Nino 
phenomenon  using  various  types  of  proxy  data.  Estimates  range 
from  a  few  thousand  to  tens  of  thousands  of  years.  Whatever  its 
age,  it  is  obvious  that  El  Nino  had  and  continues  to  have  a  pro- 
found impact  on  the  coastal  environments  of  Peru,  and  more  gen- 
erally of  western  South  America. 

Michael  O.  Dillon 


The  Lomas  Formations  of  Coastal  Peru: 
Composition  and  Biogeographic  History 

Michael  O.  Dillon,  Miyuki  Nakazawa,  and  Segundo  Leiva  Gonzdles 

For  nearly  3,500  km  along  the  western  coast  of 
South  America  (5°-30°S  latitude),  the  Atacama 
and  Peruvian  deserts  form  a  continuous  hyper- 
arid  belt,  broken  only  by  occasional  river  val- 
leys from  the  Andean  Cordillera.  Native  vege- 
tation of  the  deserts  is  largely  restricted  to  a 
series  of  fog-dependent  communities  termed  lo- 
mas  formations,  meaning  small  mountains.  This 
chapter  provides  a  backdrop  for  the  subsequent 
discussions  in  this  volume  of  human  occupation 
in  coastal  Peru  over  the  last  10,000  years.  This 
requires  a  synthesis  of  the  present-day  coastal 
vegetation,  analysis  of  the  origins  of  the  mod- 
ern flora,  and  reconstruction  of  past  climates, 
including  the  onset  of  El  Nino  conditions,  using 
proxy  data  from  a  variety  of  sources.  Paleocli- 
matic  data  suggest  that  arid  conditions  existed 
along  the  coast  prior  to  100,000  years  ago,  well 
before  the  arrival  of  the  first  humans  in  western 
South  America.  Distributional  patterns  and  re- 
lationships within  specific  members  of  the  flora 
are  discussed  to  help  explain  current  conditions. 
Specifically,  we  have  examined  relationships  in 
the  flowering  plant  genus  Nolana  (Solanaceae), 
a  group  of  over  80  species  distributed  predom- 
inantly in  the  lomas  formations  of  Peru  and 
Chile.  The  reconstructed  phylogeny  of  Nolana 
provides  a  framework  for  examining  the  coastal 
lomas  formations  and  the  processes  important 
in  their  evolution,  including  the  effects  of  gla- 
cial cycles,  sea  level  changes,  and  the  historical 
development  of  the  El  Nino-Southern  Oscilla- 
tion weather  phenomenon. 


Much  of  the  western  coast  of  South  America 
(5°-30°S  latitude)  is  occupied  by  deserts,  form- 
ing a  continuous  belt  that  extends  for  more  than 
3,500  km  along  the  western  escarpment  of  the 
Andean  Cordillera,  from  northern  Peru  to  north- 
ernmost Chile.  The  climate  and  geomorphology 
of  this  region  have  been  discussed  in  detail 
elsewhere  (Dillon  1997;  Ferreyra  1953;  Rundel 
et  al.  1991),  and  only  a  brief  sketch  is  provided 
here  for  discussion  purposes.  The  Peruvian  de- 
sert is  a  narrow  coastal  band  at  the  base  of  the 
Andean  Cordillera  that  extends  nearly  2,000  km 
in  length  but  is  only  50-100  km  wide.  The  de- 
sert is  interrupted  only  by  occasional  rivers  that 
reach  the  coast,  and  their  borders  support  ripar- 
ian vegetation  common  to  the  inland  river  val- 
leys. The  factors  responsible  for  the  develop- 
ment of  the  hyperarid  conditions  include  isola- 
tion from  eastern  weather  patterns  by  the  An- 
dean Cordillera,  and  temperature  homogeneity 
resulting  from  the  influence  of  cool  sea-surface 
temperatures  associated  with  the  south-to-north 
flow  of  the  Humboldt  (Peruvian)  Current.  This, 
combined  with  a  positionally  stable  subtropical 
anticyclone,  results  in  a  mild,  uniform  coastal 
climate  with  the  regular  formation  of  thick  fogs 
below  1 000  m  elevation  from  September  to  De- 

Where  the  coastal  topography  is  low  and  flat, 
this  stratus  layer  dissipates  inward  with  little  bi- 
ological impact  (Figs.  1  and  2A),  but  where  iso- 
lated mountains  or  steep  coastal  slopes  intercept 

M.  O.  Dillon  et  al 

o  vegetation 

Tillandsia  spp.  4-800 

fv" woody  plants 

o:6-.o:./     herbaceous  perennials 


no  vegetation 
Tillandsia  spp. 

Figure  1.     Vegetation  zonation  in  the  fog  zone  or  lomas  formation  of  coastal  Peru. 

the  clouds,  a  fog  zone  develops  with  a  stratus 
layer  concentrated  against  the  hillsides  (Fig. 
2B).  This  fog,  termed  garua  in  Peru,  is  key  to 
the  floristic  diversity  of  the  unusual  desert  plant 
communities,  termed  lomas  formations.  In 
Peru,  we  estimate  there  are  nearly  70  discrete 
localities  supporting  lomas  vegetation  (Fig.  3), 
including  several  offshore  islands  (e.g.,  Islas  de 
Las  Viejas,  San  Gallan,  San  Lorenzo).  The  ac- 
tual area  covered  by  vegetation,  even  during  pe- 
riods of  maximum  development,  is  probably 
less  than  8,000  hectares.  The  vegetation  of  the 
lomas  formations  of  Peru  is  unique  and  com- 
posed of  many  species  that  occur  only  in  these 
small  desert  oases. 

Lomas  Vegetation 

Lomas  communities  occur  as  islands  of  vege- 
tation separated  by  varying  distances  of  hyper- 
arid  habitat  devoid  of  plant  life.  Since  plant 
growth  is  dependent  on  available  moisture  and 
the  drought  tolerance  of  individual  species,  a 
combination  of  climate,  physical  topology,  and 

the  ecophysiology  of  each  species  of  plant  ul- 
timately determines  community  composition. 
The  individual  formations  are  highly  variable 
and  consist  of  mixtures  of  annuals,  short-lived 
perennials,  and  woody  vegetation.  Current  es- 
timates of  the  flora  of  the  Peruvian  lomas  in- 
clude over  815  species  distributed  in  357  genera 
and  85  families  of  flowering  plants.  The  distri- 
bution patterns  of  these  species  can  be  roughly 
grouped  into  broad  categories,  including  (1) 
pan-tropical  or  weedy  species,  (2)  long-distance 
disjunctions  from  the  Sonora  Desert  or  Baja 
California,  (3)  species  disjunct  from  the  adja- 
cent Andean  Cordillera,  and  (4)  plants  restricted 
to  the  coastal  deserts,  sometimes  in  a  single  lo- 
cality. Endemism  at  the  level  of  species  often 
exceeds  40%  in  individual  lomas  communities. 
The  greatest  number  of  endemics  are  found  in 
southern  Peru  between  15°S  and  18°S  latitude 
and  include  both  endemic  genera,  such  as  Is- 
laya  (Cactaceae),  Weberbaueriella  (Fabaceae), 
Mathewsia,  and  Dictyophragmus  (both  Brassi- 
caceae),  and  endemic  species  within  genera, 
such  as  Ambrosia  (Asteraceae),  Argylia  (Big- 
noniaceae),  Astragalus  (Fabaceae),  Cristaria 
and  Palaua  (both  Malvaceae),  Calceolaria 

Figure  2.  Atacama  and  Peruvian  desert  communities.  A.  Flat  inland  desert  region  devoid  of  plants.  B.  Stratus 
clouds  impacting  the  headlands  where  lomas  formations  develop.  C.  Rainstorm  above  Cerro  Campana  in  the  northern 
Peruvian  coastal  desert  during  the  1997-1998  El  Nino  event,  February  1998.  D.  Cerro  Cabezon  during  the  1997- 
1998  event.  E.  Corn  cultivated  within  the  lomas  formations  of  Cerro  Cabezon  in  northern  Peru,  January  1998.  F. 
Goats  grazing  on  the  abundant  vegetation  at  Mejfa  during  the  El  Nino  event,  October  1983.  G.  A  carpet  of  Nolana 
humifusa  on  the  upper  slopes  of  Cerro  Cabezon,  January  1998.  H.  Flowering  individual  of  Nolana  humifusa  at  Cerro 

The  Lomas  Formations  of  Coastal  Peru 

M.  O.  Dillon  et  al. 

MEJIA     '. 


200\          400  690         \800km 

Figure  3.     Geographic  features,  including  lomas  formation  localities,  in  the  Atacama  and  Peruvian  deserts. 

(Scrophulariaceae),  Tiquilia  (Boraginaceae), 
Jaltomata,  Leptoglossis,  and  Nolana  (all  Sola- 
naceae),  and  Eremocharis  (Apiaceae). 

We  have  examined  patterns  of  similarity 
within  the  overall  flora  of  the  lomas  formations 
and  have  found  that  the  coastal  deserts  of  west- 

ern South  America  are  not  uniform  (Duncan 
and  Dillon  1991;  Rundel  and  Dillon  1998;  Run- 
del  et  al.  1991).  Our  analysis  supports  three  flo- 
ristic  segments  that  appear  to  have  independent 
histories:  (1)  a  northern  Peruvian  unit  from 
7°55'S  to  12°S  latitude,  (2)  a  southern  Peruvian 

The  Lomas  Formations  of  Coastal  Peru 

unit  from  12°S  to  18°S  latitude,  and  (3)  a  north- 
ern Chilean  unit  from  20°S  to  28°S.  The  area 
between  1 8°S  and  20°S  is  nearly  devoid  of  veg- 
etation (Rundel  et  al.  1991)  and  is  suggested  to 
have  been  a  barrier  to  coastal  dispersal  for  an 
extended  period  (Alpers  and  Brimhall  1988). 
Only  1 15  species,  or  ca.  12%  of  the  total  desert 
flora  of  1,350  vascular  plant  species,  are  re- 
corded from  both  sides  of  18°S  (roughly  the 
Peru-Chile  border).  When  widespread  weeds 
are  eliminated  from  that  total,  less  than  6%  of 
the  native  species  are  known  from  either  side. 

Although  the  richness  of  the  marine  environ- 
ment would  have  provided  early  man  with  a 
primary  source  of  sustenance  (Keefer  et  al. 
1998),  the  lomas  formations  could  also  have 
acted  as  an  important  source  of  fresh  water, 
food,  and  construction  materials  for  early  coast- 
al visitors  and  inhabitants  (Lanning  1965).  The 
presence  of  vegetation,  often  forageable,  would 
have  attracted  the  native  camelids,  for  example, 
guanaco,  and  deer,  both  of  which  were  game 
for  early  man.  Supplies  of  seeds  and  insects 
would  have  made  lomas  sites  havens  for  native 
bird  species.  The  native  flora  does  contain  some 
edible  fruits;  for  example,  Jaltomata  and  Ly- 
copersicon,  both  members  of  the  Solanaceae 
family,  have  tomato-like,  edible  berries.  Edible 
roots  from  diverse  plant  families  might  also 
have  provided  some  nourishment  that  could 
have  been  utilized  periodically,  for  example, 
Argylia  radiata  (Bignoniaceae),  Begonia  octo- 
petala  (Begoniaceae),  Oxalis  dombeii  (Oxali- 
daceae),  Solarium  montanum  (Solanaceae),  and 
Tropaeolum  peltophorum  (Tropaeolaceae).  Ag- 
riculture may  also  have  been  practiced  at  some 
locations,  especially  during  exceptional  years 
associated  with  El  Nino  events.  Today,  crops 
are  cultivated  in  the  lomas  formations  when  op- 
portunities are  provided  by  increased  available 
moisture.  Corn  was  planted  at  Cerro  Cabezon 
(Fig.  2E)  in  northern  Peru  during  an  El  Nino 
event  in  March  1998,  and  both  corn  and  wheat 
were  cultivated  in  the  lomas  between  Moque- 
gua  and  Tacna  in  1983. 

The  influence  of  man  on  the  lomas  forma- 
tions, especially  over  the  last  1500  years, 
should  not  be  underestimated.  Many  native 
woody  species  have  been  severely  depleted  for 
firewood  and  construction.  It  may  be  assumed 
that  native  tree  species,  such  as  Caesalpinia 
spinosa  (tara),  Carica  candicans  (mito),  or 
Myrcianthes  ferreyrae,  had  wider  distributions 
and  larger  populations  prior  to  the  arrival  of 

man.  The  removal  of  woody  vegetation  almost 
certainly  would  have  changed  the  extent  of  her- 
baceous plants.  Building  in  many  coastal  areas 
has  replaced  lomas  habitat  with  homes  and  fac- 
tories. Movement  of  livestock  between  the  in- 
terior and  the  coast  has  led  to  the  introduction 
of  many  Andean  weeds  (Sagastegui  and  Leiva 
1993).  The  historical  introduction  of  alien  or 
exotic  species,  such  as  Australian  trees  (Euca- 
lyptus and  Casuarina),  has  changed  the  char- 
acter of  the  landscape.  Perhaps  the  worst  plague 
that  man  has  set  upon  the  lomas  formations 
since  the  arrival  of  Europeans  was  the  intro- 
duction of  herbivores  such  as  goats  (Fig.  2F), 
which  are  very  destructive  to  the  native  com- 

El  Nino  Events 

In  our  search  for  the  forces  that  act  on  the 
coastal  regions,  we  identified  short-term  cli- 
matic fluctuations  of  El  Nino  events  (5-  to  50- 
year  cycles)  as  important  seasonal  influences  on 
the  coastal  region.  The  physics  behind  the  El 
Nino-Southern  Oscillation  (ENSO)  phenome- 
non is  complex  and  represents  a  worldwide 
weather  perturbation.  El  Nino  conditions  pre- 
vail when  the  normally  cold  waters  of  the  coast 
of  western  South  America  are  displaced  by  a 
warmer,  western  Pacific  surface  and  subsurface 
body  of  water  that  stimulates  brief  periods  of 
heavy  rainfall  (Fig.  2C)  and  relatively  high  tem- 
peratures. This  influx  of  available  moisture  has 
profound  effects  within  the  lomas  formations 
(Fig.  2D)  and  has  undoubtedly  helped  shape 
their  composition  and  structure.  Primarily,  this 
moisture  stimulates  massive  germination  of 
seeds,  leading  to  large  blooming  events  that  re- 
plenish seed  banks  for  annual  and  perennial 
plants.  These  events  also  provide  opportunities 
for  seed  dispersal  and  establishment,  which 
would  expand  distributions  under  favorable 
conditions  (Fig.  2G).  The  impact  of  El  Ninos 
on  these  communities  is  obvious  (Dillon  and 
Rundel  1990),  and  one  can  only  wonder  what 
the  coastal  vegetation  would  resemble  in  the  ab- 
sence of  these  conditions.  Potentially,  levels  of 
floristic  diversity  would  be  much  lower  and  mi- 
gration and  establishment  more  difficult.  In  the 
western  Pacific,  the  reverse  effects  of  recurrent 
droughts  and  rainfall  variability  have  been  im- 

M.  O.  Dillon  et  al. 

plicated  in  the  evolution  of  vegetation  patterns 
in  Australia  (Nicholls  1991). 

El  Nino  events  have  been  recorded  in  both 
historical  (Quinn  and  Neal  1987)  and  Holocene 
periods  (DeVries  1987;  Fontugne  et  al.  1999; 
Magilligan  and  Goldstein  2001;  Rodbell  et  al. 
1999;  Sandweiss  et  al.  1996,  1999,  2001).  Lon- 
ger-term records  of  El  Nino  events  are  more 
difficult  to  detect  and  interpret  (Moseley  1987). 
Recently,  Hughen  et  al.  (1999)  detected  vari- 
ability in  growth  patterns  in  fossil  coral  which 
they  interpreted  as  representing  El  Nino-like 
conditions  that  may  have  existed  for  at  least 
124,000  years.  Our  studies  of  modern  vegeta- 
tion do  not  allow  for  estimations  of  the  onset 
of  El  Nino  conditions,  but  regardless  of  their 
age,  they  have  undoubtedly  played  an  important 
role  in  shaping  the  present  coastal  communities. 

Glacial  Cycles  and  Sea  Level 

Longer-term  climatic  change  associated  with  gla- 
cial cycles  (13,000-  to  200,000-year  cycles)  pre- 
dates the  arrival  of  man  and  the  first  El  Nino  and 
would  have  been  active  throughout  the  Pleisto- 
cene (±1.8  million  years  ago).  It  is  estimated  that 
there  have  been  at  least  20  glacial  events  during 
the  Pleistocene,  each  with  cycles  of  approximate- 
ly 200,000  years.  The  formation  of  glaciers  on 
mountains  and  poles  has  caused  sea  levels  to  fluc- 
tuate dramatically  (Matthews  1990).  Estimates  of 
sea  level  fluctuation  range  between  400  and  750 
feet  (120-230  m),  and  this  lowering  would  have 
significantly  changed  the  position  of  the  seashore 
in  relation  to  that  of  today.  This  drop  would  have 
exposed  a  considerable  area  of  the  continental 
shelf  and  displaced  lomas  plant  communities,  es- 
pecially between  5°S  to  15°S  latitude  (Fig.  4). 
This  would  have  resulted  in  species  shifting  their 
ranges  in  relation  to  the  near-ocean  environments, 
adapting  to  changing  conditions  in  situ,  or  under- 
going range  reductions  and  extinction.  Glacial  cy- 
cles would  also  have  had  a  profound  influence  on 
the  flora  and  fauna  of  the  coastal  deserts  by  pro- 
viding geographic  isolation  at  certain  times,  and 
at  other  times,  opportunities  for  merging  species, 
thereby  allowing  for  gene  exchange.  The  last  gla- 
cial cycle  ended  ca.  13,000  years  ago,  and  post- 
glacial vegetation  patterns  are  comparable  to 
those  we  find  today  (Dillon  et  al.  1995). 

Nolana  Studies 

Within  the  lomas  formations,  the  genus  Nolana 
(Solanaceae-Nolaneae)  stands  out  as  one  of  the 
most  wide-ranging  and  conspicuous  elements  of 
the  flora  (Tago-Nakazawa  and  Dillon  1999). 
Nolana  is  a  genus  of  ca.  85  species  that  is  large- 
ly confined  to  coastal  Andean  South  America 
from  central  Chile  to  northern  Peru,  with  one 
species  endemic  to  the  Galapagos  Islands.  It  is 
the  only  genus  to  be  encountered  in  nearly  all 
lomas  formations.  Nolana  species  are  often  im- 
portant members  of  their  respective  communi- 
ties and  dominate  in  the  numbers  of  individuals 
present.  Their  showy  flowers  are  beautiful,  and 
species  display  various  types  of  habits — annu- 
als, perennials,  or  shrubs — and  variable  corolla 
sizes  and  shapes  (Fig.  2H).  Ecologically,  No- 
lana species  prefer  arid  and  semi-arid  habitats, 
with  their  greatest  concentration  in  near-ocean 
habitats  within  a  few  kilometers  of  the  shoreline 
(Fig.  2G).  The  establishment  of  a  phylogeny  for 
Nolana  has  provided  a  framework  for  testing 
hypotheses  of  isolation  events  in  desert  com- 
munities. The  species  distribution  pattern  in  No- 
lana is  similar  to  that  in  the  overall  flora  and 
displays  three  distinctive  units:  northern  Peru, 
southern  Peru,  and  northern  Chile.  Only  four 
species  have  distributions  that  span  the  18°- 
20°S  gap.  The  presence  of  two  major  groups 
(clades)  in  the  genus  Nolana,  one  Peruvian  and 
the  other  Chilean,  points  to  long-term  isolation 
of  the  genus  above  and  below  18°S  latitude. 

Reliable  data  on  speciation  rates  for  desert 
plants  are  largely  lacking.  However,  the  devel- 
opment of  endemic  genera  and  species,  and  the 
morphological  and  physiological  adaptations 
they  manifest,  support  the  hypothesis  of  long- 
term  aridity  along  the  coast  of  Peru,  at  least 
from  12°S  to  28°S  latitude  (Rundel  and  Dillon 
1998).  The  timing  of  vicariant  events  (separa- 
tion) can  be  estimated  with  molecular  diver- 
gence data  to  establish  a  molecular  clock  (Tago 
1999).  For  the  genes  investigated,  all  estimates 
for  the  first  appearance  of  Nolana  are  late  Ter- 
tiary (Miocene,  10.6-11.6  mya).  These  data 
also  suggest  that  TV.  galapagensis  potentially 
reached  the  Galapagos  Islands  sometime  be- 
tween 4  and  8  mya  (late  Miocene  to  early  Pli- 
ocene). Because  of  character  evolution  in  the 
mainland  members  of  Nolana,  it  appears  that 
N.  galapagensis  was  pre-adapted  to  arid  habi- 
tats prior  to  its  dispersal  to  the  island  chain 
(Tago-Nakazawa  and  Dillon  1999).  The  geo- 

The  Lomas  Formations  of  Coastal  Peru 







Figure  4.  Bathometric  diagram  illustrating  the  continental  shelf  of  Peru  between  5°S  and  14°S  latitude.  Stippled 
area  indicates  the  land  exposed  should  there  be  a  100-meter  drop  in  sea  level.  Between  14°S  latitude  (Pisco,  Peru) 
and  28°S  latitude  (northern  Chile),  the  continental  margin  is  very  narrow. 

graphic  origin  of  this  remote  island  endemic  re- 
mains a  mystery,  but  comparative  morphology 
points  to  Chilean  ancestors  (Dillon,  unpubl.). 

Recent  archeological  findings  from  the  north- 
ern Atacama  Desert  have  recorded  Nolana 
fruits  (technically  mericarps  containing  seeds) 
in  rodent  middens  dating  to  35,000  years  B.P. 
(Betancourt  et  al.  2000).  These  mericarps  are 
comparable  to  those  we  find  in  this  desert  lo- 
cality today.  Therefore,  the  divergence  data 
from  molecular  studies  and  the  presence  of  No- 
lana in  desert  habitats  for  no  less  than  35,000 
years  suggest  that  10,000  years  ago,  the  overall 

character  of  the  coastal  flora  was  similar  to  that 
found  today.  The  frequency  of  strong  El  Ninos 
and  demonstrated  sea  level  changes  suggest  that 
these  phenomena  have  played  a  role  in  stimu- 
lating evolution  in  the  plants  of  the  lomas  for- 


The  vegetation  of  coastal  Peru  is  largely  re- 
stricted to  the  lomas  formations,  a  series  of  iso- 


M.  O.  Dillon  et  al. 

lated,  fog-dependent  plant  and  animal  commu- 
nities that  are  diverse  and  highly  endemic.  In- 
dividual lomas  localities  have  unique  species 
compositions  and  display  disharmonic  patterns 
found  in  "true"  insular  communities.  While  the 
aridity  along  the  Peruvian  coast  is  essentially 
constant,  with  negligible  rainfall,  the  topogra- 
phy and  geologic  history  combine  to  divide 
coastal  Peru  into  a  northern  unit,  7°55'S  to  12°S 
latitude,  and  a  southern  unit,  from  12°S  to  18°S 

Given  available  paleoclimatic  data  and  di- 
vergence times  suggested  by  molecular  clock 
calculations  on  gene  sequences,  it  appears  that 
Nolana  occupied  coastal  desert  environments  in 
both  Peru  and  Chile  prior  to  the  Pleistocene  gla- 
cial events.  Further  investigations  will  be  nec- 
essary to  test  hypotheses  of  the  age  for  the  de- 
sert, but  our  preliminary  studies  point  to  west- 
ern South  America  as  an  arid  region  of  great 
antiquity  well  over  35,000  years  ago.  It  appears 
that  the  flora  of  the  lomas  formations  have  been 
shaped  by  the  effects  of  short-  and  long-term 
climatic  changes  and  by  the  influence  of  man 
and  introduced  animals.  Our  data  suggest  sta- 
bilized aridity  for  coastal  Peru  since  before  the 
arrival  of  its  first  inhabitants  (±10,000  years 
ago),  but  with  dynamic  periods  with  much 
greater  available  moisture  (Sandweiss  et  al. 
2001).  Early  man  would  have  found  an  envi- 
ronment with  more  trees  and  much  denser  veg- 
etation, which  could  have  provided  valuable  re- 
sources in  the  inhospitable  coastal  desert. 

Acknowledgments.  M.O.D.  acknowledges  the 
support  of  the  National  Science  Foundation  and 
National  Geographic  Society  for  field  studies 
associated  with  El  Nino  events.  S.L.G.  thanks 
the  Field  Museum  Scholarship  Committee  for 
financial  support  to  visit  the  Field  Museum.  F. 
Barrie,  W.  Burger,  and  P.  Rundel  provided  con- 
structive reviews  that  improved  the  manuscript. 

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Response  of  a  Land  Snail  Species  (Bostryx  conspersus}  in  the 

Peruvian  Central  Coast  Lomas  Ecosystem  to  the 

1982-1983  and  1997-1998  El  Nino  Events 

Rina  Ramirez,  Saida  Cordova,  Katia  Caro,  and  Janine  Dudrez 

Land  snails  are  conspicuous  inhabitants  of  the 
lomas  ecosystems,  which  are  islands  of  vege- 
tation in  the  Pacific  coastal  desert  of  South 
America.  The  mollusks  are  adapted  to  survive 
the  extreme  summer  conditions  of  the  lomas, 
when  the  highest  temperatures  and  the  lowest 
humidities  are  reached.  Bostryx  conspersus 
(Sowerby,  1833;  Mollusca,  Bulimulidae)  is  the 
most  common  species  from  the  lomas  of  the 
Peruvian  central  coast.  In  a  year  without  an  El 
Nino  event,  individuals  of  B.  conspersus  aesti- 
vate  during  the  dry  season  (December-April) 
buried  in  the  ground,  mainly  next  to  perennial 
plants.  During  the  wet  season  the  snails  become 
active  again.  We  present  our  observations  of 
changes  in  snails'  seasonal  activity  during  the 
1982-1983  and  1997-1998  El  Nino  events,  oc- 
curring within  the  lomas  of  Iguanil  and  Lachay 
(Lima,  Peru),  respectively.  The  activity  of  B. 
conspersus  during  the  summer  of  those  years 
was  unusual.  The  snails  behaved  as  if  it  were  a 
wet  season.  They  had  successful  recruitment 
that  led  to  a  remarkable  population  explosion, 
mainly  due  to  the  high  humidity  and  increased 
shelter.  However,  the  response  of  B.  conspersus 
showed  differences  between  the  two  El  Nino 
events,  reflecting  dissimilarities  between  the 
starting  time  and  duration  of  the  sea-surface 
temperature  anomalies  and  the  concomitant 
weather  variation  in  the  lomas  of  the  central 
coast  of  Peru.  The  response  of  B.  conspersus  to 
the  seasonal  changes  during  1995  and  the  cold 

year  of  1 996  are  contrasted  with  those  of  the  El 
Nino  years. 


The  coast  of  Peru  is  a  desert.  The  terrestrial 
biodiversity,  mollusks  in  particular,  is  concen- 
trated mainly  in  the  lomas.  The  desert  land- 
scape changes  drastically  during  El  Nino 
events,  the  oceanographic  component  of  El 
Nino-Southern  Oscillation  (ENSO),  which  has 
affected  the  Pacific  coast  of  South  America 
since  5800  B.P.  (Sandweiss  et  al.  1999).  The 
lomas  are  spectacular  ecosystems,  islands  of 
vegetation  that  endure  the  harsh  conditions  of 
dry  summers  and  enjoy  the  humidity  of  the  ad- 
vective  fogs  coming  from  the  ocean  during  the 
winter.  The  resident  fauna  of  the  lomas  is  also 
adapted  to  its  seasonality  (Aguilar  1954,  1985). 
Similarly,  the  biota  must  be  adapted  to  climatic 
changes  in  the  mid-  and  long  term  produced  by 
recurrent  El  Nino  events  or  the  species  would 
have  become  extinct.  However,  almost  nothing 
is  known  about  the  responses  of  terrestrial  spe- 
cies to  El  Nino  events,  compared  to  what  is 
known  about  the  marine  biota  (Arntz  et  al. 
1985;  Arntz  and  Fahrbach  1996;  Vegas  1985). 
Among  the  fauna,  land  snails  are  conspicuous 
inhabitants  of  the  lomas,  and  because  of  their 
low  vagility,  they  are  good  animals  in  which  to 
study  responses  to  El  Nino  events.  Following 


Response  of  a  Land  Snail  Species  (Bostryx  conspersus) 

\  1 

Figure  1.     Map  showing  location  of  the  study  sites,  Lachay  and  Iguanil,  Peru. 

an  El  Nino  event  (a  phase  with  warm  tropical 
water),  there  is  a  phase  with  cold  tropical  water 
called  La  Nina  (Sandweiss  et  al.  1999),  produc- 
ing changes  in  the  lomas  weather  as  well.  Our 
study  deals  with  the  response  of  Bostryx  con- 
spersus (Sowerby,  1833)  to  the  last  two  major 
El  Nino  events  (1982-1983  and  1997-1998) 
and  the  1996  La  Nina  event  in  the  lomas  of  the 
central  coastal  desert  of  Peru. 

Materials  and  Methods 

Study  Site 

Location.  The  two  study  sites  are  located  in 
the  Department  of  Lima,  Peru  (Fig.  1 ).  The  lo- 
mas of  Lachay  (11°19'S,  77°22'W),  a  national 
reserve,  are  105  km  north  of  Lima  City  and  7 
km  from  the  seashore.  The  altitude  is  between 
150  and  750  m.  The  lomas  of  Iguanil  (1 1°23'S, 
77°14'W)  are  located  southeast  of  Lachay  and 
103  km  from  Lima,  15  km  from  the  seashore. 
The  altitude  is  between  250  and  750  m. 

Climate.  The  climate  of  the  lomas  is  season- 
al, characterized  by  a  dry  season  (December- 
April)  and  a  wet  one,  also  called  the  "lomas 
season"  (late  July-September).  The  other 
months  are  transitional  between  seasons.  Usu- 
ally the  highest  temperatures  (monthly  mean: 
20°C)  and  the  lowest  humidities  (79%-82%) 
are  reached  during  summer,  contrary  to  what 
happens  during  the  wet  season,  when  the  mean 
monthly  air  temperature  is  15°C,  with  very  high 
air  humidity  (Ordonez  and  Faustino  1983;  Saito 
1976;  Torres  1985).  The  El  Nino  events  change 
this  seasonal  picture  because  of  an  increase  in 
precipitation  as  drizzle  or  summer  precipitation 
(Pinche  1994;  Torres  1985). 

During  an  El  Nino  event,  the  sea-surface 
temperature  increases  abnormally  above  the 
mean  (Fig.  2).  In  the  continental  area,  air  tem- 
peratures in  the  lomas  also  change,  showing  the 
same  tendency  (Fig.  3).  The  same  tendency  was 
also  noticed  in  Lima  City  (Obregon  et  al.  1985). 
Sea-surface  temperature  data  corresponded  to 
mean  monthly  values  from  Puerto  Chicama 
(07°42'S,  79°27'W). 


R.  Ramirez  et  al. 

Ja       r       M      Ap     My     Jn       J        ASONDJaFMApMyJnJ        A      3       O      N       D 

---*---  1982-83 



Figure  2.  Sea-surface  temperature  anomalies  at  the  Puerto  Chicama  station,  Peru  (07°42'S,  79°27'W).  The  char- 
acterization of  years  follows  Aguilar  (1990):  El  Nino  events:  >2.7  (extraordinary),  1.7-2.7  (strong),  0.8-1.6  (mod- 
erate), 0.5-0.7  (weak).  A  normal  year  is  —0.6  to  0.4.  La  Nina  events:  —0.9  (cold  year),  —1.8  (very  cold  year). 

Lomas  of  Iguanil  During  1982-1983.  The 
micrometeorologic  data  were  recorded  by  CIZA 
(Arid  Zones  Research  Center,  Agrarian  Univer- 
sity, La  Molina,  Peru).  Observations  were  taken 
during  10  hours  of  1  day  a  month,  at  altitudes 
of  300  and  500  m.  We  used  the  mean  values  of 
the  day  for  air  temperature,  relative  humidity, 
and  soil  humidity.  Precipitation  values  are  from 

Torres  (1985)  (Table   1).  The  climatogram  is 
shown  in  Figure  4. 

Lomas  of  Lachay  During  1995-1998.  The 
data  were  acquired  from  SENAMHI  (Servicio 
Nacional  de  Meteorologfa  e  Hidrografia  del 
Peru).  The  data  for  both  air  temperature  and 
relative  humidity  are  mean  monthly  values;  pre- 

— • — SST  (1982-83)  — • — SST  (1995-96) 

— * —  SST  (1 997-98)  -  -  -  *-  -  -  AT  (Iguanil  1 982-83) 

-  -  o_ .  AT  (Lachay  1 995-96)      -  -  A  -  -  AT  (Lachay  1 997-98) 

Figure  3.     Comparison  of  sea-surface  temperatures  at  the  Puerto  Chicama  station  and  air  temperatures  at  two 
lamas  along  the  central  coast  of  Peru. 

Response  of  a  Land  Snail  Species  (Bostryx  conspersus) 


TABLE  1.     The  lomas  of  Iguanil:  Meteorologic  and  biologic  data  (1982-1983). 

Month,  year 

Air  temp. 


humidity  (%) 

Soil  humidity 


Ground  cover 


B.  conspersus 
(no.  snails/ 
9400  m2) 

Jan.  '82  (Ja2) 





Mar.  '82  (M2) 


May  '82  (My2) 






July  '82  (J2) 






Aug.  '82  (A2) 






Sept.  '82  (S2) 


Oct.  '82  (O2) 






Nov.  '82  (N2) 


Dec.  '82  (D2) 






Jan.  '83  (Ja3) 







Feb.  '83  (F3) 







Mar.  '83  (M3) 






Apr.  '83  (Ap3) 






May  '83  (My3) 







June  '83  (Jn3) 





July  '83  (J3) 







Sept.  '83  (S3) 





*  After  Torres  (1985). 

cipitation  is  the  cumulative  monthly  value  (Ta- 
ble 2).  The  climatogram  is  shown  in  Figure  5. 

Vegetation.  The  lomas  vegetation  consists  of 
herbaceous  species  that  are  green  mainly  during 

the  wet  season,  and  also  perennial  species 
(shrubs  and  trees)  that  adapt  to  the  seasonality 
of  the  lomas  (Dillon  and  Rundel  1989;  Ferreyra 
1993;  Ono  1986).  In  general,  changes  in  climate 
conditions  during  the  year  modify  the  landscape 







19  24 

Temperature  (°C) 


Figure  4.     Climatogram  of  the  lomas  of  Iguanil,  Peru,  1982-1983. 


R.  Ramirez  et  al. 

TABLE  2.     The  lomas  of  Lachay:  Meteorologic  and  biologic  data  (1995-1998). 

Month,  year 

Air  temp.       Relative  humidity      Precipitation 
(°C)                         (%)                         (mm) 

RGC*               B.  conspersus 
(%)            (no.  snails/400  m2) 

Jan.  '95  (Ja5) 




Feb.  '95  (F5) 




Mar.  '95  (M5) 




Apr.  '95  (Ap5) 



May  '95  (My5) 




June  '95  (Jn5) 




July  '95  (J5) 






Aug.  '95  (A5) 






Sept.  '95  (S5) 






Oct.  '95  (O5) 






Nov.  '95  (N5) 






Dec.  '95  (D5) 






Jan.  '96  (Ja6) 






Feb.  '96  (F6) 





Mar.  '96  (M6) 





Apr.  '96  (Ap6) 






May  '96  (My6) 





June  '96  (Jn6) 






July  '96  (J6) 




Aug.  '96  (A6) 



Sept.  '96  (S6) 



Oct.  '96  (O6) 



Nov.  '96  (N6) 






Dec.  '96  (D6) 






Jan.  '97  (Ja7) 




Feb.  '97  (F7) 




Mar.  '97  (M7) 






May  '97  (My7) 


July  '97  (J7) 






Aug.  '97  (A7) 






Sept.  '97  (S7) 






Oct.  '97  (O7) 






Nov.  '97  (N7) 






Dec.  '97  (D7) 






Jan.  '98  (Ja8) 






Feb.  '98  (F8) 






Mar.  '98  (M8) 






Apr.  '98  (Ap8) 






May  '98  (My8) 






June  '98  (Jn8) 






July  '98  (J8) 






Aug.  '98  (A8) 






Sept.  '98  (S8) 






*  Reiterated  ground  cover. 

from  a  brown  color  (almost  zero  ground  cover) 
during  summer  to  a  vivid  green  color  during 
winter,  when  the  annual  species  provide  a  large 
amount  of  ground  cover.  However,  during  El 
Nino  events,  the  timing  of  these  changes  is  very 
different,  as  was  observed  during  the  1982- 
1983  El  Nino  event  in  Iguanil  (Torres  1985)  and 
in  1997-1998  in  Lachay  (Arana  et  al.  1998). 
Ground  cover  data  for  Iguanil  are  from  Torres 
(1985).  We  used  the  mean  values  for  each 
month  (Table  1).  For  Lachay,  we  used  the  "re- 

iterated ground  cover"  figure  obtained  by  the 
botanical  team  from  the  Museum  of  Natural 
History  of  the  University  of  San  Marcos  (Table 

Mollusks.  Bostryx  conspersus  (Sowerby, 
1833;  Gastropoda,  Bulimulidae)  has  a  globose 
and  rather  thin  shell  of  about  15  mm  height 
(Fig.  6c).  It  has  been  recorded  in  the  lomas  of 
central  and  southern  Peru  (Departments  of 
Lima  and  Arequipa)  (Aguilar  and  Arrarte  1974; 

Response  of  a  Land  Snail  Species  (Bostryx  conspersus) 





SL     80 






Air  Temperature  (°C) 

Figure  5.     Climatogram  of  the  lomas  of  Lachay,  Peru,  1995-1998. 

Figure  6.     Some  lands  snails  from  Lachay:  a,  Succinea  peruviana;  b,  Bostryx  modestus;  c,  Bostryx  conspersus; 
d,  Scutalus  proteus;  e,  Scutalus  versicolor;  f,  Bostryx  scalariformis.  (Photograph  by  B.  Collantes.) 


R.  Ramirez  et  al. 

Weyrauch  1967).  Individuals  of  B.  conspersus 
aestivate  during  the  dry  season  buried  in  the 
ground,  mainly  next  to  perennial  plants.  They 
are  also  found  buried  adjacent  to  rocks,  or  in 
small  interstices  between  them.  During  the  wet 
season  the  snails  become  active  again  (Pulido 
and  Ramirez  1982;  Ramirez  1988). 

B.  conspersus  shares  the  lomas  with  other 
land  snail  species.  For  example,  in  Lachay  the 
following  native  species  are  also  present:  Bos- 
tryx  aguilari  Weyrauch,  1967;  B.  modestus 
(Broderip,  1832)  (Fig.  6b);  B.  scalariformis 
(Broderip,  1832)  (Fig.  6f);  Scutalus  proteus 
(Broderip,  1832)  (Fig.  6d);  Scutalus  versicolor 
(Broderip,  1832)  (Fig.  6e);  Succinea  peruviana 
Philippi,  1867  (Fig.  6a);  and  the  two  minutes 
Pupoides  paredesi  (d'Orbigny,  1835)  and  Gas- 
trocopta  pazi  (Hidalgo,  1869),  as  well  as  the 
introduced  Helix  aspersa  (Miiller,  1774). 


Lomas  of  Iguanil.  The  study  area  in  the  lo- 
mas of  Iguanil  was  the  Quebrada  El  Granado. 
The  quantitative  survey  was  carried  out  1  day 
a  month  in  a  transect  of  20  X  470  m  (=  9,400 
m2)  between  420  and  600  m  above  sea  level. 
The  transect  is  located  in  a  hilly  area  along  the 
center  of  the  ravine,  with  perennial  vegetation 
(mainly  shrubs,  e.g.,  Trixis  cacalioides, 
Ophryosporus  pubescens,  Cestrum  auriculatus, 
Dicliptera  tomentosa,  Heliotropium  spp.). 
There  is  also  annual  herbaceous  vegetation 
(e.g.,  Nicotiana  paniculata,  Chenopodium  pe- 
tiolare,  Oxalis  sp.,  Sicyos  baderoa).  The  survey 
was  carried  out  from  May  1982  to  July  1983 
(except  June  1983).  The  search  for  unburied 
snails  was  conducted  by  direct  observation.  R. 
Ramirez  carried  out  this  part  of  the  work  as  a 
member  of  a  team  of  the  CIZA/UNA-La  Mo- 
lina (Lima,  Peru),  which  conducted  botanical, 
faunal,  and  anthropological  research  in  several 
lomas  of  the  central  coast  of  Peru  during  the 
1970s  and  1980s. 

Lomas  of  Lachay.  The  Museum  of  Natural 
History  of  the  University  of  San  Marcos,  Lima, 
Peru,  has  been  engaged  in  monitoring  vegeta- 
tion and  mollusks  to  track  El  Nino  events  in  the 
lomas  ecosystems  as  part  of  the  RIB  EN  study 
(Red  de  Impacto  Biologico  de  los  Eventos  El 
Nino,  CONCYTEC)  from  May  1995  to  the 

For  a  quantitative  survey,  we  selected  an  area 
dominated  by  shrubs  (e.g.,  Ophryosporus  pe- 
ruvianus,  Senecio  spp.,  Trixis  cacalioides,  Cro- 
ton  spp.),  including  annual  herbaceous  vegeta- 
tion (e.g.,  Loasa  urens,  Nicotiana  paniculata, 
Urocarpidium  peruvianum,  Nolana  humifusa). 
Monitoring  of  the  land  snails  at  the  two  lomas 
was  carried  out  as  independent  projects.  Al- 
though we  tried  to  maintain  the  same  area  in 
Lachay  for  quantitative  sampling  as  in  Iguanil, 
it  did  not  work  as  well  because  of  the  greater 
abundance  of  B.  conspersus.  We  delimited  four 
plots  of  10  X  10  m  (=  400  m2),  50  m  apart, 
along  a  transect  between  470  and  550  m  in  al- 
titude. We  counted  the  unburied  snails  observed 
in  1  day  per  month,  except  during  1998,  when 
we  needed  an  extra  day  because  of  the  high 
number  of  individuals  and  the  exuberant  her- 
baceous vegetation.  The  data  we  present  here 
are  from  July  1995  to  September  1998.  No  sur- 
vey was  conducted  in  July  1996  or  in  January, 
February,  April,  or  June  of  1997. 

Principal  Component  Analysis 

We  used  principal  component  analysis  (PCA)  to 
ascertain  whether  changes  in  monthly  density 
of  B.  conspersus  along  with  changes  in  air  tem- 
perature, relative  humidity,  or  ground  cover 
could  help  discriminate  El  Nino  months  from 
non-El  Nino  months.  We  did  not  use  the  pre- 
cipitation data,  which  were  incomplete.  Micro- 
soft Excel  was  used  for  data  management  and 
the  analyses  were  performed  using  SPSS  (Sta- 
tistical Package  for  the  Social  Sciences,  V05) 


Iguanil  (1982-1983) 

The  monthly  variation  in  number  of  unburied 
individuals  of  Bostryx  conspersus  in  the  lomas 
of  Iguanil  did  not  show  the  same  trend  from 
one  year  to  the  next.  In  1982  the  snails  were 
active  during  part  of  the  winter  and  spring, 
whereas  in  1983  the  activity  period  started  ear- 
lier, at  the  end  of  the  summer.  The  highest  num- 
ber of  snails  recorded  in  1983  was  recorded  ear- 
lier, in  July,  and  was  almost  threefold  (118  in- 
dividuals in  9,400  m2)  the  number  recorded  in 

Response  of  a  Land  Snail  Species  (Bostryx  conspersus) 


1982  (October,  43  individuals)  (Table  1,  Fig. 

In  relation  to  the  differences  among  survey 
months,  PCA  of  data  on  snails,  ground  cover, 
air  temperature,  and  relative  humidity  generated 
four  components  to  explain  the  total  variance. 
The  PCI  analysis  explained  62.157%  of  the 
variance,  with  variation  in  number  of  snails 
having  the  greatest  influence,  followed  by  var- 
iation in  the  relative  humidity.  In  the  PC2  anal- 
ysis (28.492%)  ground  cover  was  the  principal 
factor,  followed  rather  distantly  by  air  temper- 
ature (Table  3).  In  the  scatter  diagram  of  PCI 
X  PC2,  three  groups  of  months  are  formed, 
with  the  months  of  the  1982-1983  El  Nino  ep- 
isode in  two  of  them  (December  1982-March 
1983,  and  May-July  1983)  (Fig.  8). 

Lachay  (1995-1998) 

During  the  almost  4  years  of  survey  of  B.  con- 
spersus in  the  lomas  of  Lachay,  the  higher  num- 
ber of  active  snails  (unburied)  per  observation 
period  decreased  from  1995  through  1997,  but 
in  1998  exceeded  the  highest  counts  of  previous 
years.  The  lowest  numbers  of  snails  occurred 
during  the  summer  of  1996  and  the  summer  of 
1997,  corresponding  to  the  aestivation  period 
(Table  2,  Fig.  7b). 

In  relation  to  the  differences  among  the  sur- 
vey months,  PCA  generated  four  components 
to  explain  the  total  variance,  of  which  the  first 
two  accounted  for  71.412%  of  the  variance.  In 
PCI  (52.046%),  variation  in  relative  humidity 
had  the  greatest  influence,  followed  by  variation 
in  air  temperature,  while  in  PC2  (19.366%),  the 
number  of  snails  and  the  ground  cover  were  the 
variables  with  greatest  influence  (Table  4).  In 
the  scatter  diagram  of  the  first  two  components, 
five  groups  of  months  were  formed.  Those  of 
the  1997-1998  El  Nino  segregated  into  two 
groups  (March-July-August  1997,  and  Septem- 
ber-December 1997-January-April  1998);  the 
following  months  (post-El  Nino)  also  formed  a 
separate  group  (June-September  1998).  The 
two  other  groups  were  formed  by  (1)  August- 
November  1995  and  (2)  December  1995-Jan- 
uary-May  1996  and  November-December 
1996  (Fig.  9). 


Bostryx  conspersus  has  seasonal  behavior, 
showing  a  clear  response  to  the  seasonal  cli- 
mate of  the  lomas  ecosystem  (Pulido  and  Ra- 
mirez 1982;  Ramirez  1988).  The  intensity  of 
change  in  the  climatic  regimen  can  be  detected 
from  the  variation  in  monthly  number  of  un- 
buried snails,  as  described  here.  El  Nino  events 
change  the  seasonality  of  the  lomas,  mainly  be- 
cause of  summer  rains  (Oka  and  Ogawa  1984; 
Pinche  1994). 

Climatologically,  no  one  year  was  similar  to 
any  other  during  the  study  (Figs.  4  and  5),  nor 
were  the  monthly  density  variations  in  active 
land  snails  similar  (Fig.  7).  Analysis  of  the  sea- 
surface  temperature  anomalies  at  Puerto  Chi- 
cama  during  the  periods  of  our  studies  (1982- 
1983,  1995-1998)  (Fig.  2;  Quispe  1993)  shows 
that  in  this  respect  too,  there  were  not  two  equal 
years  (Rasmusson  and  Arkin  1985).  This  dem- 
onstrates the  direct  influence  of  the  ocean  on 
the  climate  of  the  lomas  as  well  as  other  con- 
tinental areas  (Obregon  et  al.  1985).  Likewise, 
we  cannot  say  that  during  the  period  of  survey 
in  the  lomas  of  Lachay  there  was  a  "normal" 
year  for  the  lomas.  On  the  contrary,  we  had  the 
El  Nino  years  (1997-1998),  an  unusually  cold 
year  (La  Nina,  1996),  and  a  mixed  warm  and 
mildly  cold  year  (1995). 

Using  the  data  of  B.  conspersus  along  with 
those  of  air  temperature,  relative  humidity,  and 
ground  cover,  then  performing  a  principal  com- 
ponent analysis,  we  arrived  at  assemblages  of  El 
Nino  months  that  were  arranged  in  a  different 
way  from  those  of  non-El  Nino  ones.  At  the 
same  time,  months  during  El  Nino  events  were 
segregated  into  two  groups;  we  call  them  the  first 
phase  and  the  second  phase  of  El  Nino  (Figs.  8 
and  9).  Checking  the  anomalies  of  sea-surface 
temperature,  it  is  also  possible  to  see  that  the  two 
El  Nino  events  were  indeed  different. 

The  1982-1983  and  1997-1998  El  Nino  ep- 
isodes are  considered  to  be  extraordinary  be- 
cause the  sea-surface  temperature  anomalies 
differed  by  more  than  2.7  SD  (Fig.  2)  (Aguilar 
1990;  Quinn  1993).  At  the  same  time,  the  El 
Nino  events  differed  in  starting  point  and  in  du- 
ration. For  example,  in  the  1982-1983  El  Nino 
event,  warm  water  reached  the  central  coast  of 
Peru  late  in  1982 — November  in  Callao  (Go- 
mez 1985) — and  did  not  affect  the  wet  season 
of  the  year  very  much.  B.  conspersus  showed  a 
typical  seasonal  behavior  during  that  year.  The 


R.  Ramirez  et  al. 

120  -I 






™        1000 


1         100 



O  Lachay  95-96 

Lachay  97-98 

Figure  7.     Monthly  density  of  unburied  individuals  of  Bostryx  conspersus  in  two  lomas  on  the  central  coast  of 
Peru:  a,  Iguanil;  b,  Lachay. 

second  instance  of  warming  of  the  sea-surface 
water  occurred  during  the  fall  of  1983 — April- 
July  (Zuta  et  al.  1985) — which  brought  more 
precipitation  to  the  lomas,  marking  an  early  be- 
ginning of  the  wet  season  in  1983  (Fig.  10).  The 
usual  brown  landscape  of  the  summer  was  re- 
placed by  a  nice  carpet  of  herbaceous  vegeta- 
tion (Torres  1985).  The  population  of  B.  con- 
spersus from  the  lomas  of  Iguanil  also  respond- 

ed to  the  quasi-lomas  season,  the  difference  be- 
ing that  the  air  temperatures  were  higher  than 
during  the  winter  wet  season  (Fig.  4).  The  bi- 
ological impact  on  the  snails  was  positive;  the 
snails  awoke  earlier  from  the  aestivation  period, 
and  the  recruitment  was  successful  (Ramirez 
1984).  The  population  reached  the  levels  of  the 
previous  wet  season  very  early  (Fig.  7).  A  pos- 
sible reason  for  this  could  be  the  survival  of 

TABLE  3.     Results  of  PCA  for  the  lomas  of  Iguanil  (1982-1983). 

Initial  Eigenvalues 


% of 






tive  % 










Air  temperature 









Relative  humidity 









Ground  cover 









Bostryx  conspersus 





Response  of  a  Land  Snail  Species  (Bostryx  conspersus) 



-1  0 

PCI  (62.157%) 

Figure  8.     Plots  of  the  first  two  principal  components  for  the  months  May  1982  to  July  1983  for  the  lomas  of 

more  eggs  and  snails  (especially  just  hatched 
and  juveniles)  than  usual  (Ramirez  1984)  be- 
cause of  the  high  humidity  (the  main  cause  of 
death  is  desiccation  [Pollard  1975])  and  more 
available  shelter  (Lomincki  in  Pollard  1975)  be- 
cause of  the  high  amount  of  annual  vegetation. 
The  two  instances  of  sea-surface  warming 
during  the  1997-1998  El  Nino  event  occurred 
earlier  than  those  of  the  1982-1983  El  Nino 
event.  The  first  arrival  of  the  warm  water  was 
early  during  the  fall  of  1997  (Fig.  2).  The  whole 
year  was  abnormally  warm  in  the  lomas,  and 
during  the  winter  the  high  relative  humidity  val- 
ues characteristic  of  the  "lomas  season"  were 
never  reached;  the  contrary  happened  during 
the  late  spring,  which  had  high  relative  humid- 
ity values,  as  shown  in  the  climatogram  for  La- 

chay  (Fig.  5).  The  characteristic  herbaceous 
vegetation  of  the  wet  season  was  negatively  af- 
fected. For  example,  Isemene  amancaes  had 
both  a  late  beginning  and  a  short  development 
period  during  1997  (Agiiero  and  Suni  1999). 
The  population  of  B.  conspersus  was  also  neg- 
atively impacted.  Most  of  the  snails  stayed  bur- 
ied, and  those  that  "woke  up"  were  more  ex- 
posed to  desiccation.  As  a  consequence,  the  re- 
cruitment was  very  poor  (Fig.  1 1 ).  The  second 
occurrence  of  warming  of  the  1997-1998  El 
Nino  event  was  at  the  beginning  of  the  summer 
of  1998  (Fig.  2)  and  brought  an  unusual  amount 
of  water  to  the  lomas  (Fig.  12),  extending  the 
late  wet  season  of  1997  into  the  summer  of 
1998.  Here  the  impact  of  the  El  Nino  event  was 
positive  for  B.  conspersus,  which  showed  a 

TABLE  4.     Results  of  PCA  for  the  lomas  of  Lachay  (1995-1998). 

Initial  Eigenvalues 


% of 






tive  % 










Air  temperature 









Relative  humidity 









Ground  cover 









Bostryx  conspersus 






R.  Ramirez  et  al. 



0  1 

PCI  (52.046%) 

Figure  9.     Plots  of  the  first  two  principal  components  for  the  months  July  1995  to  September  1998  for  the  lomas 
of  Lachay. 

population  explosion.  The  recruitment  was  very 
successful;  and  that,  along  with  the  high  hu- 
midity and  exuberant  herbaceous  vegetation 
(Arana  et  al.  1998,  1999),  led  to  a  high  survival 
rate  among  the  snails. 

The  cold  year  of  1996  (La  Nina)  had  a  rel- 
atively negative  impact  on  B.  conspersus  com- 
pared with  the  maximum  number  of  snails 
counted  in  the  1995  "wet  season."  The  weather 
was  colder  and  drier  than  during  the  other  years 

(Figs.  5  and  12).  The  mortality  rate  of  individ- 
uals of  all  size  classes  was  high,  and  the  re- 
cruitment was  poor  (Fig.  1 1 ;  Ramirez  et  al. 
1999).  Affected  in  this  way,  the  population  ex- 
perienced an  El  Nino  the  following  year  (1997), 
with  a  hot  winter  and  without  the  characteristic 
high  humidities  (Fig.  5),  depleting  the  popula- 
tion even  more.  Finally,  the  arrival  of  the  sec- 
ond phase  of  the  1997-1998  El  Nino  event  in- 
jected some  life  into  B.  conspersus.  The  range 

10  -, 

!   ?: 

8     ^ 
7     £ 



c          6 

•j=              5 

a         4 





5     E 
4     I 

0              ,, 

o           3^ 
Q-          2 




,            ^ 

3     o 
2     W 

1  - 







*^         v\             J           ^"1          ^r*        fiiL-J         *^         w\             J           ^5 
XT        V*^                                        ^        oP                        ^J» 



-o—  SOIL  HUMIDrTY  (%) 

Figure  10.     Precipitation  and  soil  humidity  in  the  lomas  of  Iguanil,  1982-1983  (measured  1  day  per  month). 

Response  of  a  Land  Snail  Species  (Bostryx  conspersus) 






•     10.1 -15mm      -A-5-10mm 


Figure  11.     Structure  of  the  population  of  Bostryx  conspersus  by  size  classes  from  August  1995  to  September 
1998  in  the  lomas  of  Lachay.  The  El  Nino  event  occurred  from  May  1997  to  April  1998.  (After  Ramirez  et  al.  1999.) 

of  the  population  expanded  as  far  as  the  her- 
baceous vegetation  did.  The  post-El  Nino 
months  following  the  1997-1998  event  coincid- 
ed with  the  1998  wet  season,  which  resulted  in 
an  even  higher  density  of  active  B.  conspersus. 
This  was  probably  also  the  case  for  1995  (end 

of  a  weaker  but  much  longer-lasting  El  Nino 
than  the  two  episodes  analyzed  here).  Precipi- 
tation and  ground  cover  were  greater  than  in 
1996  (Table  2,  Fig.  12),  and  B.  conspersus 
reached  higher  densities  than  in  1996  and  1997 
(Figs.  7b  and  9). 




.      40 




.  .  .1, 







•  *  *  >  • 

b     << 

>    *    ^   ^     >     *     * 

•  Lachay  (1995-96) 

D  Lachay  (1997-98) 

Figure  12.     Precipitation  in  the  lomas  of  Lachay,  1995-1998  (cumulative  monthly  values). 


R.  Ramirez  et  al. 

Thus,  although  the  two  El  Nino  episodes  dif- 
fered from  each  other,  they  were  similar  in  that 
their  second  phase  had  a  positive  impact  on  the 
biota.  The  increase  in  humidity  led  to  an  in- 
crease in  herbaceous  vegetation,  and  both  of 
these  factors  contributed  to  an  increase  in  the 
population  of  B.  conspersus.  At  the  same  time, 
predation  on  this  population,  mainly  by  rodents 
and  birds,  also  increased  (Ramirez  et  al.  1999). 

Acknowledgments.  The  work  carried  out  on 
the  lomas  of  Iguanil  was  possible  thanks  to  the 
Arid  Zones  Research  Center  of  the  Agrarian 
University  (CIZA-UNA,  La  Molina,  Peru).  Di- 
ana Silva  y  Juan  Torres  facilitated  the  work  at 
Iguanil.  The  monitoring  of  land  mollusks  on  the 
lomas  of  Lachay  was  made  possible  with  the 
aid  of  the  American  States  Organization 
(through  RIBEN-CONCYTEC),  the  University 
of  San  Marcos  (FEDU-UNMSM),  and  the  Na- 
tional Council  of  Science  and  Technology 
(CONCYTEC).  We  are  grateful  to  the  Institute 
Nacional  de  Recursos  Naturales  for  permits  to 
perform  research  in  the  National  Reserve  of  La- 
chay. Jose  Arenas,  Sergio  Cano,  Doris  Florin- 
dez,  Marisa  Ocrospoma,  and  Maria  Samame 
participated  enthusiastically  in  the  fieldwork, 
and  Asuncion  Cano  and  Cesar  Arana  provided 
the  data  on  ground  cover.  Finally,  we  thank  Ser- 
gio Solari  and  Sonia  Valle,  who  helped  prepare 
the  illustrations. 

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Debris-Flow  Deposits  and  El  Nino  Impacts 
Along  the  Hyperarid  Southern  Peru  Coast 

Luc  Ortlieb  and  Gabriel  Vargas 

The  coastal  regions  of  Ecuador,  Peru,  and  Chile, 
which  today  experience  the  strongest  meteoro- 
logic  and  oceanographic  impacts  of  El  Nino, 
are  also  the  areas  where  paleoclimatologic  re- 
search is  likely  to  yield  relevant  information 
about  former  El  Nino  processes.  The  extreme 
aridity  that  characterizes  the  coast  of  southern 
Peru  and  northern  Chile  is  favorable  for  the  rec- 
ord of  episodic  rainfall  events  that  induce  floods 
and  debris  flows  and  the  subsequent  preserva- 
tion of  these  deposits.  This  chapter  compiles 
available  instrumental,  documentary,  and  geo- 
logic data  on  such  deposits  formed  along  the 
coast  at  17°-18°S  latitude  and  discusses  the  re- 
lationships that  can  be  inferred  between  dated 
debris-flow  deposits  and  the  occurrence  of  El 
Nino  events.  The  approach  thus  involves  an 
analysis  of  temporal  correlations  between  El 
Nino  events,  debris-flow  episodes,  and  instru- 
mental measurements  of  rainfall  data  during  the 
last  several  decades.  This  analysis  shows  a 
weak  statistical  correlation  between  monthly  or 
yearly  rainfall  amount  and  the  warm  phase  of 
El  Nino-Southern  Oscillation  (ENSO),  but  also 
that  strong  rainfall,  sufficient  to  provoke  debris 
flows,  generally  occurs  during  El  Nino  years. 
Documentary  data  from  the  last  few  centuries 
also  tend  to  indicate  that  heavy  rainfall  episodes 
along  the  coast  of  southern  Peru  have  common- 
ly occurred  during  El  Nino  years,  even  though 
many  El  Nino  years  did  not  experience  rains. 
We  conclude  that,  for  at  least  the  last  few  cen- 
turies, El  Nino  conditions  have  been  favorable 
for  the  formation  of  exceptionally  short-lived 
but  intense  rainfalls,  but  that  these  conditions 
are  not  sufficient  per  se.  Several  regional  and 
local  meteorologic  mechanisms  and  situations 

are  apparently  involved  in  the  episodic  occur- 
rence of  strong  rainfalls  and  debris-flow  activity 
along  the  coast  of  southern  Peru. 

Debris-flow  activity  during  the  early  Holo- 
cene  and  at  the  end  of  the  Pleistocene,  when 
regional  hydrologic  conditions  were  different 
than  at  present,  is  more  difficult  to  interpret  in 
relation  to  ENSO.  Unlike  previous  authors,  we 
consider  that  debris-flow  deposits  formed  prior 
to  the  mid-Holocene  do  not  constitute  strong 
enough  evidence  for  past  El  Nino  conditions. 
Similarly,  we  presume  that  lack  of  debris-flow 
evidence  during  a  given  time  period  cannot  be 
taken  as  an  indication  that  no  El  Nino  events 
occurred  during  that  period.  Until  we  have  a 
better  understanding  of  the  meteorologic  pro- 
cesses driving  exceptional  intense  rainfalls  in 
the  area  and  of  the  paleohydrologic  regime,  it 
would  be  misleading  to  infer  the  existence  of 
El  Nino,  or  La  Nina,  conditions  from  the  exis- 
tence of  debris-flow  deposits  in  this  particular 

The  Relevance  of  Paleo-ENSO 

El  Nino— Southern  Oscillation,  or  ENSO,  is  the 
main  source  of  global  ocean  climate  variability 
on  an  interannual  time  scale.  Understanding  the 
variability  of  ENSO  through  geologic  time  is 
necessary  to  determine  the  boundary  conditions 
that  drive  the  phenomenon,  to  examine  the  in- 
terrelationships between  this  mode  of  ocean  cli- 
mate variability  and  other,  longer-term  sources 
of  climate  change,  and  to  constrain  coupled 
oceanic-atmospheric  models.  There  is  also 


Debris-Flow  Deposits  and  El  Nino  Impacts 


strong  societal  interest  in  improved  forecasting 
of  El  Nino  events  and  in  estimating  the  intensity 
and  frequency  of  future  ENSO  events  under 
conditions  of  global  warming.  Moreover,  stud- 
ies of  the  evolution  of  the  dynamics  of  the 
ENSO  trough  time  are  necessary  to  better  un- 
derstand the  influence  of  the  ocean  climate  sys- 
tem on  the  development  of  different  cultures 
around  the  world. 

Because  instrumental  records  have  been 
maintained  for  only  a  short  time,  whereas  cli- 
mate modelers  require  longer-term  records, 
there  is  a  growing  need  for  paleo-ENSO  proxy 
records  such  as  coral  reef  sequences,  ice  cores, 
dendroclimatic  analyses,  lacustrine  and  alluvial 
sedimentary  sequences,  beach  ridge  series,  and, 
for  the  last  few  centuries,  documentary  data. 
These  different  proxy  records  generally  aim  to 
reconstruct  the  frequency  and  intensity  of  for- 
mer El  Nino  events — the  warm  phase  of  ENSO. 
Up  to  now,  however,  none  of  these  records  by 
itself  has  yielded  a  complete  series  of  El  Nino 
occurrences.  For  instance,  Quinn  and  collabo- 
rators (Quinn  et  al.  1987;  Quinn  and  Neal  1992; 
Quinn  1993)  provided  historical  El  Nino  se- 
quences based  on  documentary  data  that  have 
been  widely  used  by  ENSO  researchers.  But 
other  researchers  (Hocquenghem  and  Ortlieb 
1992;  Whetton  and  Rutherfurd  1994;  Whetton 
et  al.  1996;  Ortlieb  1998,  1999,  2000;  Ortlieb 
et  al.  2002)  have  questioned  the  accuracy  of 
many  so-called  reconstructed  El  Nino  events 
between  the  sixteenth  and  the  eighteenth  cen- 
turies. This  is  not  surprising,  because  some  of 
the  documentary  data  come  from  areas  as  far 
away  as  the  Nile  delta,  China,  and  South  Amer- 
ica, where  ENSO  teleconnections  are  moderat- 
ed by  other  atmospheric  and  oceanic  processes. 
As  a  result,  no  consensus  has  been  reached  on 
a  historical  El  Nino  (or  ENSO)  chronological 
sequence  prior  to  the  instrumental  record.  At 
longer  time  scales  the  problem  is  still  more 
acute,  if  for  different  reasons:  the  scarcity  of 
high-resolution  sequences,  geochronological 
uncertainties,  alteration  or  partial  erosion  of  the 
records,  and  so  on.  In  all  cases,  for  very  recent 
(documentary)  or  older  (geologic)  records,  one 
particular  problem  must  be  addressed:  Which 
regions  record  the  former  occurrences  of  the 
phenomenon  with  highest  reliability?  How  can 
we  be  sure  that  a  geographic  area  that  today 
satisfactorily  registers  ENSO  anomalies  also 
did  so  in  the  past,  under  different  regional  and 
global  circulation  patterns? 

El  Nino  Manifestations  in  Peru  and  Chile 

The  El  Nino  phenomenon  was  first  identified  in 
northern  Peru,  near  the  border  with  Ecuador 
(Carranza  1891),  as  the  combination  of  an 
anomalous  seasonal  (summer)  warming  of  the 
coastal  waters  and  heavy  rainfall  in  the  desert 
of  Sechura  (4°-6°S).  Later,  it  was  observed 
along  the  coast  of  southern  Ecuador  to  central 
Chile  that  the  phenomenon  is  also  characterized 
by  a  lowering  of  the  thermocline  and  the  nu- 
tricline  and  by  a  rise  in  sea  level  that  may  reach 
several  decimeters  within  several  weeks.  The 
coast  of  northern  Peru  is  where  the  El  Nino 
phenomenon  provokes  the  highest  sea  level  rise 
(more  than  half  a  meter  in  1982-1983),  greatest 
seawater  warming  (up  to  10°C  at  Paita,  in 
1982-1983),  and  greatest  rainfall  anomalies  (lo- 
cally up  to  4,000  mm,  compared  to  100  mm 
mean).  It  is  thus  natural  that  this  region  is  fa- 
vored in  the  search  for  paleo-El  Nino  evidence 
(Quinn  et  al.  1987;  DeVries  1987;  Ortlieb  and 
Machare  1993;  Machare  and  Ortlieb  1993). 

Another  favorable  area  that  faithfully  regis- 
ters the  occurrence  and  intensity  of  ENSO  man- 
ifestations is  central  Chile  (Quinn  and  Neal 
1983).  Rutllant  and  Fuenzalida  (1991)  showed 
that  at  least  since  the  end  of  the  nineteenth  cen- 
tury, the  warm  phase  of  ENSO  is  characterized 
by  an  excess  of  winter  precipitation  and  the 
cold  phase  is  generally  marked  by  a  deficit  of 
rainfall.  Over  the  last  120  years,  for  which  there 
are  reliable  instrumental  rainfall  data,  there  is  a 
good  correlation  between  El  Nino  in  northern 
Peru  (during  the  austral  summer)  and  central 
Chile  (during  the  preceding  austral  winter)  (Ort- 
lieb 1998,  1999,  2000;  Ortlieb  et  al.  2002).  This 
coincidence  reflects  a  teleconnection  mecha- 
nism involving  large-scale  atmospheric  pro- 
cesses in  the  eastern  Pacific  region  (Caviedes 
1981;  Hastenrath  1985;  Hamilton  and  Garcia 
1986;  Deser  and  Wallace  1987;  Aceituno  1988, 
1990;  Philander  1991;  Allan  et  al.  1996).  It  is 
because  of  this  teleconnection  that  Quinn  et  al. 
(1987)  and  Quinn  and  Neal  (1992)  relied  on 
documentary  data  on  historical  climatic  anom- 
alies from  either  central  Chile  or  northern  Peru 
to  reconstruct  past  occurrences  of  El  Nino 
events.  However,  Ortlieb  and  co-authors  (Ort- 
lieb 2000;  Ortlieb  et  al.  2002)  noted  that  before 
1817,  very  few  heavy  rainfall  events  recon- 
structed from  documentary  evidence  from 
northern  Peru  and  central  Chile  did  coincide  in 
time.  Ortlieb  (1997,  1998,  2000)  thus  suggested 


L.  Ortlieb  and  G.  Vargas 

that  the  teleconnection  mechanisms  had  possi- 
bly been  affected  by  other  modes  of  climatic 
variability,  such  as  those  related  to  the  Little  Ice 
Age.  This  hypothesis  remains  to  be  further  test- 
ed, for  example,  by  comparing  with  data  from 
tropical  ice  core  and  coral  reef  sequences. 
Meanwhile,  it  is  plausible  that  the  regional  te- 
leconnections  observed  today  may  not  have 
been  operating  in  past  centuries  and  millennia. 

When  Did  the  El  Nino  Phenomenon  Appear 
in  Peru? 

In  the  last  few  decades,  there  has  been  some 
discussion  regarding  the  onset  of  the  El  Nino 
system  of  climate  variability  in  Peru.  Sandweiss 
and  co-authors  (Sandweiss  1986;  Rollins  et  al. 
1986;  Sandweiss  et  al.  1983,  1996,  1999)  pro- 
posed that  no  ENSO  manifestation  was  recorded 
in  Peru  before  the  mid-Holocene  and  supported 
the  hypothesis  that  the  onset  of  the  El  Nino  oc- 
curred at  about  5000  B.P.  This  interpretation  re- 
lied heavily  on  observations  that  some  warm- 
water  mollusks  occurred  in  different  localities 
prior  to  5000  B.P.  (noncalibrated  age)  along  the 
coast  of  north-central  Peru.  The  mentioned  au- 
thors suggested  that  a  large  reorganization  of  the 
ocean-atmosphere  circulation  system  in  the  east- 
ern Pacific  took  place  during  the  mid-Holocene. 
They  claimed  that  prior  to  5000  B.P.,  the  coastal 
waters  of  that  area  were  significantly  warmer 
than  today,  and  that  after  the  mid-Holocene,  the 
boundary  between  the  cold  Humboldt  (Peru) 
Current  and  the  warm  equatorial  waters  would 
have  moved  northward  by  about  500  km,  to 
reach  its  present  position  (at  about  5°S). 

Other  researchers  (DeVries  and  Wells  1990; 
Diaz  and  Ortlieb  1993;  Perrier  et  al.  1994;  Bearez 
et  al.  2003)  have  not  shared  the  interpretation  that 
coastal  waters  were  warmer  in  the  past  in  north- 
central  Peru  and  instead  have  argued  that  the 
warm-water  molluscan  species  were  all  lagoonal 
forms  that  lived  in  protected,  marginal  lagoons 
that  provided  a  higher  temperature  than  the  open 
ocean.  Other  biological  proxy  data  also  failed  to 
support  the  theory  of  a  major  shift  of  the  bound- 
ary between  the  cool  Humboldt  domain  and  the 
warm  equatorial  waters.  Perrier  et  al.  (1994) 
showed  through  stable  isotope  serial  analyses  that 
Trachycardium  shells  from  north-central  Peru  dat- 
ed to  5500  B.P.,  5800  B.P.,  and  6100  B.P.  contained 
growth  irregularities  similar  to  those  observed  to- 
day in  response  to  El  Nino  events,  registering 

short-term  thermal  anomalies  of  the  water  that 
amounted  to  several  degrees  C  (like  those  record- 
ed after  the  very  strong  1982-1983  El  Nino 
event).  Furthermore,  DeVries  et  al.  (1997)  argued 
that  it  was  precisely  because  the  El  Nino  system 
already  existed  before  5000  B.P.  that  the  lagoons 
which  formed  during  mid-Holocene  maximum 
sea  level,  near  7000  B.P.  (Wells  1988),  could  be 
fed  episodically  with  larvae  of  warm-water  spe- 
cies that  normally  live  in  the  Panamic  molluscan 
Province  (i.e.,  north  of  6°S).  Similar  conditions  of 
lagoonal  environments  that  previously  enabled  the 
survival  of  extralimital  warm-water  species  have 
also  been  found  in  deposits  of  prior  interglacial 
stages  in  southern  Peru  and  northern  Chile  (Ort- 
lieb et  al.  1990,  1996;  Diaz  and  Ortlieb  1993; 
Guzman  et  al.  2001). 

Recently,  additional  terrestrial  proxy  data  have 
tended  to  indicate  that  El  Nino  extended  back  to 
the  end  of  the  Pleistocene,  although  with  differ- 
ent characteristics.  Rodbell  et  al.  (1999)  reported 
data  from  a  high-elevation  Andean  lake  in  south- 
ern Ecuador,  whereas  Keefer  et  al.  (1998)  pre- 
sented data  from  alluvial  and  debris-flow  depos- 
its in  southern  Peru  (Fig.  1).  Both  studies  suggest 
that  ENSO  mechanisms  were  not  restricted  to  the 
second  half  of  the  Holocene.  However,  both 
studies  relied  on  an  interpretation  of  alluvial  pro- 
cesses in  two  quite  different  depositional  envi- 
ronments, and  both  assumed  that  present-day  hy- 
drologic  phenomena  linked  to  ENSO  were  also 
operative  at  the  end  of  the  Pleistocene  and  in  the 
early  Holocene. 

Here  we  evaluate  interpretations  of  climatic 
significance  of  alluvial  deposits  formed  in  the 
southernmost  part  of  the  Peruvian  coastal  des- 
ert. To  what  extent  can  we  assume,  as  Keefer 
et  al.  (1998)  did,  that  remnants  of  debris  flows 
and  floods  in  the  coastal  region  of  southern 
Peru  were  related  to  El  Nino  conditions  in  the 
latest  Pleistocene  and  early  Holocene  times? 
The  relationships  between  paleo-ENSO  impacts 
and  alluvial  and  debris-flow  deposits  in  the  area 
will  be  analyzed  at  different  time  scales  with 
different  kinds  of  data:  ( 1 )  for  the  last  half-cen- 
tury, using  instrumental  measurements;  (2)  for 
the  last  few  centuries,  based  on  documentary 
sources;  and  (3)  for  the  last  12,000  years,  using 
radiocarbon-dated  geologic  deposits.  Recently 
acquired  data  from  southern  Peru  are  presented 
and  discussed  with  respect  to  other  published 
El  Nino  proxy  data  (Keefer  et  al  1998;  Fontug- 
ne  et  al.  1999). 

Debris-Flow  Deposits  and  El  Nino  Impacts 



<  13mm 


»  t 

Rainfall  (mm) 

V     ^ 

JH  :  n  tu 




H  1020-2030 


^|  760-1020 

1  510-760 



1  0-250 

<  13  mm  / 

\        \ 

_]    iJ 

Pacific  Ocean 


Quebrada  Tacahuay 
•j- 1 8°S         Punta  El  Ahogado 
72°W  Quebrada  Los  Burros 

Quebrada  El  Cation 

Rio  San  Jose 


Figure  1.     A.  Location  of  sites  studied  in  southern  Peru  and  northern  Chile,  with  indication  of  mean  interannual 
rainfall  (modified  from  Kendrew  1961).  B.  Details  of  the  coast  of  southernmost  Peru,  with  localities  studied. 

El  Nino  Impact  on  Rainfall  and 
Debris-Flow  Events  in  Southern 
Peru  During  the  Second  Half  of  the 
Twentieth  Century 

El  Nino  and  Rainfall  Anomalies  in  Peru 

After  the  very  strong  1982-1983  El  Nino  event, 
which  was  characterized  by  a  severe  drought  in 
the  southern  half  of  Peru  and  on  the  Bolivian 
Altiplano,  many  authors  (e.g.,  Huaman  Solis 
and  Garcia  Pena  1985;  Francou  and  Pizarro 
1985;  Garcia  Pena  and  Fernandez  1985;  Rope- 

lewski  and  Halpert  1987;  Thompson  et  al. 
1984)  considered  that  the  precipitation  deficits 
in  this  area  were  typical  of  El  Nino  conditions. 
At  present  it  is  considered  that  the  relative 
drought  that  was  observed  during  El  Nino  years 
may  be  more  specific  to  the  Andean  part  of 
southern  Peru,  and  not  precisely  specific  to  the 
coastal  region  of  southern  Peru  (Rome-Gaspal- 
dy  and  Ronchail  1998).  Recent  analyses  of  in- 
strumental rainfall  data  from  the  second  half  of 
the  twentieth  century  confirm  that  the  positive 
rainfall  anomalies  over  the  coastal  regions  of 
Ecuador  and  northern  Peru  exhibit  the  only  sta- 


L.  Ortlieb  and  G.  Vargas 

tistically  significant  correlation  with  El  Nino 
events  within  the  region  encompassing  Ecuador, 
Peru,  and  Bolivia  (Aceituno  1988;  Rossel  1997; 
Rome-Gaspaldy  and  Ronchail  1998;  Rossel  et 
al.  1998).  Analysis  of  monthly  rainfall  data  be- 
tween 1960  and  1990  indicates  that  only  the 
coastal  area  of  northern  Peru  (Piura  region) 
shows  a  positive  correlation  between  rainfall 
and  the  warm  phase  of  ENSO,  and  intensified 
drought  during  the  cold  phase  of  ENSO  (La 
Nina)  (Rome-Gaspaldy  and  Ronchail  1998). 
More  specifically,  no  clear  correlation  between 
rainfall  anomalies  and  ENSO  (either  the  El 
Nino  or  the  La  Nina  phase)  has  been  observed 
for  the  southern  Peru  region  (Minaya  1994; 
Rome-Gaspaldy  and  Ronchail  1998).  The  very 
strong  1982-1983  El  Nino  event  was  charac- 
terized by  intensified  drought  in  Arequipa  and 
a  strong  deficit  of  the  Majes  River  flow  (17,058 
km2  watershed,  450  km  long,  spring  at  4886  m 
on  the  western  flank  of  the  Andean  Cordillera), 
but  other  strong  El  Nino  events,  such  as  the 
1972-1973  event,  were  marked  by  exceptional 
rainfall  at  Arequipa  and  maximum  flows  of  the 
Majes  River  (Minaya  1993,  1994)  (Fig.  2). 
These  inconsistencies  are  linked  to  complex  cli- 
matic mechanisms  operating  in  this  particular 
region  involving  a  variable  position  of  the  In- 
tertropical  Convergence  Zone,  substantial  dif- 
ferences in  the  atmospheric  circulation  patterns 
during  different  ENSO  events,  and  interactions 
between  the  coastal  area  and  the  cordilleran 

Debris-Flow  Episodes  and  Strong  Rainfalls 
in  Southern  Peru 

In  arid  countries,  debris-flow  activity  is  tightly 
linked  to  the  occurrence  of  relatively  intense 
rainfalls.  In  the  Chile-Peru  coastal  desert,  de- 
bris-flow activity  may  be  observed  with  precip- 
itation amounts  above  20  or  30  mm,  and  after 
rainfall  episodes  that  last  more  than  3  hours 
(Vargas  et  al.  2000). 

The  occurrence  of  heavy  rainfall  episodes, 
debris  flows,  and  inundations  of  the  coastal  re- 
gion of  Tacna  (southern  Peru)  was  compared 
with  available  monthly  rainfall  data,  informa- 
tion obtained  from  local  newspapers,  and 
ENSO  indexes  for  the  period  1960-2000.  The 
mean  annual  rainfall  at  Tacna  for  this  period 
was  19  mm.  The  total  annual  rainfall  data  and 
the  annual  mean  Southern  Oscillation  Index 

(SOI)  do  not  show  any  significant  correlation. 
However,  a  coincidence  between  years  with  an 
excess  of  rainfall  and  low  values  of  SOI  (Fig. 
3)  was  observed.  On  the  other  hand,  not  all  the 
years  characterized  by  low  SOI  values  exhibit 
an  annual  excess  of  rainfall.  Between  1960  and 
2000,  there  were  1 1  "rainy"  months  (rainfall  > 
19  mm  per  month).  Three  of  them  (September 
1960,  September  1961,  and  September  1962, 
with  20.2,  34.6,  and  33.0  mm  of  total  accu- 
mulation, respectively)  do  not  correlate  with  El 
Nino  events  (as  defined  by  Trenberth  1997).  For 
the  rest  of  the  cases  (January  1983  and  January 
1998,  with  respectively  24.0  mm  and  21.2  mm 
total  rainfall;  July  1963  and  July  1972,  with  re- 
spectively 32.0  mm  and  59.0  mm  total  rainfall; 
September  1963,  September  1965,  and  Septem- 
ber 1997,  with  respectively  33.1,  22.6,  and  31.7 
mm  total  rainfall;  and  December  1997,  with 
28.2  mm  of  total  rainfall),  a  correlation  is  ob- 
served with  El  Nino  events  as  defined  by  Tren- 
berth (1997).  During  La  Nina  episodes,  -an  ex- 
cess of  precipitation  events  has  not  occurred. 

Information  published  in  local  newspapers  in 
Tacna  allows  a  historical  reconstruction  of  the 
heavy  rainfall  episodes  and  debris  flows  in  this 
region  for  the  last  40  years  (Table  1).  In  the  1 1 
months  with  heavy  rainfall  previously  men- 
tioned, debris  flows  occurred  in  January  1983 
and  September  1997,  and  to  a  lesser  extent  in 
July  1972  and  January  1998.  In  these  cases,  the 
heavy  rainfall  episodes  occurred  during  El  Nino 
events  of  strong  intensity,  characterized  by  low 
SOI  values  and  important  anomalies  of  the  sea- 
surface  temperature  at  Puerto  Chicama  (Table 
1,  Fig.  4).  The  chronicles  indicate  a  great  spatial 
variability  in  the  total  amount  of  precipitation 
related  to  the  strong  convective  character  of  the 
storms.  During  these  heavy  rainfall  events,  as 
was  shown  for  the  coast  of  northern  Chile  by 
Vargas  et  al.  (2000),  the  rain  frequently  oc- 
curred at  night. 

A  similar  relationship  between  heavy  rainfall, 
debris  flows,  and  El  Nino  events  was  deter- 
mined for  the  coastal  area  of  the  Atacama  des- 
ert, and  particularly  at  Antofagasta  (23°S),  in 
northern  Chile  (Vargas  et  al.  2000).  In  northern 
Chile,  not  all  El  Nino  events  provoke  "heavy" 
rainfall  episodes,  but  all  the  events  able  to  pro- 
duce debris  flows  (rain  intensity  >  20  mm/3 
hours;  Hauser  1997;  Vargas  et  al.  2000)  oc- 
curred during  the  development  phase  of  El  Nino 
events,  in  the  austral  winter  (Rutllant  and  Fuen- 
zalida  1991;  Garreaud  and  Rutllant  1996).  In 

Debris-Flow  Deposits  and  El  Nino  Impacts 


Figure  2.  Comparison  of  annual  streamflow  anomalies  of  Majes  River  (southern  Peru)  and  variation  in  the 
Southern  Oscillation  Index  (SOI)  during  the  1950-1991  period  (streamflow  data  from  Corporation  de  la  Aviaci6n 
Civil,  CORPAC,  in  Minaya  1994).  No  clear-cut  correlation  is  observed  between  El  Nino  (negative  SOI  values)  or 
La  Nina  (positive  SOI  values)  and  the  Majes  River  streamflow. 

1925,  1930,  1940,  1982,  1987,  and  1991,  heavy 
rainfall  episodes  in  northern  Chile  were  linked 
to  storms  coming  from  mid-latitude  regions. 

In  the  coastal  area  of  southern  Peru,  the  cli- 
matic mechanisms  involved  in  the  generation  of 
"heavy"  rainfall  events  are  not  yet  totally  un- 
derstood. While  debris-flow  events  related  to 
heavy  rainfall  episodes  were  contemporary  with 
strong  El  Nino  events  (Fig.  4),  some  of  them 
occurred  during  the  austral  summer  (January 
1983  and  January  1998),  while  others  occurred 
during  the  austral  winter  or  spring  (July  1972 
and  September  1997).  The  strong  rainfall  events 
occurring  in  the  coastal  area  during  the  austral 
summer  should  be  linked  to  the  activity  of  the 
rainy  season  on  the  Altiplano  and  the  cordillera. 
Those  occurring  in  winter  during  El  Nino  years 
are  not  clearly  understood  and  cannot  be  readily 
related  to  the  same  processes  described  in 
northern  Chile  (frontal  systems  coming  from 
mid-latitude  regions). 

Because  the  reliable  instrumental  data  cover 
a  relatively  short  time  period,  we  investigated 
the  relationship  between  regional  strong  rain- 
falls and  ENSO  during  the  last  few  centuries. 

Historical  Rainfall  Data  and 

El  Nino  Manifestations  During  the 

Last  Four  Centuries 

Documentary  data  on  climate  in  Peru  and  Chile 
were  largely  used  by  Quinn  et  al.  (1987),  Quinn 
and  Neal  (1992),  Hocquenghem  and  Ortlieb 
(1992),  and  Ortlieb  (1999,  2000)  to  try  to  es- 

tablish a  sequence  of  El  Nino  events  during  the 
last  few  centuries.  Documentary  sources  consist 
of  reports  on  droughts,  river  flooding,  the  de- 
struction of  bridges  and  buildings,  good  and 
poor  crops,  heavy  storms,  and  other  impacts  of 
meteorologic  conditions.  Information  was  ob- 
tained from  a  variety  of  official,  ecclesiastical, 
and  particular  documents  left  by  the  Conquis- 
tadores  and  the  later  inhabitants  of  these  regions 
during  colonial  times  and  after  independence 
from  Spain.  These  data  led  to  different  inter- 
pretations by  the  above-mentioned  authors. 
Whereas  Quinn  tended  to  interpret  reports  of 
storms  and  heavier  rainfall  than  usual  along  the 
coastal  desert  of  Peru  or  in  central  Chile  as  ev- 
idence of  past  El  Nino  conditions,  Ortlieb 
(2000)  considered  that  only  information  on  pre- 
cipitation excess  in  coastal  northern  Peru  and  in 
central  Chile  could  be  reliably  used  as  an  El 
Nino  indicator.  Hocquenghem  and  Ortlieb 
(1992)  and  Ortlieb  (2000)  argued  that,  based  on 
instrumental  records  of  the  last  decades,  Rimac 
River  floods  (in  Lima)  and  unusual  vegetation 
cover  along  the  coast  of  southern  Peru  should 
not  be  taken  by  themselves  as  evidence  of  El 
Nino  conditions.  Unusual  vegetation  growth  in 
the  lomas  (hilltops)  in  the  area  of  Ilo  could  be 
due  to  intensified  winter  garuas  (coastal  fogs), 
not  necessarily  to  strong  rainfall.  In  some  cases 
it  was  shown  that  droughts  in  coastal  northern 
Peru  were  coeval  with  vegetated  lomas  in 
southern  Peru,  probably  during  La  Nina  con- 

Previous  work  on  documentary  sources  on 
climate  anomalies  in  the  Norte  Grande  of  Chile 
showed  that  reliable  data  for  the  scarcely  in- 


L.  Ortlieb  and  G.  Vargas 

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Debris-Flow  Deposits  and  El  Nino  Impacts 


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eavy  rainfalls  during  the 
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habited  Atacama  desert  were  for  practical  pur- 
poses limited  to  the  last  two  centuries  (Ortlieb 
1995).  However,  some  additional  and  fragmen- 
tary data  from  northernmost  Chile  and  southern 
Peru  have  recently  turned  up  (Ortlieb  2000).  Ta- 
ble 2  presents  data  gathered  on  unusual  rainfall 
and  debris-flow  activity  in  the  coastal  areas  of 
southern  Peru  and  (present-day)  northernmost 
Chile  (north  of  23°S)  since  the  earliest  docu- 
mentary record,  dated  1619.  Information  on 
heavy  rainfalls  in  the  central  depression  of 
northern  Chile,  and  floods  in  the  quebradas 
coming  from  the  cordillera,  which  are  linked  to 
La  Nina  conditions  in  the  Altiplano  and  the  An- 
dean Cordillera,  were  not  considered  (unless 
they  co-occurred  with  precipitation  anomalies 
along  the  coast).  The  precipitation  excesses  are 
compared  with  past  occurrences  of  El  Nino  (or 
La  Nina)  events  as  proposed  by  Quinn  and  Neal 
(1992),  Ortlieb  (2000),  and  Ortlieb  et  al.  (2002). 
The  last  three  columns  of  Table  2  do  not  con- 
tain all  the  reconstructed  El  Nino  (and  La  Nina) 
events  (according  to  the  cited  authors)  but  only 
those  that  are  contemporaneous  with  the  hydro- 
logic  anomalies  indicated  in  the  first  two  col- 
umns at  left. 

Table  2  shows  that  most  heavy  rainfall  epi- 
sodes and  debris-flow  activity  registered  in  the 
coastal  study  area  occurred  during  El  Nino 
years,  as  determined  by  either  one  or  all  of  the 
cited  authors.  Several  cases  of  flooding  of  the 
San  Jose  or  Azapa  Rivers  at  Arica  are  not  re- 
lated to  rainfall  in  the  coastal  area  but  reflect 
precipitation  excess  in  the  Andean  Cordillera, 
during  La  Nina  (or  normal)  conditions. 

The  historical  data  presented  here  cannot  be 
regarded  as  definitive,  for  several  reasons.  First, 
documentary  data  are  inherently  fragmentary 
and  subject  to  error,  exaggeration,  and  misin- 
terpretation. Second,  we  still  lack  a  reliable 
chronological  sequence  of  El  Nino  occurrences, 
as  evidenced  by  conflicting  accounts  in  the  last 
three  columns  of  Table  2.  Third,  the  informa- 
tion on  river  floods  does  not  always  show  the 
effects  of  cordilleran  versus  coastal  rains.  Rain- 
fall in  the  upper  part  of  the  watersheds,  in  both 
southern  Peru  and  northern  Chile,  follows  dif- 
ferent regimes  and  has  quite  different  mecha- 
nisms from  precipitation  in  the  coastal  areas. 
Nevertheless,  the  historical  data  presented  in 
Table  2  tend  to  confirm  that  in  a  longer  term 
than  the  last  few  decades,  precipitation  excess 
in  the  studied  coastal  area  was  generally  ob- 
served during  El  Nino  years,  and  that  El  Nino 


L.  Ortlieb  and  G.  Vargas 


to      to      to      <o      <o 

Total  annual  rainfall  at  Tacna:  1960-2000 



<u  -a 

S  2 

Jan          Mar         May          Jul          Sep         Nov 
Mean  monthly  rainfall  at  Tacna:  1960-2000 

Figure  3.     A.  Comparison  of  total  annual  rainfall  at  Tacna  and  SOI  during  the  1960-2000  period  (monthly  rainfall 
data  from  SENAMHI,  Peru).  B.  Distribution  of  the  mean  monthly  rainfall  at  Tacna  for  the  same  period. 

conditions  do  not  systematically  induce  rainfall 
excess  in  the  study  area. 

During  the  last  centuries,  as  during  the  last 
decades,  intense  rainfalls  and  debris-flow  activ- 
ity often  occurred  during  El  Nino  years,  but  the 
relationship  is  not  as  tight  as  for  the  coast  of 
northern  Peru.  The  "intense"  rainfalls  on  the 
coast  of  southern  Peru  are  linked  to  convective 
features,  which  may  be  favored  by  one  or  an- 
other side  effect  of  the  anomalous  patterns  of 
atmospheric  circulation  induced  by  ENSO  in 
the  region. 

near  Punta  El  Ahogado,  a  sequence  of  debris- 
flow  deposits  yielded  a  new  radiocarbon  data 

A  comparison  of  the  geomorphic  contexts 
and  chronological  data  at  these  three  localities 
may  provide  insight  into  the  geologic  and  pa- 
leohydrologic  processes  during  the  Pleistocene- 
Holocene  boundary  and  in  the  first  half  of  the 
Holocene.  The  following  discussion  considers 
to  what  extent  the  debris-flow  units  may  be  re- 
lated to  former  occurrences  of  the  El  Nino  phe- 

The  Latest  Pleistocene/Early 
Holocene  Debris-Flow  Episodes 

Several  localities  on  the  coast  of  southern  Peru 
recently  yielded  new  data  on  the  age  of  late 
Quaternary  debris  flows.  Most  of  the  radiocar- 
bon data  was  obtained  from  material  of  an- 
thropic  origin:  charcoal  fragments,  organic  mat- 
ter, and  marine  shells.  One  study  (Keefer  et  al. 
1998)  has  addressed  the  sequence  of  latest 
Pleistocene— early  Holocene  alluvial  deposits  on 
the  bank  of  the  deeply  incised  Quebrada  Taca- 
huay,  40  km  south  of  Ilo  (see  Fig.  IB).  In  an- 
other study,  Fontugne  et  al.  (1999)  examined 
the  alluvial  sequence  at  Quebrada  Los  Burros, 
30  km  to  the  south  of  Tacahuay.  In  between, 

The  Quebrada  Tacahuay  Sequence 

Keefer  et  al.  (1998)  Data.  In  a  locality  south 
of  Ilo,  on  the  northern  bank  of  Quebrada  Ta- 
cahuay (17°50'S,  71°07'W),  Keefer  et  al.  (1998) 
studied  a  geologic  section  atop  an  inland  allu- 
vial fan  that  encompasses  the  late  Pleistocene- 
mid-Holocene  period.  The  section  exposes  19 
debris-flow  and  flood  deposits,  with  the  most 
recent  of  them  bearing  remains  of  human  oc- 
cupation (including  charcoal  fragments,  bird 
bones,  and  a  few  marine  shells)  (Fig.  5).  Keefer 
et  al.  (1998)  distinguished  four  periods  in  this 

•  Before  an  archaeological  horizon  at  12,700 

Debris-Flow  Deposits  and  El  Nino  Impacts 


n     »     5 

O        -3        < 

Figure  4.  Total  monthly  rainfall  at  Tacna  and  sea- 
surface  temperature  anomalies  at  Puerto  Chicama  for 
periods  with  occurrence  of  debris-flow  events  or  in- 
undations along  the  coast  of  southern  Peru. 

5290  BP 

8655  BP 

9435  BP 

>^     /10.560BP 


(  12,490  BP 
— <  1 2.670  BP 
*  12,730  BP 

Debris  flow 

Sheetflood  or  channel  flood 



Occupation  layer  (aeolian 

with  water-laid  silt) 

¥      Desiccation  crack  filled  with 
aeolian  sand 

Figure  5.  Composite  stratigraphic  sequence  of 
the  Quebrada  Tacahuay.  south  of  Ilo  (from  Keefer  et 
al.  1998).  Ages  are  expressed  in  calibrated  years  (cal. 
B.P.).  Units  Kl,  K2,  K3,  K4cl,  K4c2.  K6,  and  K7  are 
described  as  debris  flows.  Unit  K8  is  the  main  occu- 
pation layer.  Radiocarbon  data  from  this  sequence  are 
shown  in  Table  3. 

cal.  B.P.,  a  sequence  of  eight  debris-flow  de- 
posits, three  aeolian  sand  layers,  and  two  ma- 
jor flood  units.  From  an  infrared-stimulated 
thermoluminescent  (TL)  dating  at  38.2  ka  at 
the  base  of  this  sequence,  Keefer  et  al.  (2001) 
later  inferred  that  these  10  debris-flow  and 
alluvial  events  occurred  between  38,200  ka 
and  12,700  cal.  B.P. 

Between  12,500  cal.  B.P.  and  about  8800  cal. 
B.P.,  four  extensive  debris-flow  deposits  were 
formed  (their  units  2,  3,  6,  and  7  [see  Fig.  6], 
which  we  will  refer  to  here  as  K2,  K3,  K6, 
and  K7). 

Between  8800  and  5300  cal.  B.P.,  they  rec- 
ognized one  debris-flow  unit,  which  can  be 
subdivided  into  two  thin  layers  (subunits 
K4cl  and  K4c2,  observed  in  a  single  profile) 
overlying  an  aeolian  sand  unit  (K4c3). 
At  ca.  5300  cal.  B.P.  (=  4550  ±  60  B.P.)  one 
last  major  debris-flow  deposit  (unit  Kl) 
formed  just  before  the  main  channel  of  Que- 
brada Tacahuay  began  to  be  incised. 

Presently,  the  floor  of  Quebrada  Tacahuay 

lies  about  30  m  below  the  top  of  the  sedimen- 
tary sequence.  This  sequence,  cut  by  the  paved 
coastal  road,  is  located  about  1  km  inland  from 
the  shoreline. 

In  their  study,  Keefer  et  al.  (1998)  empha- 
sized the  archaeological  aspects  of  their  find- 
ings. The  major  and  oldest  human  occupation 
was  dated  to  12,700-12,500  cal.  B.P.  and  was 
apparently  interrupted  because  of  the  occur- 
rence of  a  large  debris  flow  (unit  K7;  see  Fig. 
5).  The  archaeological  remains,  including  a 
well-preserved  hearth,  which  are  found  in  a  10- 
to  50-cm-thick  layer  of  water-laid  silt,  with  in- 
terstratified  lenses  of  aeolian  fine  sand  (unit  K8 
in  Fig.  5),  are  atypical  because  they  include 
very  few  marine  shells,  abundant  seabird  bones, 
some  remnants  of  pelagic  fishes,  and  a  few  lith- 
ic  artifacts. 

Our  Data.  During  a  brief  visit  to  this  locality 
(in  1998),  observation  and  sampling  were  con- 
ducted in  the  southwestern  part  of  the  area  stud- 
ied by  Keefer  et  al.,  to  the  west  of  the  road. 
Figures  6  and  7  show  the  studied  sequence, 


L.  Ortlieb  and  G.  Vargas 

Debris-Flow  Deposits  and  El  Nino  Impacts 




L.  Ortlieb  and  G.  Vargas 

with  units  numbered  Tl  to  T6  from  bottom  to 
top.  The  upper  layer,  designated  T6  (equivalent 
to  unit  Kl  of  Keefer  et  al.  1998)  is  a  thick  de- 
bris-flow deposit  that  is  colored  dark  by  abun- 
dant organic  matter.  Below  it  occur  (from  top 
to  bottom)  a  composite  debris-flow  deposit 
(T5),  an  alluvial  (sheet  flood)  unit  (T4),  another 
debris-flow  unit  (T3),  a  composite  alluvial  layer 
(T2),  and  a  coarse  fluvial  conglomerate  (Tl). 
Radiocarbon  data  (Table  3)  were  obtained  on 
the  two  alluvial  layers  T2  and  T4,  both  water- 
laid  deposits  that  incorporate  a  high  amount  of 
reworked  aeolian  sand.  Unit  T4  contains  char- 
coal fragments,  seemingly  related  to  washed- 
out  hearths;  marine  shells  brought  by  man;  and 
abundant  terrestrial  gastropods  (not  necessarily 
linked  to  a  human  occupation).  This  unit  T4 
includes  remnants  of  a  relatively  young  phase 
of  human  occupation  dated  to  about  9000  cal. 
B.P.  and  referred  to  as  "the  shell  midden"  by 
Keefer  et  al.  (1998).  Unit  T2,  which  is  practi- 
cally devoid  of  marine  shells  and  contains  many 
bird  bones,  is  the  major  "occupational"  layer 
of  Keefer  et  al.  (1998) — that  is,  their  unit  K8. 
Our  chronological  data  and  those  of  Keefer 
et  al.  are  presented  in  Table  3. 

Paleohydrologic  and  Paleoclimatologic  In- 
terpretations. The  Quebrada  Tacahuay  se- 
quence thus  consists  in  a  succession  of  alluvial 
and  sheet  flood  units,  debris-flow  deposits,  and 
aeolian  sand  units.  The  water-laid  sediments 
can  be  separated  in  two  categories:  the  alluvial 
units,  which  were  deposited  in  the  bed  (or  the 
banks)  of  the  Tacahuay  river,  and  the  debris- 
flow  and  sheet  flood  units,  which  are  linked  to 
superficial  runoff,  not  necessarily  within  the 
valley.  The  dark  brown  (T6)  or  reddish  (T5  and 
T3)  colors  of  the  debris-flow  units  (Fig.  6)  re- 
sult from  the  proportions  of  clay,  silt,  and  re- 
worked soil  in  the  matrix;  the  larger  size  com- 
ponents may  be  subrounded  to  angular.  The  al- 
luvial units  are  generally  gray  or  yellowish; 
their  matrix  is  coarse-grained,  and  they  include 
pebbles  and  blocks  of  varying  size,  which  may 
be  rounded  to  subangular.  The  sheet  flood  de- 
posits generally  consist  of  thin  layers  or  lenses 
of  sands  that  show  current  figures,  laminations, 
cross-bedding  structures,  and  the  like.  They 
may  include  layers  bearing  reworked  material 
(shells,  bones,  charcoal  fragments). 

The  petrographic  composition  and  the  shape 
of  the  coarse  elements  found  in  the  thickest  al- 
luvial units  of  the  sequence  clearly  indicate  that 

the  material  comes  from  upstream  in  the  rela- 
tively large  watershed  of  the  Quebrada  Taca- 
huay. Because  the  watershed  is  of  limited  size, 
there  is  no  doubt  that  the  hydrologic  regime 
was  controlled  by  rainfalls  in  the  coastal  region. 
The  >25-m-thick  sequence  of  (mainly)  alluvial 
deposits  that  predate  the  T1/K9  unit  (Fig.  7) 
corresponds  to  a  late  Pleistocene  episode  of  ac- 
tive, aggrading,  sedimentation  processes.  It  is 
inferred  that  the  hydrologic  regime  was  con- 
trolled by  regular  and  abundant  rainfalls.  The 
scarcity  of  chronological  data  from  the  Pleis- 
tocene sequence  (besides  the  38.2  ky  TL  date 
obtained  by  Keefer  et  al.  2001)  hampers  any 
precise  paleoclimatic  and  paleohydrologic  in- 

The  debris-flow  units  are  mainly  formed 
from  superficial  material  eroded  from  the  to- 
pographic surface,  including  interfluves  and 
nearby  hill  slopes.  The  formation  of  these  de- 
posits implies  that  relatively  strong  and  intense 
rainfalls  occurred  in  the  immediate  vicinity  of 
the  outcrops.  The  debris-flow  units  have  a  lim- 
ited lateral  extension.  As  shown  in  Figure  7,  the 
debris-flow  unit  T6/K1  formerly  extended  on 
both  northern  and  southern  sides  of  the  present- 
day  thalweg  of  Quebrada  Tacahuay.  This  ob- 
servation provides  a  maximum  age  (5290  cal. 
B.P.)  for  the  beginning  of  the  incision  of  the 
quebrada  at  this  locality.  We  surmise  that  the 
downcutting  of  the  thalweg  responded  more  di- 
rectly to  retrogradation  processes  of  the  incision 
related  to  the  mid-Holocene  high  sea  level  than 
to  paleoclimatologic  factors.  Sometime  around 
5000  cal.  B.P.  linear  erosion  took  over  the  up- 
ward aggradation  processes,  at  this  locality  rel- 
atively close  to  the  coastline.  We  interpret  that 
it  was  not  precisely  because  of  a  variation  in 
the  hydrologic  regime  that  the  thalweg  was 
formed  and  progressively  entrenched.  This  is 
not  easy  to  demonstrate  because  the  erosive 
processes  dominated  during  the  second  half  of 
the  Holocene,  and  thus  no  subsequent  sedimen- 
tary deposit  was  preserved  in  this  locality.  In 
other  words,  the  morphologic  evolution  of  the 
locality  during  the  late  Holocene  prevents  us 
from  making  any  comparisons  between  present 
(or  recent)  hydrologic  conditions  and  those  that 
existed  prior  to  the  mid-Holocene. 

Keefer  et  al.  (1998)  interpreted  as  evidence 
for  El  Nino  manifestations  the  half-dozen  epi- 
sodes of  debris-flow  events  (units  K7  to  Kl, 
Fig.  5)  identified  between  12,500  and  5300  cal. 
B.P.  They  further  suggested  that,  because  of  the 

Debris-Flow  Deposits  and  El  Nino  Impacts 


Quebrada  El  Canon 

Holocene  eolian  sand 

Late  Pleistocene  aljuvial  sequence 

~S"  JtSK1    , 

Figure  8.  Late  Pleistocene  coarse  alluvial  units  overlain  by  an  early  Holocene  sandy  layer  and  by  a  late  Holocene 
occupational  horizon  (sand  and  silts  with  abundant  charcoal  and  ceramic  fragments)  in  Quebrada  El  Canon,  about  1 
km  south  of  Quebrada  Los  Burros,  southern  Peru.  The  Pleistocene  alluvial  units  are  most  probably  coeval  with  those 
of  Quebrada  Tacahuay  and  with  the  oldest  debris-flow  deposits  of  Punta  El  Ahogado. 

sedimentologic  similarity  between  these  debris- 
flow  deposits  and  those  that  predate  unit  K8 
(i.e.,  older  than  12,700  cal.  B.P.)  in  the  sequence 
of  Quebrada  Tacahuay,  El  Nino  conditions  were 
also  present  during  the  late  Pleistocene.  These 
interpretations  are  essentially  based  on  the  as- 
sumption that,  as  at  present,  violent  rainfalls  in 
this  coastal  area  would  characteristically  have 
occurred  during  El  Nino  years. 

We  disagree  with  the  interpretations  of  Kee- 
fer  et  al.  regarding  the  character  of  ENSO  prox- 
ies of  the  debris-flow  units.  Too  little  is  known 
about  the  morphoclimatic  and  paleohydrologic 
local  conditions  at  the  end  of  the  Pleistocene  in 
the  Tacahuay  region,  and  more  generally  in 
coastal  southern  Peru.  The  superposition  of 
sheet  flood,  debris-flow,  and  alluvial  sediments 
has  no  modern  equivalent  and  does  not  repre- 
sent climatic  conditions  comparable  to  present 
conditions.  Instead,  the  abundance  of  alluvial 
layers  for  the  late  Pleistocene  part  of  the  Ta- 
cahuay sequence  suggests  a  more  humid  cli- 
mate, with  stronger  and  more  regular  flow  ep- 
isodes, than  in  the  late  Holocene.  If  this  was  the 

case,  there  is  no  reason  to  infer  that  debris-flow 
activity  was  linked  to  El  Nino  conditions. 

Quebrada  Los  Burros  Area 

Fontugne  et  al.  (1999)  also  addressed  the  prob- 
lem of  the  local  impact  of  El  Nino  during  the 
Holocene.  Their  study  was  performed  in  the 
framework  of  another  archaeological  project 
centered  on  Quebrada  Los  Burros,  an  early  Ho- 
locene site  located  some  40  km  south  of  Taca- 
huay (see  Fig.  IB)  (Lavallee  et  al.  1999).  Ac- 
cording to  Fontugne  et  al.  (1999),  two  major 
debris-flow  deposits  (huaycos)  were  formed  in 
Quebrada  Los  Burros:  the  oldest  one  occurred 
around  8980  cal.  B.P.  (between  QLB2:  8160  ± 
70  B.P.  and  QLB3:  8040  ±  105  B.P.,  conven- 
tional ages),  and  the  youngest  one  was  dated  to 
slightly  after  3380  cal.  B.P.  (see  Table  3).  Be- 
tween these  two  units,  ten  layers  of  organic 
matter  and  pseudo-peat  accumulations  were  in- 
terstratified  (Fig.  8).  These  layers  were  inter- 
preted by  Fontugne  et  al.  (1999)  as  representing 


L.  Ortlieb  and  G.  Vargas 





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harcoal  fragments  (re- 
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unit  T3,  and  above 
the  coarse  alluvial  de- 
posit Tl 

harcoal  fragments  in 
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unit  8  that  underlies  a 
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posit (unit  1) 







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L.  Ortlieb  and  G.  Vargas 

more  humid  spells,  with  a  typical  duration  of 
less  than  200  years.  Such  episodes  of  "in- 
creased soil  moisture"  would  have  been  linked 
to  reinforcements  of  winter  fogs  and  enhance- 
ments of  the  coastal  upwelling  strength.  Fon- 
tugne  et  al.  thus  infer  that  no  El  Nino  would 
have  occurred  between  8970  and  3380  cal.  B.P. 

It  must  be  noted  that  after  3380  cal.  B.P.,  no 
other  debris-flow  deposit  was  recorded  in  Los 
Burros  valley. 

In  this  case,  as  at  Tacahuay,  the  previous  au- 
thors suggest  that  debris-flow  activity  is  typical 
of  El  Nino  conditions,  to  the  point  that  lack  of 
a  debris-flow  deposit  would  imply  that  no  El 
Nino  event  occurred.  Again,  we  disagree  with 
this  interpretation. 

Quebrada  Los  Burros  is  a  small  drainage  sys- 
tem surrounded  by  bare  bedrock,  particularly  in 
the  lower  part  of  the  valley.  There  is  scarce  su- 
perficial soil  material  susceptible  to  be  re- 
worked by  runoff  during  violent  rainfalls. 
Therefore,  we  consider  that  the  lack  of  debris- 
flow  deposit  during  a  given  time  period  should 
not  be  interpreted  as  an  indication  of  absence 
of  intense  rainfall.  This  view  is  supported  by 
the  fact  that  a  strong  local  rainfall  in  mid-Sep- 
tember 1997  (see  Table  1),  during  an  El  Nino 
year,  did  not  generate  a  characteristic  deposit  in 
Quebrada  Los  Burros,  although  it  produced  a 
debris-flow  event  less  than  2  km  to  the  south, 
in  the  small  Quebrada  El  Canon. 

The  formation  of  two  debris-flow  deposits  in 
Quebrada  Los  Burros  reflected  the  occurrence 
of  strong  rainfalls  in  the  valley,  but  it  still  re- 
mains to  establish  that  the  rainfalls  were  related 
to  El  Nino  conditions.  The  organic-rich  layers 
interstratified  between  the  two  debris-flow  units 
indicate  that  humid  conditions  persisted  for 
some  time  in  the  valley,  but  these  conditions 
might  have  been  related  to  a  natural  (or  possi- 
bly man-made)  dam  downstream,  in  the  valley. 
Such  a  feature,  which  can  be  inferred  from  the 
remnants  of  tuffa  and  carbonate  concretions 
stuck  to  the  bedrock,  may  have  maintained  an 
artificially  high  base  level  within  a  portion  of 
the  valley.  Hence,  the  existence  of  pseudo-peat 
deposits  in  the  center  of  the  thalweg  may  not 
be  directly  linked  to  paleoclimatologic  factors. 

The  sedimentary  histories  of  Quebrada  Ta- 
cahuay and  Quebrada  Los  Burros  show  little 
correspondence.  The  oldest  debris-flow  unit  of 
the  latter  seems  to  have  been  almost  contem- 
poraneous with  the  K2  unit  of  the  former  (see 
Table  2). 

In  Quebrada  El  Canon,  immediately  to  the 
south  of  Quebrada  Los  Burros  (see  Fig.  IB),  a 
complex  sedimentary  sequence  is  found  that 
begins  with  a  thick  series  of  coarse  alluvial  de- 
posits and  resembles  the  Pleistocene  part  of  the 
Tacahuay  sequence  (Fig.  8).  In  Quebrada  El 
Canon  at  least  a  dozen  superposed  alluvial  units 
of  comparable  thickness  (about  20  cm  each) 
suggest  a  vigorous  alluvial  activity  of  this  river, 
comparable  to  that  of  Quebrada  Tacahuay.  No 
radiocarbon  date  has  yet  been  obtained  for  this 
series,  but  the  alluvial  sequence  can  be  assigned 
to  the  Pleistocene  because  it  underlies  a  major 
unit  of  aeolian  sand  containing  human  bones 
dated  to  9830  ±  140  B.P.  (uncalibrated)  (Fon- 
tugne  and  Lavallee,  pers.  comm.,  1999).  It  is 
interesting  to  note  that  a  similar  phase  of  aeo- 
lian sand  deposition  (involving  enhanced  wind 
activity)  also  occurred  near  the  Pleistocene-Ho- 
locene  transition  in  the  Antofagasta  area,  700 
km  to  the  south  (Llagostera  1979;  Vargas  1996; 
Vargas  and  Ortlieb  1998). 

The  informal  name  of  "El  Canon"  was  given 
to  this  quebrada  because  of  a  deep  incision  cut 
into  the  >50-m-thick  sand  dune  that  was  built 
up  along  the  coastline  at  that  time,  and  which 
obstructed  the  mouth  of  the  river.  The  "canon" 
is  thus  the  result  of  the  erosive  action  of  the 
strongest  floods  that  occurred  in  the  Holocene. 
The  last  time  that  a  flood  flowed  through  the 
canon  was  during  the  1997-1998  El  Nino  event. 

El  Ahogado  Sequence 

The  El  Ahogado  sequence  of  debris-flow  de- 
posits, which  is  located  halfway  between  Que- 
brada Tacahuay  and  Quebrada  Los  Burros,  was 
revisited  recently  (after  a  preliminary  study  in 
1990).  This  sequence,  observed  in  a  roadcut 
(Fig.  9),  lies  on  an  interfluve  between  two  small 
quebradas  at  the  foot  of  the  600-m-high  coastal 
range.  It  consists  of  a  succession  of  at  least  15 
debris-flow  units.  These  units,  which  are  10  to 
30  cm  thick,  can  be  described  as  mud  flows  that 
incorporate  unsorted  material  from  upslope 
floating  in  a  silty  matrix.  The  reworked  clasts 
are  angular  to  subrounded,  ranging  in  size  from 
a  few  millimeters  to  50  cm  in  diameter.  The 
sedimentologic  characteristics  of  the  deposits 
clearly  indicate  that  they  resulted  from  mass 
flow  of  limited  energy  that  reworked  superficial 
clasts  from  the  alluvial  fans  accumulated  at  the 
foot  of  the  nearby  range.  They  were  formed 

Debris-Flow  Deposits  and  El  Nino  Impacts 


during  strong  rainfall  episodes  that  struck  the 
coastal  region  proper,  which,  in  the  area,  ex- 
tends only  some  3  or  4  km  between  the  range 
itself  and  the  coastline. 

A  particularity  of  this  locality  is  that  a  few 
debris-flow  units  overlie  remnants  of  anthropic 
activity  that  can  provide  radiocarbon  dates,  and 
thus  the  maximum  ages  of  the  respective  geo- 
logic deposits.  The  third  youngest  debris-flow 
unit  overlies  a  layer  with  abundant  marine 
shells,  bird  remains,  terrestrial  mollusks,  rope 
fragments,  and  charcoal.  Three  charcoal  frag- 
ments from  this  horizon  yielded  calibrated  ages 
of  ca.  3764,  3780,  and  3946  cal.  B.P.  (Table  3). 
We  can  therefore  infer  that  the  deposit  was 
formed  sometime  after  3760  cal.  B.P.  Similarly, 
the  fourth  youngest  unit  overlies  a  relatively 
thin,  sandy  layer  that  includes  a  few  anthropic 
remains  and  many  bird  remains;  charcoal  frag- 
ments from  this  horizon  yielded  a  date  of  7573 
cal.  B.P.  (Table  3).  The  maximum  age  of  this 
penultimate  debris-flow  deposit  can  thus  be  es- 
timated to  be  around  7570  cal.  B.P. 

This  last  finding  suggests  that  at  least  one 
other  debris-flow  episode  occurred  between  the 
two  events  dated  at  Quebrada  Los  Burros  (3380 
and  8970  cal.  B.P.;  Table  3).  The  14C  date  ob- 
tained on  the  youngest  anthropic  layer  does  not 
preclude  that  the  youngest  debris  flow  of  Punta 
El  Ahogado  (<3760  cal.  B.P.)  was  contempo- 
raneous with  the  youngest  one  identified  at 
Quebrada  Los  Burros  (ca.  3380  cal.  B.P.).  No 
geochronological  data  are  available  from  the 
older  debris  flows  in  the  El  Ahogado  sequence. 

One  other  observation,  made  in  a  comparable 
sequence  located  600  km  to  the  north  of  this 
locality,  provides  useful  information.  In  a  road- 
cut  located  at  km  737  of  the  Panamerican  High- 
way, 40  km  north  of  Ocona,  at  Playa  Muerta 
(see  Fig.  1A),  anthropic  remains  with  charcoal 
fragments  dated  to  9130  and  9006  cal.  B.P.  (Ta- 
ble 3)  were  found  below  the  fourth  youngest 
debris-flow  units  (Fig.  10).  Because  of  the  sim- 
ilarity of  the  geomorphic  situation  of  the  El 
Ahogado  and  Playa  Muerta  debris-flow  se- 
quences, we  surmise  that  the  two  last-formed 
units  in  each  locality  were  coeval.  The  oldest 
debris-flow  units  observed  at  El  Ahogado  are 
probably  of  Pleistocene  age. 

Because  of  its  morphologic  location,  on  an 
interfluve,  the  El  Ahogado  sequence  cannot 
provide  a  record  of  latest  Holocene  debris-flow 
activity.  The  small  quebrada  located  immedi- 
ately to  the  south  of  the  locality  attracted  most 

L.  Ortlieb  and  G.  Vargas 

•'.';•  •V1"- 

m  737  Panamerican  Hwy. 

Figure  10.     Alluvial  sequence  of  debris-flow  deposits  at  Playa  Muerta,  southern  Peru. 

of  the  debris-flow  sediments  in  the  course  of 
the  last  few  millennia. 

Regional  Correlation  of  Debris- Flow 

The  geochronological  data  from  the  four  local- 
ities— Quebrada  Los  Burros,  Quebrada  Taca- 
huay,  Punta  El  Ahogado,  and  Playa  Muerta — 
in  the  southern  Peru  coastal  region  suggest  that 
some  of  the  alluvial  and  debris-flow  units  may 
be  contemporaneous.  Table  4  recapitulates  the 
available  data  and  shows  a  tentative  lateral  cor- 
relation between  the  four  sequences. 

The  latest  Holocene  debris-flow  episode  ob- 
served in  Quebrada  Los  Burros  and  the  third 
youngest  unit  at  El  Ahogado  are  younger  than 
3380  cal.  B.P.  The  previous  dated  event,  youn- 
ger than  5290  cal.  B.P.,  was  identified  in  Que- 
brada Tacahuay,  and  may  have  been  preserved 
at  El  Ahogado  as  well.  An  older  event,  appar- 
ently of  strong  intensity,  might  be  represented 
in  three  localities  (Playa  Muerta,  Tacahuay,  and 
El  Ahogado)  and  can  be  dated  to  ca.  8660  cal. 

B.P.  The  previous  ones  were  all  dated  in  the 
Quebrada  Tacahuay  locality  and  would  have  oc- 
curred around  9440,  before  10,560,  before 
10,920,  at  some  time  between  10,920  and 
12,490,  and  before  12,490  cal.  B.P.  The  locali- 
ties of  Tacahuay,  El  Ahogado,  and  El  Canon 
recorded  a  series  of  at  least  15  alluvial  events 
before  12,500  cal.  B.P. 


Debris-Flow  Significance  in  Northern  Chile 
and  Southern  Peru 

The  extreme  aridity  of  the  coastal  area  of  south- 
ern Peru  favored  the  formation  and  subsequent 
preservation  of  debris-flow  deposits.  The  narrow 
coastal  plain  at  the  foot  of  several  high  rocky 
mountain  ranges,  the  general  lack  of  soil  cover, 
the  abundance  of  hill-slope  material  available  for 
transport,  and  the  episodic  character  of  extreme- 
ly rare  rainfall  events  all  contributed  to  debris- 
flow  activity  in  this  region.  Sequences  of  piled- 
up  debris-flow  deposits  in  areas  at  the  foot  of 

Debris-Flow  Deposits  and  El  Nino  Impacts 


steep  alluvial  fans  or  near  small  quebradas  are 
a  particularity  of  the  coastal  region  of  southern 
Peru  and  northern  Chile.  Thick  sequences  of 
such  deposits  were  studied  in  the  Antofagasta 
area  (23°S),  in  northern  Chile  (Vargas  1996;  Var- 
gas and  Ortlieb  1998).  It  was  shown  there  that 
the  hydrologic  and  meteorologic  conditions  al- 
lowing debris-flow  activity  were  set  up  during 
the  middle  Holocene  (around  5600  cal.  B.P.)  and 
that  no  debris-flow  deposition  seems  to  have  oc- 
curred in  the  early  Holocene  (Vargas  et  al.  2000; 
Vargas  2002).  Available  information  on  late 
Pleistocene  sedimentary  deposits  in  the  Antofa- 
gasta region  suggests  that  moderate  and  possibly 
regular  rains,  unable  to  provoke  debris-flow  de- 
posits (like  those  produced  under  present-day 
conditions),  fell  during  the  Late  Glacial  Maxi- 
mum (Vargas  1996;  Vargas  and  Ortlieb  1998). 
The  Pleistocene-Holocene  transition  was 
marked  in  the  bay  of  Antofagasta  by  the  accu- 
mulation of  an  aeolian  sand  sheet  that  shows 
strong  wind  activity. 

Along  the  southernmost  coast  of  Peru,  the 
geologic  record  of  the  late  Quaternary  suggests 
a  different  story  than  the  paleohydrologic  re- 
construction proposed  for  the  Antofagasta  re- 
gion. We  saw  that  in  southern  Peru,  debris-flow 
units  were  formed  in  the  late  Pleistocene,  the 
Pleistocene— Holocene  transition,  and  the  early 
Holocene.  The  record  of  debris-flow  activity 
during  the  second  half  of  the  Holocene  is  lim- 
ited, in  contrast  to  the  existence  of  relatively 
thick  sequences  of  debris-flow  units  found  in 
some  localities  of  the  Antofagasta  area.  These 
differences  are  interesting  and  lead  us  to  pro- 
pose new  interpretations  regarding  the  mecha- 
nisms involved  in  the  formation  of  debris-flow 
deposits  and  their  causal  relationship  with 
ENSO  conditions  in  both  regions. 

In  the  coastal  area  of  northern  Chile,  the  oc- 
currences of  strong  rainfall  events,  able  to  pro- 
duce debris-flow  activity,  are  clearly  linked  to 
a  combination  of  ENSO  conditions  and  addi- 
tional favorable  circumstances  (Garreaud  and 
Rutlland  1996;  Vargas  et  al.  2000).  In  fact,  all 
of  the  rainy  events  with  a  minimum  amount  of 
20  mm  of  rainfall  that  were  recorded  in  the 
twentieth  century  in  Antofagasta  area  occurred 
during  El  Nino  years,  while  winter  precipitation 
excesses  were  recorded  in  central  Chile.  How- 
ever, this  relationship  is  conditioned  by  various 
other  factors  that  control  a  northward  shift  of 
frontal  systems  and  the  spatial  distribution  of 
convective  activity.  During  some  El  Nino  years 

(even  of  strong  intensity),  it  does  not  rain  in 
northern  Chile. 

In  southern  Peru,  we  showed  that,  at  least  at 
present,  the  relationship  is  much  weaker  be- 
tween strong  rainfall  episodes  and  ENSO  con- 
ditions. First,  a  distinction  must  be  made  be- 
tween the  coastal  region  and  the  area  close  to 
the  cordillera.  El  Nino  events  are  generally 
characterized  by  drought  in  the  Altiplano  and 
the  Andean  areas,  while  rainy  episodes  may  or 
may  not  occur  near  the  coast.  As  in  northern 
Chile,  the  convective  character  of  the  rains  may 
explain  the  apparently  erratic  location  of  the  de- 
bris-flow activity,  when  it  is  observed.  By  ex- 
amining both  the  instrumental  record  and  his- 
torical documentary  data,  we  found  that  El 
Nino  years  are  not  characterized  by  precipita- 
tion excess  (even  in  the  coastal  area).  This  is 
one  difference  from  the  situation  observed  in 
northern  Chile.  Another  difference  is  that  heavy 
rainfall  episodes  in  coastal  southern  Peru  may 
occur  in  different  seasons.  This  observation 
suggests  that  different  regional  mechanisms 
may  be  involved,  some  of  them  possibly  unre- 
lated to  ENSO  conditions.  However,  it  does  ap- 
pear that  most  debris-flow  episodes  in  southern 
Peru  over  the  past  two  centuries  occurred  dur- 
ing El  Nino  events. 

Before  we  address  the  question  of  the  rela- 
tionship between  late  Pleistocene  and  early  Ho- 
locene debris-flow  activity  and  ENSO  condi- 
tions, it  may  be  useful  to  discuss  how  the  geo- 
chronological  framework  for  these  kinds  of  de- 
posits was  determined. 

Dating  Debris-Flow  Activity 

The  scarcity  of  organic  matter,  plant  remains,  or 
material  that  can  be  dated  within  the  debris-flow 
units  generally  hampers  their  direct  age  deter- 
mination. In  only  a  few  cases  has  it  been  ob- 
served that  some  mud  flow  overlaid  or  reworked 
charcoal  remains  and  other  remnants  of  human 
activity  (shells,  bones).  In  these  cases,  the  radio- 
carbon age  of  the  dated  material  provided  a  max- 
imum age  for  the  debris-flow  activity.  In  this 
study,  we  mentioned  only  geochronological  data 
obtained  on  terrestrial  material  (plants,  charcoal, 
and  organic  matter)  and  avoided  data  based  on 
marine  shells  or  bones  of  marine  mammals. 
Large  uncertainties  about  the  reservoir  effects, 
which  may  have  varied  over  time  in  a  region 
subject  to  various  upwelling  phenomena  (Taylor 


L.  Ortlieb  and  G.  Vargas 


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Debris-Flow  Deposits  and  El  Nino  Impacts 


and  Berger  1967;  Stuiver  and  Brazunias  1993; 
Southon  et  al.  1995),  weigh  upon  radiocarbon 
results  obtained  on  carbonates  of  marine  origin. 
As  Kennett  et  al.  (2002)  showed  in  a  study  based 
on  a  comparison  of  marine  and  terrestrial  mate- 
rial from  the  Ilo  region,  it  is  not  yet  possible  to 
determine  whether  the  reservoir  effect  varied 
significantly  since  the  late  Pleistocene  in  this  re- 
gion. The  strong  aridity  so  drastically  limited  the 
availability  of  fuel  wood  that  the  charcoal  re- 
mains of  archaeological  sites  may  predate  by 
several  centuries  the  time  of  their  ignition,  thus 
impeding  any  calibration  study  between  shells 
and  charcoals. 

The  radiocarbon  ages  measured  on  charcoal 
remains  underlying  debris-flow  deposit  are  nec- 
essarily older  than  the  rainfall  episode  that  pro- 
voked the  flow.  But  since  the  wood  used  for 
fire  may  have  been  burned  several  centuries  af- 
ter the  death  of  the  tree,  the  apparent  date  of 
the  charcoal  may  be  significantly  older  than 
measured.  These  uncertainties  must  be  kept  in 
mind  in  the  proposed  comparison  between  max- 
imum ages  of  the  debris-flow  activity  in  the  dif- 
ferent studied  localities  (Tables  3  and  4).  How- 
ever, in  spite  of  these  unavoidable  sources  of 
unaccuracy,  the  general  chronological  frame- 
work proposed  in  Table  4  seems  acceptable. 

Some  of  the  dates  measured  on  organic  ma- 
terial (not  charcoal)  or  roots  within  sedimentary 
units  of  the  sequences  at  Quebrada  Tacahuay 
and  Los  Burros  by  earlier  authors  may  be  more 
reliable  because  their  contemporaneity  with  the 
deposits  is  better  assessed.  Two  of  this  kind  of 
radiocarbon  result  obtained  in  each  quebrada 
(ca.  8660  and  ca.  8970  cal.  B.P.)  compare  rea- 
sonably well  with  the  result  obtained  on  the 
charcoal  remains  at  a  third  locality  (Playa 
Muerta,  <9000  cal.  B.P.)  (Table  4).  This  obser- 
vation brings  some  confidence  to  the  lateral  cor- 
relation proposed  here  between  the  debris-flow 
remnants  across  the  region. 

The  stratigraphic  disposition  of  the  debris-flow 
units  studied  here,  combined  with  the  available 
geochronological  data,  thus  indicate  that  a  few  ep- 
isodes of  strong  rainfall  occurred  before  and  im- 
mediately after  the  Pleistocene-Holocene  bound- 
ary. It  is  inferred  that  violent  rainfalls  probably 
characterized  this  transition  period. 

Because  of  the  entrenchment  of  the  hydro- 
graphic  network  starting  in  the  middle  Holo- 
cene,  it  is  difficult  to  compare  the  frequency  of 
occurrence  of  debris-flow  activity  throughout 
the  Holocene.  Once  quebradas  were  subjected 

to  vertical  erosion,  debris-flow  deposits  were 
less  likely  to  be  preserved  on  the  interfluves, 
nor  could  they  be  recorded  within  the  valleys. 
As  a  result,  the  limited  number  of  late  Holocene 
debris-flow  units  may  be  underestimated.  Even 
with  this  restriction  in  mind,  it  seems  clear  that 
the  debris-flow  activity  did  not  increase  during 
the  Holocene — quite  the  contrary.  In  the  local- 
ities visited  in  southern  Peru,  only  one  (or  two) 
debris-flow  deposits  formed  in  the  last  thousand 
years  was  preserved,  in  sharp  contrast  to  the 
tens  of  units  recorded  in  Antofagasta  Bay.  The 
scarcity  of  recent  debris-flow  activity  in  the 
study  area  of  southern  Peru  does  not  suggest  a 
close  relationship  between  ENSO  conditions 
(known  to  have  occurred  with  high  frequency 
in  the  last  few  centuries)  and  the  occurrence  of 
strong  rainfall  events. 

Evidence  for  El  Nino  Conditions  in  the 
Latest  Pleistocene-Early  Holocene 

The  occurrence  of  El  Nino  events  and  their  char- 
acteristics (frequency,  intensity)  during  the  Early 
Holocene  and  at  the  end  of  the  late  Pleistocene 
is  a  much  debated  question  (DeVries  et  al.  1997; 
Markgraf  1998;  Sandweiss  et  al.  1999;  Rodbell 
et  al.  1999;  Andrus  et  al.  2002;  Bearez  et  al. 
2003).  Keefer  et  al.  (1998,  2001)  developed  the 
hypothesis  that  the  presence  of  debris-flow  de- 
posits along  the  coast  of  southern  Peru  consti- 
tuted evidence  for  El  Nino  conditions  since  be- 
fore the  Late  Glacial  Maximum  up  to  the  pres- 
ent. On  the  other  hand,  Fontugne  et  al.  (1999) 
argued  that  the  lack  of  debris-flow  units  between 
8970  and  3380  cal.  B.P.  in  Quebrada  Los  Burros 
could  be  interpreted  as  evidence  for  the  lack  of 
El  Nino  conditions  between  these  two  dates. 

In  the  case  of  Quebrada  Los  Burros,  it  can 
be  objected  that  lack  of  a  debris-flow  record 
may  be  due  to  local  geomorphic  or  hydrologic 
conditions  and  does  not  constitute  a  strong  ar- 
gument against  the  occurrence  of  El  Nino 
events.  Anyway,  debris-flow  units  from  nearby 
localities  (El  Ahogado  and  Quebrada  Tacahuay) 
provide  evidence  for  the  occurrence  of  local 
strong  rainfall  events  in  the  middle  Holocene 
and  later. 

In  Quebrada  Tacahuay,  debris-flow  units  and 
alluvial  sediments  interstratified  in  a  thick  sed- 
imentary sequence  that  encompasses  the  late 
Pleistocene  and  the  first  half  of  the  Holocene 
suggest  that  the  hydrologic  conditions  were 


L.  Ortlieb  and  G.  Vargas 

quite  different  than  at  present.  A  thick  alluvial 
sequence  observed  in  Quebrada  El  Canon  (Fig. 
8)  supports  the  hypothesis  that  a  high  runoff 
existed  at  the  end  of  the  Pleistocene  in  the  re- 
gion. A  much  wetter  climate,  with  respect  to 
the  present-day  situation,  may  thus  have  char- 
acterized the  area  between  at  least  13,000  cal. 
B.P.  (or  the  Late  Glacial  Maximum?)  and  ca. 
9000  cal.  B.P.  If,  as  we  suspect,  this  was  true, 
then  there  is  no  reason  to  extrapolate  the  current 
(weak)  relationship  between  ENSO  and  strong 
rainfalls.  Local,  relatively  strong  rainfalls  may 
completely  explain  episodic  debris-flow  activity 
and  the  coarse  alluvial  deposits  in  several  lo- 
calities of  coastal  southern  Peru. 

Hence,  we  conclude  that  in  coastal  southern 
Peru,  debris-flow  activity  is  not  straightfor- 
wardly related  to  ENSO  conditions,  even  if  in- 
strumental data  for  the  last  decades  and  docu- 
mentary historic  data  tend  to  suggest  that  some 
weak  relationship  may  have  existed  recently. 
For  more  remote  periods,  during  the  postglacial 
late  Pleistocene  and  early  Holocene,  the  cli- 
matologic  regime  was  quite  different  than  at 
present.  Until  better  knowledge  of  this  regime 
is  obtained,  we  believe  it  is  misleading  to  infer 
a  causal  relationship  between  debris  flow  and 
ENSO  in  southern  Peru  for  periods  prior  to  the 
middle  Pleistocene. 

Acknowledgments.  This  work  was  supported 
by  the  program  Paleoclimatologie  et  Variabilite 
Climatique  Tropicale  (UR1),  later  replaced  by 
the  program  Paleoenvironnements  Tropicaux  et 
Variabilite  Climatique  (PALEOTROPIQUE)  of 
IRD.  Fieldwork  (November  1998)  was  aided  by 
funding  from  the  project  Sud  Perou  (leader,  D. 
Lavallee)  within  the  program  Paleoenvironne- 
ments et  Evolution  des  Hominides  (CNRS). 
Previous  fieldwork  was  done  while  the  senior 
author  (and  J.  Machare)  led  a  cooperative  re- 
search project  between  ORSTOM  (now  IRD) 
and  the  Institute  Geoffsico  del  Peru  (1987- 
1991).  G.  Vargas  (University  of  Chile)  benefit- 
ed from  an  IRD  scholarship  while  completing 
a  doctoral  thesis  at  the  University  of  Bordeaux. 
We  thank  J.  F.  Saliege  (LODYC,  Universite  de 
Paris-CNRS-IRD)  for  radiocarbon  data  on  the 
localities  of  Tacahuay  and  El  Ahogado,  and  J. 
Rutllant  (University  of  Chile)  for  his  useful 
comments  on  regional  climate  anomalies.  We 
also  thank  Wilber  Chambi  (Universidad  Jorge 
Basadre  Grohmann,  Tacna)  for  his  help  in  com- 

piling newspaper-published  regional  data,  and 
N.  Guzman  for  her  help  in  the  field. 

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Paleoenvironment  at  Almejas: 

Early  Exploitation  of  Estuarine  Fauna 

on  the  North  Coast  of  Peru 

Shelia  Pozorski  and  Thomas  Pozorski 

The  preceramic  site  of  Almejas,  with  radiocar- 
bon dates  averaging  about  5000  B.C.,'  is  among 
the  earliest  marine-oriented  sites  in  the  Casma 
Valley  of  Peru.  The  site  consists  of  a  dense  shell 
midden  over  1  m  deep  that  is  unusual  because 
of  the  predominance  of  warm-water  mud-flat 
mollusks  among  the  remains.  Along  with  these 
mollusks,  an  abundance  of  estuarine  fishes  in- 
dicates a  very  rich  estuarine  ecosystem  close  to 
the  site.  A  single,  well-preserved  burial  was  also 
encountered  within  the  shell  midden.  The  collec- 
tive data  from  Almejas  provide  information 
about  early  coastal  settlement  that  is  pertinent  to 
critical,  much-debated  issues  regarding  the  tim- 
ing of  current  sea  level  attainment  and  the  antiq- 
uity of  the  present  climatic  regime,  including  pe- 
riodic El  Nino-related  events. 

(Fig.  1).  The  site  lies  along  the  north  side  of  a 
granite  outcrop  against  which  considerable  gra- 
nitic sand  is  banked.  Almejas  is  now  about  5.5 
km  from  the  Pacific  Ocean  and  about  25  m 
above  sea  level,  but  the  intervening  area  is  quite 
low,  less  than  5  m  above  sea  level  (masl),  and 
was  once  a  large  shallow  estuary  (Fig.  1). 

In  the  immediate  vicinity  of  the  site  are  abun- 
dant remains  of  much  later  Early  Intermediate 
Period  and  Late  Intermediate  Period  (200  B.C. 
to  A.D.  1470)  settlement,  including  a  large  cem- 
etery, cane  foundations  of  quincha  (wattle-and- 
daub)  houses,  and  rich  midden  with  abundant 
plant  remains.  Slightly  further  north,  in  a  nat- 
ural basin  also  formed  by  low  granitic  hills,  lies 
the  Early  Horizon  site  of  San  Diego  (Pozorski 
and  Pozorski  1987:51-65;  Tello  1956:296-298; 
Thompson  1961:74-75,  241-244,  1964:208). 

The  Site  of  Almejas 

Location  and  Surface  Features 

A  tiny  preceramic  site  located  near  the  aban- 
doned hacienda  San  Diego  was  named  Almejas, 
a  Spanish  word  meaning  clam,  because  of  the 
abundant  bivalve  shells  found  on  the  surface 

1  The  5000  B.C.  date  is  based  on  uncalibrated  radio- 
carbon dates.  If  calibrated  dates  were  used,  then  the 
date  for  the  site  would  be  about  5900  B.C.  However, 
for  the  purposes  of  this  discussion,  uncalibrated  dates 
are  used  because  the  dates  cited  here  for  comparative 
purposes  have  been  reported  in  the  archaeological  lit- 
erature as  uncalibrated  dates. 

Excavations  at  Almejas 

Almejas  is  distinguishable  on  the  surface  as  an 
irregular  patch  of  very  dense  shell  about  95  m 
north-south  by  50  m  east-west.  Excavation  of 
four  test  pits  within  the  area  of  dense  shell  re- 
vealed that  this  shell  extends  to  a  depth  of  135 
cm.  A  1-m2  controlled  stratigraphic  excavation 
of  the  test  pit  exposed  the  deepest  and  best- 
preserved  midden  deposit.  Portions  of  the  upper 
levels  had  been  disturbed  and  contaminated  by 
the  activities  of  later  inhabitants.  These  mixed 
zones,  which  occasionally  penetrated  to  a  depth 
of  40  cm,  were  easily  detected,  both  because  of 
the  extremely  weathered  condition  of  the  early 


Paleoenvironment  at  Almejas 




Figure  1.     Map  of  the  lower  Casma  Valley  showing  the  location  of  the  site  of  Almejas. 


S.  Pozorski  and  T.  Pozorski 

Figure  2.     View  from  above  showing  three  large  boulders  on  top  of  the  Almejas  burial. 

shell  and  because  of  the  presence  of  intrusive 
late  elements  such  as  ceramics,  camelid  dung, 
and  maize.  The  lower  levels,  however,  were  un- 
disturbed and  contained  predominantly  marine 
shell,  fish  bone,  and  wild  plant  remains.  A  buri- 
al was  discovered  within  these  intact  lower  lev- 

As  the  controlled  stratigraphic  excavation 
was  carried  out,  excavation  followed  the  visible 
stratigraphy.  Thick  levels  were  arbitrarily  sub- 
divided into  artificial  levels  25  cm  or  less  in 
thickness.  Initial  excavation  of  each  level  in- 
volved the  removal  of  a  25-cm2  column  sample 
of  midden  that  was  screened  through  succes- 
sively smaller  mesh:  l/4  in.  screen,  a  no.  10  geo- 
logical sieve,  and  a  no.  25  geological  sieve.  The 
remaining  material  from  the  more  general  ex- 
cavation of  each  level  was  screened  through  a 
V*  in.  screen.  The  plant  and  animal  remains  re- 
covered when  the  column  sample  was  screened 
through  the  %  in.  mesh  were  included  as  part 
of  the  general  excavation  material.  Remains  re- 
covered using  the  geological  sieves  were 
bagged  separately  according  to  mesh  size.  The 
animal  bone  recovered  using  the  geological 
sieves  was  analyzed  separately,  but  the  results 
have  been  combined  here  under  the  term  "col- 

umn sample."  Volume  measurements  in  liters 
were  recorded  for  all  excavation  units  within 
the  stratigraphic  cut. 


A  preceramic  burial  was  encountered  near  the 
bottom  of  the  stratigraphic  excavation  at  a 
depth  of  100  cm  below  the  modern  ground  sur- 
face (Figs.  2  through  4).  The  first  clue  that  a 
burial  was  present  was  three  large  boulders  that 
lay  on  top  of  the  burial  wrapping  (Fig.  2).  This 
burial  wrapping  consisted  of  a  well-preserved 
covering  of  parallel  junco  reeds  (Cyperus  sp.) 
laid  lengthwise  and  closely  spaced  to  cover  the 
body  (Fig.  3),  but  without  any  evidence  of  twin- 
ing or  tying. 

The  body  (Fig.  4)  was  tightly  flexed,  lying 
on  the  right  side  with  the  head  toward  the  north. 
The  arms  were  flexed,  bringing  both  hands  into 
position  beneath  the  chin.  Based  on  examina- 
tion of  the  pelvis,  the  skeleton  was  determined 
to  be  that  of  a  male.  Formulae  for  stature  cal- 
culations developed  by  Genoves  (1967;  repro- 
duced in  Bass  1987:29)  indicate  that  the  man's 
stature  when  alive  would  have  been  approxi- 

Paleoenvironment  at  Almejas 


Figure  3.     View  from  above  of  the  Almejas  burial  after  removal  of  the  three  large  boulders.  Well-preserved  loose 
junco  (Cyperus  sp.)  fibers  covered  the  exterior  of  the  body. 

mately  161.5  cm.  His  age  at  death  is  estimated 
at  approximately  35  to  45  years.  This  age  de- 
termination is  based  on  complete  closure  of  all 
epiphyses  (Bass  1987:13-19),  slight  arthritic 
lipping  on  the  cervical  vertebrae  (Bass  1987: 
19),  and  tooth  wear  as  measured  against  the 
scale  developed  by  Brothwell  (1981:72).  All 
four  third  molars,  the  lower  second  premolars, 
and  both  lower  right  incisors  were  lost  well  be- 
fore death;  their  corresponding  sockets  are  no 
longer  visible.  The  remaining  teeth  are  very 
worn,  exposing  the  dentine.  Both  ears  contain 
bony  growths  known  as  auditory  exostoses;  the 
condition  is  particularly  severe  in  the  left  ear. 
These  commonly  result  from  trauma  to  the  ear 
canal  when  the  thin  skin  there  is  exposed  to 
cold  water  while  an  individual  is  exploiting 
cold-water  resources  (Kennedy  1986;  Quilter 
1989:21;  Tattersall  1985:60-64;  Wise  et  al. 

A  large  quartz  crystal  (Figs.  4  and  5)  was 
discovered  near  the  left  hand,  where  it  may 
have  been  held.  This  item  is  unique  in  such  a 
context;  and,  given  the  frequent  inclusion  of 
quartz  crystals  among  power  objects  on  the  me- 
sas of  modern  shamans  practicing  on  the  Pe- 

ruvian north  coast  (Joralemon  and  Sharon  1993: 
20,  32,  54,  68,  80,  95,  107),  the  quartz  crystal 
from  Almejas  may  also  have  served  prehistor- 
ically  as  a  power  object  for  communicating 
with  and  influencing  the  supernatural.  This  find 
represents  the  earliest  such  evidence  of  possible 
shamanistic  practices  along  the  entire  central 
Andean  coast. 

A  total  of  52  perforated  shell  discs  were  also 
collected  from  the  grave  fill  between  the  junco 
wrapping  and  the  center  portion  of  the  body 
(Fig.  5).  These  were  likely  strung  as  beads,  pos- 
sibly once  forming  a  necklace.  Most  of  the  shell 
discs  were  manufactured  from  Trachycardium 
procerum  and  Argopecten  purpuratum  shells, 
although  a  few  may  have  been  fashioned  from 
the  mussel  Mytella  guyanensis  and  the  gastro- 
pod Thais  chocolata.  Shell  beads  and  worked 
or  cut  shell  ornaments  have  been  found  in  some 
burials  at  Late  Preceramic  sites  (Bird  and  Hys- 
lop  1985:66,  220;  Feldman  1980:114,  121; 
Moseley  1992:1 16;  Quilter  1 989:53-74  passim; 
Wendt  1976:34)  and  earlier  preceramic  sites 
(Stothert  1985:627). 

Other  than  the  quartz  crystal  and  shell  discs 
associated  with  the  burial,  very  few  artifacts 


S.  Pozorski  and  T.  Pozorski 

Figure  4.  View  from  above  of  the  excavated  male  skeleton  at  Almejas.  The  individual  was  35  to  45  years  old 
at  the  time  of  death  and  was  buried  with  52  perforated  shell  discs,  which  likely  once  formed  a  necklace,  and  a  large 
quartz  crystal,  which  he  held  in  his  left  hand. 

Figure  5.     Perforated  shell  discs  and  the  large  quartz  crystal  found  with  the  Almejas  burial. 

Paleoenvironment  at  Almejas 


TABLE  1.     Radiocarbon  dates  from  Almejas. 

Sample  no. 

years*  B.C. 








±  75 

5245  ± 


5980  ± 



Stratigraphic  cut,  level  4c, 
80  cm  below  surface 



±  70 

5270  ± 


6000  ± 



Stratigraphic  cut,  level  4e, 
100  cm  below  surface 



±  105 

4925  ± 


5675  ± 



From  burial  fiber  wrapping, 
burial  cut  into  level  4e 

*  All  dates  are  based  on  the  Libby  half-life  (5568  ±  30  years)  and  have  no  "C/I2C  corrections. 
t  Calibrations  are  based  on  charts  in  Stuiver  and  Becker  (1993). 

were  encountered  at  Almejas.  These  additional 
artifacts  include  rounded  shell  discs  and  perfo- 
rated pieces  of  shell  that  may  represent  partially 
shaped  perforated  shell  discs  or  beads. 

The  burial  at  Almejas  is  one  of  the  earliest 
preceramic  burials  that  have  been  found  along 
the  central  Andean  coast.  Dating  to  approxi- 
mately 5000  B.C.,  this  burial  predates  all  burials 
associated  with  the  Late  Preceramic  Period  or 
the  Cotton  Preceramic  Period  (3000-1800  B.C.), 
a  time  period  associated  with  the  use  of  twined 
cotton  textiles  for  clothing,  burial  wrappings, 
and  netting  (Bird  and  Hyslop  1985:64-76;  Lan- 
ning  1967:61:  Moseley  1983:208,  1992:108- 
109).  A  few  widely  scattered  coastal  sites  have 
yielded  burials  of  comparable  age:  the  earliest 
burials  at  La  Paloma  on  the  central  Peruvian 
coast  (Quilter  1989:11,  163-165),  the  burials 
associated  with  the  Late  Las  Vegas  phase  at  the 
Las  Vegas  in  southern  Ecuador  (Stothert  1985: 
618-619),  and  those  of  the  Chinchorro  Culture 
in  northern  Chile  and  the  far  south  coast  of  Peru 
(Arriaza  1995:127-130).  Somewhat  earlier 
burials  (6000-8000  B.C.)  have  been  found  with- 
in the  Chinchorro  culture  sites  (Arriaza  1995: 
126-127),  at  Encampment  96  of  Paracas  Bay 
(Arriaza  1995:55;  Engel  1981:31-32;  Quilter 
1989:71),  at  the  Paijan  culture  sites  of  Quiri- 
huac  Shelter  in  the  Moche  Valley  (Chauchat 
1988:49-51;  Moseley  1992:87),  and  in  the 
Cupisnique  desert  north  of  the  Chicama  Valley 
(Chauchat  1978b:60,  1988:59-63). 

The  Almejas  burial  has  several  traits  typical 
of  and  other  traits  not  so  characteristic  of  pre- 
ceramic burials  along  the  central  Andean  coast. 
The  body  itself  was  buried  in  its  natural  state 
with  no  attempt  at  artificial  mummification. 
With  the  exception  of  the  unique  Chinchorro 
Culture  (Arriaza  1995),  this  was  standard  treat- 
ment for  all  preceramic  burials  along  the  coast. 
The  flexed  position  of  the  Almejas  body,  lying 

on  one  side,  is  typical  of  many  preceramic  sites, 
including  those  contemporary  with,  earlier  than, 
and  later  than  the  Almejas  burial  (Bird  and 
Hyslop  1985:64-76;  Engel  1981:32-38;  Feld- 
man  1980:114-122;  Grieder  et  al.  1988:Table 
4;  Moseley  1992:116;  Pozorski  and  Pozorski 
1979:351-354,  1987:20;  Quilter  1989:53; 
Stothert  1985:625;  Wendt  1976:29-30;  Wise  et 
al.  1994:215).  The  presence  of  large  stones  on 
top  of  the  Almejas  burial  is  also  a  trait  shared 
with  burials  at  several  preceramic  sites  (Bird 
and  Hyslop  1985:66;  Pozorski  and  Pozorski 
1979:353,  1987:20:  Quilter  1989:83;  Stothert 
1985:625;  Wendt  1976:30).  The  wrapping  of 
bodies  was  a  widespread  practice  in  preceramic 
times.  In  Late  Preceramic  times,  cotton  cloth 
was  most  frequently  used  (Bird  and  Hyslop 
1985:64-76;  Feldman  1980:114-122;  Moseley 
1992:1 16);  also  common  was  the  use  of  twined 
or  woven  matting  (Bird  and  Hyslop  1985:66- 
74;  Engel  1976:97,  1981:32-38;  Feldman  1980: 
114-118;  Fung  Pineda  1988:95;  Quilter  1989: 
53,  70-82;  Wendt  1976:30-31).  The  use  of 
loose  junco  fibers,  totora  reeds,  or  other  loose 
plant  fiber  as  a  burial  wrapping  was  less  com- 
mon (Bird  and  Hyslop  1985:74;  Pozorski  and 
Pozorski  1987:20;  Quilter  1989:87-162). 

Subsistence  and  Environment 

Two  features  of  Almejas  distinguish  the  site 
from  other  preceramic  sites  of  the  central  and 
north  coast.  First,  the  radiocarbon  dates  for  the 
site,  averaging  about  5000  B.C.  (Table  1),  are 
unusually  early.  Second,  the  predominant  fau- 
nal  remains  argue  for  a  nutrient-rich  estuary  in 
the  vicinity  of  the  site.  The  molluscan  inventory 
is  dominated  by  species  that  disappeared  from 
the  Casma  area  quite  early  and  are  now  largely 


S.  Pozorski  and  T.  Pozorski 

Percentage  of  Shellfish  Species  Based  on  MNI 






Figure  6. 




0         E3 

Y777A      WA 










I          I 

I        I 

I        I 
I        I 

I        I 
I        I 




Diagram  of  shellfish  species  frequency  through  time  at  Almejas,  based  on  MNI  (Minimum  Number  of 
Level  5  is  the  earliest  level;  level  la  is  the  latest. 

confined  to  mud-rich  substrate  habitats  within 
warmer  waters  much  farther  north,  near  the 
modern  Peru-Ecuador  border  and  beyond.  Fish 
species  identified  at  Almejas  also  argue  for  the 
presence  of  a  local  warm-water  estuarine  envi- 
ronment with  one  or  more  inlets  that  afforded 
access  to  the  cooler  offshore  waters. 


Although  marine  mollusks  and  fish  were  the 
main  food  source,  there  is  some  evidence  of 
plant  food  use.  Fragments  of  gourd  rind  (La- 
genaria  sicerarid)  were  found  in  the  middle 
levels  of  the  cut,  well  below  any  evidence  of 
disturbance  or  contamination.  Immature  fruits 
of  this  plant  may  have  been  used  as  food,  and 
the  presence  of  rind  fragments  points  to  the  use 
of  gourd  containers.  Other  than  gourd,  only  re- 
mains of  wild  plants  were  recovered  from  the 
preceramic  midden.  The  dominant  species  was 
algarrobo  (Prosopis  chilensis).  Seeds  of  this 
plant  were  very  common,  suggesting  that  the 

sweet  bean  pods,  readily  available  from  trees 
on  the  valley  edges,  were  a  source  of  food. 

Warm-blooded  vertebrates,  including  birds 
and  marine  and  terrestrial  mammals,  composed 
an  additional,  relatively  minor  food  source. 
Bones  of  rails  (Rallidae),  cormorants  (Phala- 
crocorax  spp.),  mice  (Cricetinae),  sea  lion 
(Otariidai),  and  deer  were  identified  among  the 
faunal  remains  within  the  stratigraphic  excava- 
tion (Reitz  1995b).  However,  none  except  the 
mouse  species  is  represented  by  more  than  one 
or  two  bones. 

The  molluscan  species  inventory  of  Almejas 
is  unusual  because  it  is  dominated  by  shellfish 
species,  which  favor  the  muddy,  silt-rich  sub- 
strate typical  of  estuaries  and  are  now  available 
almost  exclusively  in  the  warm-tropical  waters 
of  the  far  north  coast  of  Peru  (Figs.  6  through 
10).  These  include  Chione  subrugosa  (Figs.  6 
through  8),  the  most  common  species  at  Al- 
mejas, as  well  as  substantial  numbers  of  Mytella 
guyanensis  (Figs.  6,  7,  and  9),  Mytella  arcifor- 
mis  (Figs.  6,  7,  and  10),  Protothaca  asperrima, 
and  Trachycardium  procerum,  and,  more  rarely, 

Paleoenvironment  at  Almejas 

Percentage  of  Shellfish  Species  by  Weight 

























0       I 

I         I 

I        Q       I       I 
0       B       I       B 

I       I 


I  I  0 

i  i  o  e 

I  I  B  B 

I  I  Q  B 

I  I  0  fl 

Q       0 

Figure  7.     Diagram  of  shellfish  species  frequency  through  time  at  Almejas  based  on  weight  of  sample.  Level  5 
is  the  earliest  level;  level  la  is  the  latest. 

Mactra  fonsecana,  Nassarius  luteostoma,  Cer- 
ithium  stercusmuscarum,  and  Cerithidea  albon- 
odosa  (Figs.  6  and  7)  (Keen  1 97 1:63-6 10  pas- 
sim; Olsson  1961:113-325  passim).  Even 
slightly  later  local  preceramic  and  early  ceramic 
middens  contain  few  to  none  of  these  species, 
which  suggests  that  they  disappeared  from  the 
area  quite  early.  Not  all  shellfish  from  Almejas 
are  species  that  inhabit  exclusively  a  mud  flat 
habitat.  Tagelus  dombeii  (Figs.  6  and  7)  is 
known  to  occur  in  sandy  substrates  (Coker,  cit- 
ed in  Dahl  1909:160),  and  this  species  has  a 
known  range  that  extends  northward  to  Panama 
and  southward  to  Chile  (Dall  1909:160;  Keen 
1971:246;  Olsson  1961:351).  Also  significantly, 
shellfish  typical  of  warm-temperate  waters  are 
represented  by  a  number  of  chiton  plates  and 
shells  of  Tegula  atra,  Brachidontes  purpuratus, 
Thais  chocolata,  Choromytilus  chorus,  and  lim- 
pets (Figs.  6  and  7).  These  species  characteristic 
of  colder  water  were  accessible  in  the  rocky 
areas  washed  by  open  surf  near  the  modern 
town  of  Puerto  Casma.  They  were  much  more 
frequently  exploited  later,  and  came  to  domi- 

nate the  faunal  inventory  of  sites  established  in 
the  area  after  the  silting  in  and  eventual  desic- 
cation of  the  estuary  near  Almejas.  Clearly,  the 
inhabitants  of  Almejas  placed  much  greater  em- 
phasis on  the  abundant  and  more  readily  acces- 
sible shellfish  within  the  local  estuary,  a  rich 
microenvironment  teeming  with  plant  and  ani- 
mal life. 

The  medium  to  large  bivalve  shells  from  Al- 
mejas exhibit  consistent  fracture  patterns  (Figs. 
8  to  1 0),  which  indicates  they  were  bashed  open 
with  a  simple  pounding  tool.  Because  cooked 
shellfish  are  easily  opened,  it  seems  most  likely 
that  the  inhabitants  of  Almejas  consumed  local 
mollusks  raw. 

Fish  species  consumed  by  the  inhabitants  of 
Almejas  also  reflect  the  site's  proximity  to  the 
resource-rich  local  estuarine  environment.  Bar- 
rier islands  protect  such  environments  from  the 
ocean,  promoting  the  deposition  of  the  fine  riv- 
er-borne sediments  that  compose  the  component 
mud  flats  and  facilitate  the  formation  of  marsh- 
es (Odum  1971:352-362).  Nevertheless,  estu- 
aries experience  tidal  fluctuations  through  open- 


5.  Pozorski  and  T.  Pozorski 

Figure.  8.     Whole  and  fragmentary  specimens  of  Chione  subrugosa  showing  the  characteristic  breakage  pattern 
evincing  live  shellfish  consumption. 

MET(?1C   'I         ,      21         ,      31         ,      4,         ,      5,         .      61         .      71  8 

Figure  9.     Fragmentary  specimens  of  Mytella  guyanensis  showing  the  characteristic  breakage  pattern  evincing 
live  shellfish  consumption. 

Paleoenvironment  at  Almejas 


Figure  10.     Whole  and  fragmentary  specimens  of  Mytella  arciformis  showing  the  characteristic  breakage  pattern 
evincing  live  shellfish  consumption. 

ings  that  connect  the  estuary  with  a  nearby  bay 
or  open  ocean  (Odum  1971;  Reitz  1995b).  The 
resulting  environment  is  dynamic  and  much 
more  productive  than  offshore  waters  because 
nutrients  tend  to  be  trapped  and  concentrated 
there,  and  photosynthesis  occurs  throughout  the 
year  (Odum  1971).  Especially  relevant  to  the 
Casma  situation  is  the  fact  that  estuaries  func- 
tion as  nurseries  for  many  organisms,  including 
fish,  thereby  increasing  their  natural  richness 
(Odum  1971:356).  Adult  fish  may  spawn  in  the 
ocean,  with  the  larvae  being  carried  into  the 
estuary  by  tidal  currents.  Other  adult  fish  may 
enter  the  estuaries  to  spawn,  with  their  young 
remaining  there  until  they  reach  maturity.  Adult 
fish  may  spend  more  or  less  time  within  estu- 
aries. They  are  attracted  by  the  rich  biomass  as 
a  food  source,  yet  temporarily  intolerable  tem- 
peratures or  salinity  may  induce  them  to  leave 
the  estuarine  ecosystem  for  more  stable  off- 
shore water  (Reitz  1995b;  Hackner  et  al.  1976, 
cited  in  Reitz  1995b).  Other  species  that  fre- 
quent shallow  near-shore  waters  may  be  attract- 
ed to  the  vicinity  of  estuary  inlets  and  even  into 
the  estuary  because  of  the  richer  food  supply 
available  in  such  zones. 

Since  the  estuary  near  Almejas  was  such  a 
critical  part  of  the  ecosystem  which  supported 
the  site's  inhabitants,  it  is  important  to  assess 
the  fish  species  relative  to  their  potential  role 
within  this  feature  of  the  local  environment.  To 
accomplish  this,  we  used  Reitz's  (1995b)  ex- 
cellent review  and  synthesis  of  the  available 
habitat  data  for  the  fish  species  identified  from 
Almejas,  which  draws  primarily  on  Chirichigno 
(1974,  1982)  and  Schweigger  ( 1 964)  as  well  as 
additional  sources  (DEIS  1978;  Hoese  and 
Moore  1977;  Moreno  and  Castilla  n.d. — all  cit- 
ed in  Reitz  1995b).  The  results  are  presented  in 
Tables  2  through  4.  These  tables  reveal  that  fish 
species  consumed  at  Almejas  fall  into  three 
principal  groups:  species  that  frequent  estuaries, 
species  native  to  the  warm-temperate  waters  of 
the  Peruvian  Current,  and  mixed-habitat  species 
that  are  known  to  inhabit  both  warm-temperate 
and  warm-tropical  waters.  Significantly,  only 
three  species  that  are  more  typical  of  warm- 
tropical  waters  were  identified  among  the  fauna! 
remains.  Several  estuarine  species  were  initially 
classified  as  warm-tropical  species  (Reitz 
1995b);  however,  assessment  of  fish  habitat 
data  in  light  of  the  reconstructed  local  estuarine 


S.  Pozorski  and  T.  Pozorski 

TABLE  2.     Fish  species  identified  from  the  column  sample. 











Estuarine  fish  species 

Elops  affinis  (ladyfish) 







Clupeidae  (herrings) 







Engraulidae  (anchovies) 







Ariidae  (sea  catfishes) 







Bairdiella  spp.  (silver  perch) 







Mugil  spp.  (mullet,  lisa) 












Warm-temperate  fish  species 

Myliobatidae  (eagle  rays) 







Sciaena  spp.  (lorna) 












Mixed-habitat  fish  species 


(cartilaginous  fishes) 







Dasyatidae  (stingrays) 







Muraenidae  (morays) 







Cynoscion  spp.  (seatrout) 












Warm-tropical  fish  species 

Gerridae  (Mojarras) 












Unidentified  fish 





Abbreviations:  NISP,  number  of  identified  species;  MNI,  minimum  number  of  individuals. 

*  Biomass  values  are  based  on  calculations  made  by  Reitz  (1995b;  Reitz  and  Cordier  1983;  Reitz  et  al.  1987). 

environment  led  the  authors  to  conclude  that 
virtually  all  of  these  species  should  more  ap- 
propriately be  viewed  as  estuary  dwellers.  The 
differences  between  the  fish  species  identified 
from  the  column  sample  as  compared  to  the 
general  excavation  (Tables  2  and  3)  are  partic- 
ularly noteworthy  in  this  regard.  The  fish  re- 
mains from  the  column  sample  (no.  10  and  no. 
25  geological  sieves)  strongly  reflect  exploita- 
tion of  the  estuary,  where  small  fishes,  both 
young  fishes  and  small  adult  fishes,  could  be 
easily  taken.  The  small  herrings  and  anchovies 
are  included  in  Table  2  as  estuarine  fish  because 
some  species  within  both  families  are  known  to 
frequent  estuaries  and  because  their  consistent, 
small  size  within  the  archaeological  sample 
suggests  that  the  estuary  served  as  their  nurs- 
ery. In  contrast,  adults  of  these  two  species  are 
known  to  frequent  the  offshore  waters  of  the 
Peruvian  Current;  therefore,  the  herring  and  an- 

chovy remains  recovered  from  the  general  ex- 
cavation (V4  in.  screen)  were  included  among 
the  warm-temperate  fish  in  Table  3.  Tables  2 
and  3  also  reveal  the  paramount  importance  of 
the  estuary  as  a  food  source.  More  than  64%  of 
the  fish  biomass  reconstructed  for  the  column 
sample  came  from  estuarine  fishes,  versus 
3.45%  for  the  warm-temperate  fishes  and 
2.64%  for  the  mixed-habitat  fishes  (Table  2). 
More  balance  can  be  seen  with  respect  to  the 
fish  biomass  reconstructed  for  the  general  ex- 
cavation, with  almost  24%  comprised  of  estu- 
arine species,  over  21%  comprised  of  warm- 
temperate  species,  and  over  14%  comprised  of 
mixed-habitat  fish  (Table  3).  These  proportions 
are  in  keeping  with  the  reconstructed  subsis- 
tence scenario.  Adult  mullet  and  sea  catfish  are 
known  to  inhabit  estuaries  and  have  been  clas- 
sified accordingly.  The  other  adult  species  rep- 
resented by  vertebrate  remains  from  the  general 

Paleoenvironment  at  Almejas 


TABLE  3.     Fish  species  identified  from  the  general  excavation. 











Estuarine  fish  species 

Albula  vulpes  (bonefish) 







Ariidae  (sea  catfishes) 







Micropogonias  spp.  (croaker) 







Mugil  spp.  (mullet,  lisa) 













Warm-temperate  fish  species 

Myliobatidae  (eagle  rays) 







Clupeidae  (herrings) 







Engraulidae  (anchovies) 







Pamlabrax  spp.  (cabrilla) 







Trachurus  murphvi 

(jack  mackerel,  jurel) 







Anisotremus  spp.  (sargo) 







Sciaenidae  (drums) 





Paralonchurus  spp.  (coco) 







Sciaena  spp.  (lorna) 




1  1  .260 



Bodianus  spp.  (hogfish) 







Sarda  spp.  (bonito) 













Mixed  habitat  fish  species 

Carcharhinidae  (requiem  sharks) 







Dasyatidae  (stingrays) 







Muraenidae  (morays) 







Serranidae  (sea  basses) 





Carangidae  (jacks) 





Trachinotus  spp.  (pompano) 







Cynoscion  spp.  (seatrout) 







Bothidae  (flounders) 













Warm-tropical  fish  species 

Epinephelus  spp.  (grouper) 







Gerridae  (Mojarras) 













Unidentified  fish 


1  1  1  .900 



Abbreviations:  NISP,  number  of  identified  species;  MNI,  minimum  number  of  individuals. 

*  Biomass  values  are  based  on  calculations  made  by  Reitz  (1995;  Reitz  and  Cordier  1983;  Reitz  et  al.  1987). 

excavation  are  potential  offshore  species  that 
may  have  been  taken  in  the  cooler  waters  of  the 
open  ocean,  near  estuary  inlets  because  of  the 
richer  nutrients,  or  even  within  the  estuary — 
the  richest  of  the  three  potential  environments. 
This  is  especially  likely  for  sargo  (Anisotremus 
spp.),  seatrout  (Cynoscion  spp.),  coco  (Paralon- 
churus spp.),  lorna  (Sciaena  spp.),  flounders 
(Bothidae  family),  and  members  of  the  jack 
family  (Carangidae),  all  of  which  are  known  to 
inhabit  shallow  inshore  waters. 


The  archaeological  data  from  Almejas  must  be 
viewed  in  relation  to  three  radiocarbon  dates 
from  its  midden:  5245  ±  75  B.C.  (UGa-4518), 
5270  ±  70  B.C.  (UGa-4519),  and  4925  ±  105 
B.C.  (UGa-4539)  (Table  1 ).  These  dates  cluster 
around  5000  B.C.  (uncalibrated).  Several  other 
sites  along  the  western  coast  of  South  America 
are  known  to  date  as  early  as  Almejas  or  earlier. 
The  earliest  coastal  sites  that  show  heavy  reli- 


S.  Pozorski  and  T.  Pozorski 

TABLE  4.     Combined  biomass  values  for  fish  species  identified  at  Almejas.* 

Estuarine  fish 

fish  species 

fish  species 

fish  species 








General  excavation 




































6.7501     (51.84)       1.1613       (8.92)      0.8050       (6.18)      0.0677     (0.52)      4.2366     (32.54) 

*  Biomass  values  are  based  on  calculations  made  by  Reitz  (1995b;  Reitz  and  Cordier  1983;  Reitz  et  al.  1987). 
t  The  column  sample  values  were  adjusted  upward  based  on  the  proportion  that  the  column  sample  volume  (109 
liters)  represented  of  the  total  volume  of  the  stratigraphic  excavation  (1,454  liters),  resulting  in  a  factor  of  13.3. 

ance  on  marine  resources  are  known  from  the 
far  north  of  Peru  near  Talara  (Richardson  1978, 
1981),  in  southern  Ecuador  (Stothert  1985), 
from  far  southern  Peru  near  Ilo  (Sandweiss  et 
al.  1989),  and  from  northern  Chile  near  Anto- 
fagasta  (Aldenderfer  1989:117-144;  Llagostera 
Martinez  1979;  Richardson  1981,  1994:38-39). 
These  sites  tend  to  be  located  where  the  conti- 
nental shelf  is  narrow,  thereby  minimizing  the 
impact  of  the  subsequent  shoreline  transgres- 
sion believed  to  have  inundated  ancient  shore- 
line sites  where  the  shelf  is  wide  (Richardson 
1981).  These  sites  also  tend  to  have  faunal  re- 
mains consistent  with  their  geographic  location. 

Three  additional  sites  or  site  complexes  are 
more  comparable  to  Almejas  based  on  their  ra- 
diocarbon dates  and  because  of  the  presence  of 
what  have  been  described  as  thermally  anoma- 
lous fish  and/or  shellfish  species.  These  include 
the  Paijan  complex  sites,  located  well  inland 
between  the  Chicama  and  Jequetepeque  Val- 
leys, which  have  been  dated  to  approximately 
8550-6050  B.C.  (Chauchat  1988;  Reitz  1995a, 
1995b),  as  well  as  Ostra  Base  Camp  and  Pampa 
las  Salinas,  located  north  of  the  Santa  River 
mouth,  with  radiocarbon  dates  of  ca.  6000  B.C. 
(Reitz  1995a,  1995b,  2001;  Sandweiss  et  al. 
1983,  1986,  1996). 

The  data  from  Almejas  are  especially  rele- 
vant to  the  controversial  issues  of  when  the  sea 
level  attained  its  present  level  and  the  antiquity 
of  the  present  climatic  regime  and  its  associated 
current  patterns  (DeVries  and  Wells  1990; 
DeVries  et  al.  1997;  Kerr  1999;  Rodbell  et  al. 
1999;  Rollins  et  al.  1986,  1997;  Sandweiss 
1986;  Sandweiss  et  al.  1983,  1996,  1997,  1998, 
1999;  Wells  1988:160-176;  Wells  and  Noller 
1997).  The  authors'  reconstruction  of  the  en- 
vironment of  Almejas  at  the  time  of  its  occu- 

pation suggests  that  the  sea  level  and  climatic 
conditions  in  effect  today  are  in  fact  quite  old. 

The  warm-temperate  water  of  the  Peruvian 
Current  was  likely  present  off  the  Casma  Valley 
coast  at  least  by  about  7000  years  ago,  when 
Almejas  was  occupied.  Arguments  for  consid- 
erable antiquity  for  the  current  climatic  regime 
are  based  on  the  faunal  inventory  of  Almejas, 
subsistence  activities  practiced  at  the  site,  and 
preservation  within  the  site.  Both  fish  and  shell- 
fish species  provide  evidence  that  cold  water 
was  readily  accessible  from  the  site.  Additional 
evidence  that  these  species  characteristic  of 
warm-temperate  water  were  taken  by  the  inhab- 
itants of  Almejas  comes  from  the  human  skel- 
eton, which  was  characterized  by  auditory  ex- 
ostoses,  bony  growths  that  develop  in  the  ear 
canal  as  a  result  of  repeated  exposure  to  cold 
water  (Kennedy  1986).  Finally,  the  preservation 
of  fragile  plant  material — including  the  junco 
burial  wrapping,  gourd  rind,  and  algarrobo 
seeds — within  the  Almejas  midden  argues  for  a 
near-rainless  climate  of  the  type  that  exists  to- 
day. Without  the  Peruvian  Current  offshore,  the 
climate  would  have  been  significantly  wetter, 
and  preservation  would  have  been  negatively 

Sea  level  was  probably  close  to  or  slightly 
higher  than  current  levels  at  the  time  Almejas 
was  in  use  (Wells  1988:161-162).  Evidence  for 
this  comes  from  the  fact  that  an  estuary  was 
present  at  the  mouth  of  the  Casma  River  at  this 
time  (Wells  1988:161-162).  Formation  of  this 
estuary  depended  on  the  sea  level  being  at  or 
slightly  above  its  present  height.  Ample  evi- 
dence for  the  existence  and  exploitation  of  this 
rich  estuarine  environment  comes  from  the 
many  warm-water  mud  flat  molluscan  species 
and  the  estuarine  fish  species,  especially  the  im- 

Paleoenvlronment  at  Almejas 


mature  individuals  recovered  through  fine 
screening,  that  make  the  Almejas  faunal  inven- 
tory so  remarkable.  These  species  most  likely 
became  established  in  the  estuarine  environ- 
ment when  free-floating  or  free-swimming  mol- 
luscan  larvae  and  fish  traveled  south  within  the 
warm  Ecuadorian  Countercurrent  during  an  in- 
frequent El  Nino  event.  They  would  have 
thrived  within  the  shallow,  nutrient-rich,  sun- 
warmed  estuarine  environment  (DeVries  and 
Wells  1990;  Smith  1944:v).  The  Casma  Valley 
is  an  especially  favorable  place  for  this  to  occur 
because  of  the  large  number  of  sunny  days 
(ONERN  1972:50). 

Warm-temperate  species  were  available  on 
the  rocky  headlands  and  slightly  offshore,  but 
mud  flat  estuarine  species  were  clearly  pre- 
ferred. This  preference  probably  reflects  both 
their  abundance  in  the  rich  estuarine  habitat  and 
their  ease  of  capture,  especially  for  people  who 
apparently  lacked  a  well-developed  fishing 
technology.  Nutrients  from  the  estuarine  envi- 
ronment would  have  spilled  out  into  the  ocean, 
thereby  attracting  warm-temperate  fish  and 
making  them  more  accessible  to  the  people  of 

Ironically,  the  same  sea  level  rise  or  trans- 
gression that  initially  facilitated  development  of 
the  estuarine  environment  that  likely  attracted 
the  inhabitants  of  Almejas  to  settle  nearby  also 
triggered  deposition  of  river-borne  sediments 
(DeVries  and  Wells  1990;  Wells  1988:172- 
176).  Gradual  filling  by  these  sediments  ulti- 
mately eliminated  the  estuary — a  local  environ- 
mental change  that  also  likely  led  to  the  aban- 
donment of  Almejas.  Similar  sequences  of  es- 
tuary development  and  backfilling  by 
river-borne  sediment  likely  occurred  in  other 
coastal  areas,  thereby  also  explaining  occasion- 
al occurrences  of  colonies  of  tropical  fauna  of 
relatively  long  duration  within  an  otherwise 
temperate  zone.  This  would  also  explain  why 
estuaries  were  once  more  common,  but  are  now 

Variation  in  the  frequency  of  specific  shell- 
fish species  through  time  may  be  correlated 
with  the  gradual  silting  in  of  the  estuarine  en- 
vironment that  eventually  led  to  its  disappear- 
ance and  the  abandonment  of  Almejas.  The 
charts  in  Figures  6  and  7  clearly  reveal  that  six 
species  comprise  most  of  the  molluscan  inven- 
tory: Mytella  arciformis,  Protothaca  asperima, 
Mytella  guayanensis,  Chione  subrugosa,  Tage- 
lus  dombeii,  and  Trachycardium  procerum, 

with  the  latter  showing  a  significant  presence 
more  clearly  in  Figure  7.  It  is  also  readily  ap- 
parent that  Mytella  arciformis  dominates  the 
shellfish  inventory  in  the  earliest  levels  and  that 
Protothaca  asperima  and  Mytella  guayanensis 
exhibit  their  greatest  frequencies  of  occurrence 
slightly  later  within  the  stratigraphic  sequence. 
Tagelus  dombeii  peaks  in  frequency  even  later 
in  the  sequence,  whereas  Chione  subrugosa,  the 
most  abundant  mollusk  overall,  exhibits  its 
highest  frequency  toward  the  end  of  the  strati- 
graphic  sequence. 

Habitat  data  are  rarely  supplied  in  great  de- 
tail, but  the  data  available  for  the  principal  spe- 
cies indicate  that  two  of  the  three  species  that 
predominate  in  the  early  and  early-middle  por- 
tion of  the  sequence  are  known  to  occur  in  con- 
siderably deeper  water  than  most  species  that 
predominate  in  the  late  and  middle-late  portion 
of  the  sequence.  Specifically,  the  habitat  of  My- 
tella arciformis  has  been  described  as  "six  fath- 
oms, mud"  (Hertlein  and  Strong  1946:72),  and 
Prothaca  asperrima  has  been  described  as  oc- 
curring "in  sandy  mud  at  a  depth  of  13  fath- 
oms" (Hertlein  and  Strong  1946:187).  When 
specific  depth  measurements  are  provided  for 
one  species  with  peak  frequencies  toward  the 
latter  part  of  the  sequence,  the  habitat  depth  is 
much  shallower.  Live  specimens  of  Tagelus 
dombeii  are  described  as  being  "taken  in  sand 
under  three  or  four  feet  of  water"  (Coker,  quot- 
ed in  Dahl  1909:160).  However,  live  individuals 
of  Trachycardium  procerum,  which  are  slightly 
more  abundant  during  the  latter  portion  of  the 
sequence,  were  "found  in  coarse  sand  in  from 
four  to  six  fathoms  of  water"  (Sowerby  1833: 
83),  and  each  of  the  six  dominant  species  has 
been  described  by  one  or  more  experts  as  oc- 
curring in  shallow  water,  lagoons,  shallow  la- 
goons, on  mud  flats,  at  low  water,  and  in  inter- 
tidal  zones,  indicating  that  all  could  be  found 
at  times  in  relatively  shallow  water  (Hertlein 
and  Strong  1946:72-191  passim;  Keen  1971: 
63-246  passim;  Olsson  1961:298;  Soot-Ryen 
1955:53,  55;  Sowerby  1835:41). 

When  the  available  data  on  the  geographic 
distribution  of  the  principal  species  are  consid- 
ered, the  three  species  with  peak  frequencies 
earlier  in  the  sequence  appear  more  narrowly 
confined  to  warm-tropical  zones.  Mytella  arci- 
formis is  known  from  El  Salvador  to  Ecuador 
or  Peru  (Hertlein  and  Strong  1946:72;  Keen 
1971:63),  Mytella  guayanensis  is  known  from 
Mexico  or  the  Gulf  of  California  to  northern 


S.  Pozorski  and  T.  Pozorski 

Peru  (Hertlein  and  Strong  1946:72-73;  Keen 
1971:63;  Soot-Ryen  1955:53,  55),  and  Proto- 
thaca  asperrima  is  known  from  California  to 
Peru — more  commonly  northern  Peru  (Dahl 
1909:158;  Hertlein  and  Strong  1946:187;  Keen 
1971:193).  In  contrast,  Tagelus  dombeii  is 
known  from  Panama  to  Chile  (Dahl  1909:160; 
Keen  1971:246;  Olsson  1961:351);  Chione  sub- 
rugosa  is  described  by  Dahl  (1909:158)  as  oc- 
curring from  the  Gulf  of  California  to  Valpa- 
raiso, Chile  (although  other  experts  describe  a 
more  northern  range,  from  the  Gulf  of  Califor- 
nia to  Peru:  Hertlein  and  Strong  1946;  Keen 
1971:190;  Olsson  1961:298);  and  Trachycar- 
dium  procerum  is  known  from  the  Gulf  of  Cal- 
ifornia to  northern  Chile  or  Chile  (Keen  1971: 
155;  Olsson  1961:247-248).  These  data  likely 
reflect  the  greater  tolerance  of  Chione  subru- 
gosa,  and  especially  Tagelus  dombeii  and  Tra- 
chycardium  procerum,  to  more  varied  environ- 
ments, including  cooler  water.  This  may  have 
allowed  these  species  to  survive  as  the  estuary 
filled  with  silt,  became  smaller  in  area,  and  was 
likely  more  impacted  by  the  cooler  water  of  the 
adjacent  open  ocean  at  its  outlet.  Such  an  in- 
terpretation might  also  explain  the  relatively 
rare  but  continued  presence  of  remains  of  these 
three  species  at  later  preceramic  and  Initial  Pe- 
riod (1800-900  B.C.)  sites. 

Discussion  and  Conclusions 

As  a  result  of  recent  fieldwork  and  research, 
other  archaeological  sites  similar  to  Almejas 
have  been  discovered  that  date  quite  early  with- 
in the  Andean  sequence  and  have  yielded  faunal 
assemblages  that  reflect  the  presence  of  species 
not  currently  typical  of  their  respective  lati- 
tudes. These  include  the  Paijan  complex  sites 
north  of  the  Chicama  Valley  and  the  sites  of 
Pampa  las  Salinas  and  Ostra  Base  Camp  north 
of  the  Santa  River  mouth  (Andrus  et  al.  2002; 
Chauchat  1976,  1978,  1988;  Reitz  1995a, 
1995b,  2001;  Rollins  et  al.  1986;  Sandweiss  et 
al.  1983,  1996). 

Initially,  the  sites  north  of  Santa  attracted  at- 
tention because  of  the  presence  of  shellfish  cur- 
rently known  to  inhabit  warm-tropical  waters 
(Rollins  et  al.  1986;  Sandweiss  et  al.  1983),  as 
did  the  site  of  Almejas.  These  data  from  the 
Santa  sites  in  particular  were  initially  used  to 
argue  for  the  continuous  presence  of  warmer 

currents  much  further  south,  an  absence  of 
ENSO  events,  and  a  corresponding  wetter  cli- 
matic regime  much  different  from  today's  cli- 
mate (Rollins  et  al.  1986;  Sandweiss  et  al. 
1983).  As  additional  faunal  material  was  ana- 
lyzed from  the  Paijan  complex  sites,  from  the 
Santa  area,  and  from  Almejas  in  Casma,  fish 
species  were  identified  that  are  not  currently 
typical  of  these  areas.  These  results  have  been 
used  by  many  of  the  same  investigators  as  fur- 
ther evidence  of  the  presence  of  warmer  off- 
shore waters  (Andrus  et  al.  2002;  Reitz  1995a, 
1995b,  2001;  Sandweiss  et  al.  1996). 

An  alternative  scenario  maintains  that  the 
current  climatic  regime,  including  periodic 
ENSO  events,  is  quite  ancient.  Indeed,  evidence 
from  the  far  south  coast  site  of  Quebrada  Ta- 
cahuay  indicates  that  ENSO  events  were  pre- 
sent at  least  as  early  as  the  late  Pleistocene 
(Keefer  et  al.  1998).  The  seemingly  out-of- 
place  species  represent  colonies  of  thermally 
anomalous  fauna  whose  larvae  were  carried 
southward  within  the  warm  currents  of  a  peri- 
odic ENSO  event  (S.  Pozorski  and  T.  Pozorski 
1995;  DeVries  et  al.  1997;  Wells  and  Noller 
1997).  As  the  sea  level  rose  to  approximately 
modern  limits,  estuaries  formed  at  the  mouths 
of  some  rivers,  and  the  resultant  shallow,  sun- 
warmed,  nutrient-rich  waters  readily  supported 
species  adapted  to  warmer  estuarine  waters 
(DeVries  et  al.  1997;  DeVries  and  Wells  1990; 
Wells  and  Noller  1997).  Also  according  to  this 
scenario,  ENSO  events  were  essential  to  stock 
the  estuaries  with  appropriate  fish  and  shellfish 
species,  after  which  time  the  cooler  offshore 
Peruvian  Current  would  have  returned.  Once  in- 
troduced, these  warm-tropical  shellfish  and  fish 
species  would  have  flourished  in  these  estuaries 
as  long  as  local  environmental  conditions  re- 
mained favorable.  Subsequent  ENSO  events 
could  potentially  have  introduced  additional 
shellfish  and  fish  species,  but  such  events  were 
not  essential  for  the  survival  of  these  species  in 
their  localized  estuarine  environments.  Hence, 
fluctuations  in  the  periodicity  of  ENSO  events 
are  not  especially  relevant  with  respect  to  the 
survival  of  these  thermally  anomalous  shellfish- 
es and  fishes  in  estuarine  conditions.  The  criti- 
cal variable  was  the  maintenance  of  local  en- 
vironmental conditions.  Ironically,  the  same  sea 
level  rise  that  precipitated  the  formation  of  es- 
tuarine environments  was  also  a  causal  factor 
in  their  disappearance  as  river-borne  sediments 
infilled  these  coastal  features.  This  explains  the 

Paleoenvironment  at  Almejas 


near  absence  of  estuaries  along  the  modern  Pe- 
ruvian coast. 

Clearly,  faunal  data  from  the  Paijan  complex 
sites,  the  Santa  sites,  and  Almejas  are  critical  to 
address  the  issue  of  past  climate  in  the  vicinity 
of  these  sites.  In  assessing  these  fauna,  partic- 
ularly the  fish  species,  the  tendency  has  been  to 
emphasize,  and  at  times  "force"  the  data  to 
conform  to,  the  perceived  dichotomy  between 
(1)  species  that  are  characteristic  of  the  warmer 
water  off  the  coast  of  Ecuador  and  northern 
Peru  and  have  been  classified  as  warm-tropical 
species  and  (2)  species  that  are  characteristic  of 
the  cooler  water  of  the  Peruvian  Current  and 
have  been  classified  as  warm-temperate  species 
(Reitz  1995a,  1995b,  2001;  Sandweiss  et  al. 
1996).  To  Reitz's  credit,  she  discusses  the  prob- 
able existence  of  estuaries  in  the  respective  vi- 
cinities of  Ostra  Base  Camp,  Almejas,  and  Pai- 
jan complex  sites,  states  the  important  charac- 
teristics of  estuaries  and  their  fauna,  meticu- 
lously reviews  habitat  data  for  the  species 
identified  at  the  sites,  and  describes  many  of  the 
fish  species  identified  at  the  sites  as  estuarine 
fishes.  Nevertheless,  in  the  final  analysis,  she 
categorizes  these  typically  estuarine  fishes  as 
warm-tropical  species  (Reitz  1995a,  1995b, 
2001).  In  contrast  to  this  approach,  we  believe 
that  the  marine  fauna  of  the  three  sites  under 
consideration  here  should  be  examined  in  light 
of  the  prevalent  environments  at  the  sites:  es- 
tuaries and  offshore  warm-temperate  waters. 

Tables  used  by  Sandweiss  et  al.  (1996:Table 
3;  Reitz  1995a:Table  1,  1995b:Table  2)  to  show 
broad  trends  on  the  basis  of  MNI  (minimum 
number  of  individuals)  percentages  for  what 
they  classified  as  warm-tropical  versus  warm- 
temperate  fish  species  resulted  in  high  values 
for  warm-tropical  species  from  Paijan  sites,  Os- 
tra Base  Camp  in  the  Santa  area,  and  Almejas. 
Although  nonmarine  vertebrates  figured  more 
prominently  in  the  subsistence  regimen  of  the 
Paijan  sites,  the  identifiable  fish  (MNI  =113) 
were  assessed  at  97.3%  warm-tropical  species 
versus  2.6%  warm-temperate  species.  For  the 
Ostra  Base  Camp  site,  the  values  were  64.2% 
warm-tropical  species  and  35.8%  warm-tem- 
perate species  (MNI  =  120).  For  Almejas,  the 
values  also  included  mixed-habitat  species  (spe- 
cies known  to  occur  in  both  warm-tropical  and 
warm-temperate  waters),  and  the  column  sam- 
ple and  general  sample  were  treated  separately 
(Reitz  1995a,  1995b).  The  Almejas  results,  as 
tabulated  by  Reitz  (1995a,  1995b),  were  as  fol- 

lows: 40%  warm-tropical,  35%  warm-temper- 
ate, and  15%  mixed  for  the  general  excavation 
(MNI  ----  114),  and  12%  warm-tropical,  84% 
warm-temperate,  and  4%  mixed  for  the  column 
sample  (MNI  =  131). 

These  data  presented  by  Reitz  (1995a,  1995b, 
2001)  and  Sandweiss  et  al.  (1996)  would  seem 
to  indicate  the  presence  of  warm  offshore  wa- 
ters in  the  vicinities  of  the  three  sites.  However, 
closer  examination  of  the  individual  fish  species 
and  their  habitats  suggests  to  the  authors  that 
most  fishes  classified  as  warm-tropical  species 
are  more  appropriately  classified  as  estuarine 
species.  This  has  already  been  demonstrated  for 
Almejas  (described  above),  for  which  detailed 
data  are  available  to  the  authors.  Once  estuarine 
species  have  been  reclassified,  few  species 
identified  at  Almejas  remain  within  the  warm- 
tropical  category  (Tables  2  to  4).  Detailed  spe- 
cies lists  for  Paijan  complex  sites  have  not  been 
published;  however,  Reitz  (1995b,  2001)  de- 
scribes sea  catfish  (Ariidae)  and  lisa  (mullet, 
Mugil  spp.)  as  the  most  common  fishes,  with 
bonefish  (Albula  vulpes)  and  croaker  (Micro- 
pogonias  spp.)  common  in  some  assemblages 
and  small  numbers  of  mojarra  (Gerridae,  Eu- 
cinostomus  spp.)  and  porgy  (Sparidae)  also 
identified.  Herring  (Clupeidae),  anchovy  (En- 
graulidae),  and  coco  (Paralonchurus  spp.)  were 
also  present.  Among  these  species  listed  for  the 
Paijan  complex  sites,  all  are  commonly  found 
in  estuaries  except  adult  herring,  anchovy,  and 
coco  (Paralonchurus  spp.),  which  are  warm- 
temperate  species,  and  mojarra  (Gerridae),  the 
only  fish  listed  that  is  typically  taken  in  warm- 
tropical  waters  (Reitz  1995b).  Fewer  data  are 
available  concerning  fish  species  identified  at 
Ostra  Base  Camp;  however,  Reitz  (1995a, 
2001)  mentions  bonefish,  sea  catfish,  lisa  (mul- 
let), and  puffer  (Spheroides  annulatus)  as  the 
primary  species,  with  warm-temperate  fishes 
relatively  rare.  All  of  these  primary  species 
mentioned  for  Ostra  Base  Camp  are  estuarine 
fishes  (Reitz  1995b,  2001). 

Data  from  the  fine-screened  column  sample 
we  excavated  at  Almejas  were  also  critical  to 
our  realization  that  subsistence  activities  at  this 
site  were  focused  primarily  on  the  local  estua- 
rine ecosystem  and  its  component  resources. 
These  tiny  bones  represent  small  fishes  and  es- 
pecially the  young  of  species  that  typically  use 
estuaries  as  nurseries.  Their  importance  to  the 
inhabitants  of  Almejas  is  especially  evident 
when  their  respective  biomass  values  are  ad- 


S.  Pozorski  and  T.  Pozorski 

justed  to  compensate  for  the  difference  in  vol- 
ume between  the  column  sample  and  the  gen- 
eral excavation  (Table  4).  Mud  flat  mollusks, 
also  typical  of  estuaries,  composed  the  other 
major  source  of  food  for  the  people  of  Almejas. 
These  shellfishes  provide  additional  evidence  of 
the  importance  of  this  resource  zone  to  their 
subsistence.  The  location  of  the  site  and  the  in- 
habitants' decision  to  settle  near  the  mouth  of 
the  Casma  River  were  likely  predicated  on  the 
rich  and  abundant  estuarine  resources,  and  the 
site  was  likely  abandoned  once  the  estuary  silt- 
ed in  and  disappeared.  Nevertheless,  the  pres- 
ence of  substantial  amounts  of  warm-temperate 
fish  species  along  with  a  number  of  molluscan 
species  known  to  inhabit  warm-temperate  wa- 
ters provides  evidence  that  warm-temperate 
species  were  accessible  to  and  exploited  by  the 
site's  occupants.  These  species  also  document 
the  presence  of  the  cooler  offshore  waters  of 
the  Peruvian  Current  in  the  vicinity  of  the  site. 
The  data  presented  and  reviewed  here  reveal 
that  the  site  of  Almejas  is  unusual  for  several 
reasons.  It  represents  one  of  the  earliest  marine- 
oriented  sites  along  the  north  and  central  coast 
of  Peru,  predating  by  at  least  2000  years  most 
of  the  larger,  better  known  sites  dating  to  the 
Late  Preceramic  Period.  Its  shellfish  and  fish 
inventories  also  distinguish  Almejas  from  most 
known  preceramic  sites  and  provide  critical  ev- 
idence that  subsistence  activities  by  the  site's 
inhabitants  focused  on  a  local  estuarine  envi- 
ronment complemented  by  some  exploitation  of 
warm-temperate  offshore  waters.  Coincident 
geomorphological  data  indicate  that  modern  sea 
level  had  been  attained  by  the  time  Almejas 
was  occupied,  resulting  in  the  formation  of  the 
estuarine  environment  that  attracted  these  early 
settlers.  Finally,  the  faunal  remains,  the  geo- 
morphological data,  and  archaeological  evi- 
dence of  optimum  preservation  argue  that  the 
ENSO  phenomenon  has  been  in  existence  since 
at  least  5000  B.C.,  and  probably  much  longer. 

Acknowledgments.  Permission  to  excavate  at 
Almejas  was  granted  by  the  Institute  Nacional 
de  Cultura,  and  funding  for  the  excavation  was 
provided  by  grants  from  the  O'Neil  and  Netting 
Funds  of  the  Carnegie  Museum  of  Natural  His- 
tory. Funds  for  the  radiocarbon  assays  were 
provided  by  grant  BNS-8203452  from  the  Na- 
tional Science  Foundation.  Vertebrate  faunal  re- 
mains from  Almejas  were  identified  by  Eliza- 
beth Reitz  of  the  Museum  of  Natural  History, 

University  of  Georgia,  with  funding  from  the 
Faculty  Research  Council  at  the  University  of 
Texas-Pan  American.  Interpretations  of  the  re- 
sults of  this  faunal  analysis  within  this  paper, 
including  tables  constructed  by  the  authors  us- 
ing Reitz's  identifications  and  biomass  recon- 
structions, reflect  the  opinion  of  the  authors. 

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The  Impact  of  the  El  Nino  Phenomenon  on 

Prehistoric  Chimu  Irrigation  Systems 

of  the  Peruvian  Coast 

Thomas  Pozorski  and  Shelia  Pozorski 

Long-abandoned  prehistoric  irrigation  systems 
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tures reveal  that  their  planners  and  builders 
faced  a  variety  of  challenges,  including  diffi- 
culties presented  by  local  topography,  the  na- 
ture of  the  substrate,  and  periodic  climatic  var- 
iation, especially  the  notable  impact  created  by 
strong  El  Nino  rains  that  hit  the  Peruvian  north 
coast  a  few  times  each  century.  Some  challeng- 
es were  effectively  met  through  varied  and  of- 
ten ingenious  engineering  feats.  Other  challeng- 
es were  never  successfully  overcome  despite 
the  expenditure  of  vast  amounts  of  labor.  To 
ameliorate  the  effects  of  such  engineering  fias- 
cos, alternative  strategies  were  developed  to 
compensate  for  production  lost  as  a  result  of 
failed  reclamation  efforts. 

The  data  and  conclusions  presented  here  are 
the  result  of  fieldwork  within  the  Moche  and 
Chicama  Valleys  during  the  late  1970s  by  the 

Programa  Riego  Antiguo  archaeological  pro- 
ject. This  project  involved  intensive  survey 
and  mapping  of  the  prehistoric  irrigation  sys- 
tems outside  the  limits  of  modern  cultivation 
within  the  Moche  Valley,  as  well  as  study  of 
the  area  between  the  Moche  and  Chicama  Val- 
leys traversed  by  the  Chicama— Moche  Inter- 
valley  Canal.  All  of  these  areas  with  preserved 
prehistoric  canals  were  explored  further 
through  excavations  that  transected  the  canal 
channels  and  by  means  of  occasional  horizon- 
tal clearing.  The  Moche  and  Chicama  prehis- 
toric irrigation  systems  had  been  subject  to 
surface  survey  and  limited  test  excavations 
prior  to  the  Programa  Riego  Antiguo  archae- 
ological project  (Farrington  1974,  1980;  Far- 
rington  and  Park  1978;  Kosok  1965;  Kus 
1972).  It  was  evident  from  the  beginning  of 
the  project,  however,  that  intensive  excavation 
would  be  needed  to  sort  out  the  complex  na- 
ture of  these  systems  and  their  relationships 
with  the  prehistoric  sites  in  the  area;  the  so- 
cieties that  built,  maintained,  repaired,  and  ul- 
timately abandoned  them;  and  the  surrounding 
environment  that  was  subjected  to  periodic  El 
Nino  rains.  Through  detailed  study  of  the  sur- 
face evidence  and  excavated  canal  profiles  and 
features,  it  was  possible  to  develop  a  detailed 
chronology  of  the  growth  and  decline  of  the 
irrigations  systems,  including  when  and  how 
they  were  affected  by  El  Nino  rain. 



T.  Pozorski  and  S.  Pozorski 

Campana    / 

Intervalley    Canal 


Rio   Seco 

,  Cerro 
s   Cabras 


Esperanza\    Vichansao 
•  Canal 





Moche    River, 

Cerro  I 

Modern    Cultivation 



Figure  1.     Map  of  the  Moche  Valley  showing  the  extent  of  modern  cultivation,  the  Three-Pampa  area,  prehistoric 
canals  outside  of  modern  cultivation,  and  relevant  archaeological  sites. 

The  Archaeological  Evidence 

Canals  and  Fields 

The  extremely  arid  climate  of  coastal  Peru  fos- 
ters excellent  preservation  of  archaeological  re- 
mains, including  the  prehistoric  agricultural 
features  that  extend  beyond  the  limits  of  mod- 
ern cultivation  (Figs.  1  and  2).  These  range 
from  major  and  minor  canals  to  fields  with  in- 
tact furrows  (Fig.  3).  Within  the  Moche  Valley, 
several  small  prehistoric  canal  systems  are  pre- 
served on  both  sides  of  the  river;  however,  the 
greatest  expanse  of  preserved  canals  and  fields 
lies  well  down-valley,  toward  the  ocean.  This 
latter  zone,  which  contains  Pampas  Esperanza, 
Rio  Seco,  and  Huanchaco,  has  been  designated 
the  Three-Pampa  area  (Figs.  1  and  2).  In  late 
prehistoric  times,  an  effort  was  made  to  draw 
water  into  the  Three-Pampa  portion  of  the  sys- 
tem from  the  Chicama  River  in  the  next  valley 
north  via  the  unsuccessful  Chicama-Moche  In- 
tervalley Canal.  This  tremendous  undertaking  is 

well  documented  in  the  archaeological  remains 
(Kosok  1965:90-94;  T.  Pozorski  1987;  T.  Po- 
zorski and  S.  Pozorski  1982). 

Within  the  Moche  Valley,  the  largest  canals 
in  the  archaeological  record  actually  represent 
now-abandoned  extensions  of  canals  still  in  use 
along  much  of  their  lengths.  These  canals  were 
designed  for  water  transport;  they  drew  water 
directly  from  the  Moche  River.  A  hierarchical 
system  of  increasingly  smaller  canals  carried 
water  from  each  major  canal  to  associated  sets 
of  fields. 

Excavations  that  transected  canals  and  fields 
revealed  the  history  of  their  construction  and 
use  or  lack  of  use.  As  expected,  major  canals 
contained  a  succession  of  numerous  channels, 
reflecting  their  permanence  upon  the  landscape 
and  long-term  use.  Successively  smaller  canals, 
and  especially  fields,  contain  correspondingly 
fewer  distinct  channels,  reflecting  the  fact  that 
smaller  elements  of  the  total  system  were  more 
ephemeral.  When  the  profiles  of  transected  ca- 
nals were  examined,  individual  channels  could 

Prehistoric  Chimu  Irrigation  Systems 


|/   /\    Modern   cultivation 

Figure  2.     Map  of  the  Three-Pampa  area  showing  the  major  irrigation  canals  that  lie  north  of  Chan  Chan. 

be  distinguished  by  the  nature  of  their  compo- 
nent sediments;  and  these  channels — or  major 
use  episodes — could  be  traced  from  profile  to 
profile  along  the  length  of  major  canals  and 
many  minor  canals.  Based  on  these  connections 
among  canal  channels,  it  was  possible  to  de- 
velop a  sequence  for  the  construction  and  use 
of  the  portion  of  the  prehistoric  Moche  Valley 
canal  system  outside  modern  cultivation. 

Evidence  of  Canal  Use 

Profiles  of  transected  canals  also  yielded  infor- 
mation on  the  duration  and  intensity  of  canal 
use.  Canal  use  was  reflected  archaeological ly 
mainly  in  two  ways.  First,  within  the  active 
channel,  laminar  sediments  were  formed  as  wa- 
ter-borne material  left  in  suspension  or  surface 
deposits  blew  in  and  were  arranged  in  a  laminar 
configuration  by  the  water  flow  (Fig.  4).  Fre- 
quently, this  deposition  constituted  the  process 
by  which  the  initially  excavated  channel  stabi- 

lized in  response  to  water  flow.  Subsequent 
changes  in  water  velocity  or  quantity  resulted 
in  erosion  and/or  deposition. 

A  second  indicator  of  canal  use  was  the  dark 
coloration  of  sediments  or  soils  beneath  a  chan- 
nel that  resulted  from  water  logging.  When  sed- 
iments are  subjected  to  repeated  wet-dry  epi- 
sodes, oxidation  occurs,  turning  the  surfaces  of 
the  individual  soil  particles  first  yellow  to  or- 
ange and  ultimately  brown  to  dark  red.  Canals 
observed  in  profile  exhibited  varying  degrees  of 
oxidation  from  very  slight  to  no  discoloration 
to  intensive  darkening  40  cm  or  more  below  the 
active  channel.  When  sediments  are  kept  wet 
for  longer  periods  of  time,  waterlogging  occurs, 
turning  soil  particles  gray  to  black  in  color. 

Neither  an  evaluation  of  the  deposition  and 
erosion  of  water-lain  canal  sediments  nor  a  con- 
sideration of  the  amount  of  associated  oxidation 
can  be  used  to  reconstruct  absolute  time  spans 
for  canal  use.  However,  when  taken  together, 
they  provide  a  relative  indicator  of  the  magni- 
tude of  use  for  a  given  channel.  Based  on  the 


T.  Pozorski  and  S.  Pozorski 

•       £^vT  Si?m 

,-.vW  '.:.  rft-^-Z 

^-^•t^*        ^T 

6s,:x;.  r-'??^r>g*t.-. 



'?  -  t^^^^Bfcl*  : - J^-l  r '    "'-•  '      ;"'  ^—-.  ^-.-x^ 

Figure  3.     View  of  stone-lined  Chimii  canals  along  the  east  edge  of  Pampa  Rio  Seco. 

same  evidence,  canals  or  channels  lacking  both 
laminar  sediments  and  oxidation  never  func- 
tioned effectively.  Such  abortive  canal  seg- 
ments often  have  additional  characteristics  that 
precluded  their  effective  use,  such  as  an  uphill 
slope  (T.  Pozorski  and  S.  Pozorski  1982). 

Irrigation  Systems 
Prior  to  0  B.C./A.D. 

Preserved  remains  of  prehistoric  irrigation  sys- 
tems date  relatively  late  in  the  Andean  se- 
quence; however,  there  is  general  agreement 
that  irrigation  agriculture  had  its  beginning 
much  earlier.  Most  authors  (Burger  1992:57; 
Morris  and  von  Hagen  1993:45;  Moseley  1992: 
126;  Patterson  1985:67;  S.  Pozorski  and  T.  Po- 
zorski 1987:114;  Richardson  1994:64;  von  Ha- 
gen and  Morris  1998:46)  date  the  inception  of 
large-scale  irrigation  agriculture  within  Peruvi- 
an valleys  to  the  Initial  Period  (2150-1000 
B.C.).  (Dating  is  based  on  calibrated  radiocarbon 
dates  using  values  supplied  in  Stuiver  and 

Becker  [1993].)  Experimentation  likely  oc- 
curred even  earlier,  during  the  Late  Preceramic 
(3000-2150  B.C.),  when  most  of  the  population 
was  concentrated  in  large  settlements  near  the 
coast.  Small,  short  canals  may  have  been  con- 
structed within  or  near  the  active  flood  plains, 
which  are  a  considerable  distance  from  most 
Late  Preceramic  sites.  Such  experimentation 
with  water  control  is  suggested  by  the  varied 
inventory  of  cultivated  species  at  Late  Precer- 
amic sites.  These  include  squash,  common 
bean,  potato,  avocado,  lima  bean,  lucuma,  gua- 
va,  cansaboca,  and  especially  gourd  and  cot- 
ton— industrial  plants  essential  to  the  lives  of 
coastal  fishermen  (S.  Pozorski  1987:16;  S.  Po- 
zorski and  T.  Pozorski  1987:113,  1988:95-96; 
T.  Pozorski  and  S.  Pozorski  1990:17-18). 

Evidence  for  Initial  Period  irrigation  is  more 
substantial.  At  this  time  large,  complex  sites 
dominated  by  one  or  more  platform  mounds  ap- 
pear well  inland  in  over  15  river  valleys  of  the 
north  and  central  Peruvian  coast.  These  mounds 
are  located  at  or  near  optimum  zones  for  canal 
intakes  as  if  to  effectively  monitor  or  control 
water  use  (Burger  1992:57;  Morris  and  von  Ha- 

Prehistoric  Chimu  Irrigation  Systems 


Figure  4.     View  of  laminar  deposits  within  a  now-abandoned  prehistoric  Chimu  canal. 

gen  1993:45;  Moseley  1992:126;  Patterson 
1985:67;  S.  Pozorski  and  T.  Pozorski  1987:114; 
T.  Pozorski  1982;  Richardson  1994:64;  von  Ha- 
gen  and  Morris  1998:40).  In  the  Moche  Valley 
during  the  Initial  Period,  the  irrigation  system 
probably  extended  down  to  the  Caballo  Muerto 
Complex  (Fig.  1).  Many  of  the  large  mounds  at 
these  sites  also  face  up-valley  or  upriver,  an  ori- 
entation that  has  been  correlated  with  reverence 
for  the  source  of  the  river  water  so  essential  to 
irrigation  (S.  Pozorski  and  T.  Pozorski  1987: 
114;  Williams  1985:230).  Subsistence  data 
available  for  this  time  period  document  a 
marked  increase  in  the  variety  and  especially 
the  quantity  of  cultivated  plants  consumed  and 
used  at  Initial  Period  sites.  Peanuts  and  manioc 
are  some  of  the  food  plants  added  to  the  pre- 
historic diet  at  this  time.  Comparisons  of  sub- 
sistence inventories  for  coastal  and  inland  sites 
suggest  that  marine  resources  continued  to  be 
important  and  that  satellites  of  the  inland  cen- 
ters were  established  and  maintained  on  the 
coast  to  supply  essential  protein  in  exchange  for 
agricultural  products  (S.  Pozorski  and  T.  Pozor- 
ski 1979,  1987:19-20). 

Early  Intermediate  Period 
Irrigation  Systems  Within  the 
Moche  Valley 

Within  the  Moche  Valley,  the  earliest  evidence 
of  prehistoric  irrigation  that  expanded  beyond 
the  limits  of  modern  cultivation  dates  to  the 
Early  Intermediate  Period  and  is  associated  with 
the  Moche  occupation  of  the  valley.  At  this 
time,  the  extent  of  cultivated  land  extended 
slightly  outside  modern  limits,  encompassing 
only  Pampa  Esperanza  and  a  narrow  strip  with- 
in Pampa  Rio  Seco  along  the  west  edge  of  Pam- 
pa Esperanza  (Figs.  5  and  6).  With  the  excep- 
tion of  a  single  canal  on  Pampa  Rio  Seco  that 
lies  near  the  modern  surface,  the  Moche  canals 
are  deeply  buried,  directly  underlying  subse- 
quent Chimu  use  of  the  same  channels. 

The  Moche  and  Chimu  efforts  to  reclaim  the 
area  are  distinct,  however,  and  can  be  distin- 
guished on  the  basis  of  several  lines  of  evi- 
dence. Canal  channels  believed  to  have  been 
constructed  during  the  Early  Intermediate  Pe- 
riod are  often  directly  associated  with  Moche 
sites,  and  their  extent  corresponds  to  the  extent 

T.  Pozorski  and  S.  Pozorski 


0  2 

4  km 


[/  A    Modern   Cultivation 
|r-^~|    Hill 

K\»v"|    Bluff 

Prehistoric    Cultivation 

Figure  5.     Map  of  the  Moche  Valley  showing  the  extent  of  prehistoric  irrigation  outside  modern  cultivation  during 
Moche  times  (A.D.  100-600). 

of  substantial  Moche  occupation  of  the  Three- 
Pampa  area.  Canal-bank  sediments  associated 
with  these  deep  channels  contained  occasional 
Moche  ceramics,  but  no  later  cultural  material, 
and  one  charcoal  sample  from  a  canal  bank 
yielded  a  radiocarbon  date  of  A.D.  550  ±  80  (T. 
Pozorski  1987:Table  1).  Finally,  the  natural 
substrate  beneath  these  canals  is  the  most  inten- 
sively oxidized,  characterized  by  dark  red  col- 
oration, and  waterlogged,  characterized  by  near 
black  coloration. 

Late  Intermediate  Period 
Irrigation  Systems  Within  the 
Moche  Valley 

Irrigation  agriculture  within  the  Moche  Valley 
reached  its  maximum  extent  during  the  occu- 

pation of  the  valley  by  people  known  as  the 
Chimu  (Fig.  7).  This  state,  governed  from  Chan 
Chan — its  capital  located  within  the  Moche 
Valley — dominated  the  north  coast  during  the 
Late  Intermediate  Period.  The  beginnings  of 
this  state  date  to  about  A.D.  900.  By  about  A.D. 
1300,  the  Chimu  state  had  expanded  north  and 
south  to  incorporate  lands  between  the  Jeque- 
tepeque  and  Casma  Valleys,  thereby  dominating 
the  area  previously  governed  by  the  Moche 
state  (Donnan  1978:1;  Mackey  and  Klymyshyn 
1990:203-205;  T  Topic  1990:184-189).  This 
was  apparently  also  the  time  of  maximum  ag- 
ricultural expansion — the  time  when  the  Chimu 
implemented  an  aggressive  program  of  canal 
and  field  expansion  within  valleys  under  their 
control.  Motivated  by  an  El  Nino  flood  that  ad- 
versely impacted  their  land  reclamation  efforts, 
the  Chimu  altered  their  strategy  and  expanded 
their  polity  much  further  north  and  south  to  en- 

Prehistoric  Chimu  Irrigation  Systems 


Chan   Chan   • 

[/  /j  Modern   cultivation 

Figure  6.     Map  of  the  Three-Pampa  area  showing  the  major  canals  which  functioned  during  Moche  times  (A.D. 

compass  lands  as  far  north  as  Tumbes  and  as 
far  south  as  the  Chillon  Valley  (Donnan  1990: 
267;  Mackey  1987:121-122;  Richardson  et  al. 
1990:434-436;  Rowe  1948;  Shimada  1990: 
313).  Domination  by  the  Chimu  state  ended  in 
A.D.  1470  as  a  result  of  defeat  by  the  expanding 
Inca  empire. 

Early  Intermediate  Period  Moche  canals  un- 
derlie some  of  the  major  channels  that  were 
subsequently  used  by  the  Chimu;  however,  vir- 
tually all  of  the  prehistoric  irrigation  features 
readily  visible  on  the  surface  were  originally 
constructed  by  the  Chimu.  These  include  small 
systems  located  well  inland  on  either  side  of 
the  valley  as  well  as  the  Three-Pampa  area — 
an  unusually  large  zone  of  ancient  canals  and 
fields  that  extends  from  the  edge  of  modern 
cultivation  toward  the  ocean  (Figs.  1  and  2). 
The  Chimu  were  also  responsible  for  the  con- 
ception and  execution  of  the  Chicama-Moche 
Intervalley  Canal,  a  massive  undertaking  to  di- 
vert water  from  the  Chicama  River  20  km  to 
the  north  and  channel  it  onto  the  Three-Pampa 
area  (Kus  1972;  Ortloff  et  al.  1982;  T.  Pozorski 

1987:116;  T.  Pozorski  and  S.  Pozorski  1982). 
The  Three-Pampa  area,  which  consists  of  Pam- 
pa  Esperanza,  Pampa  Rio  Seco,  and  Pampa 
Huanchaco,  is  an  integrated  system  of  canals 
and  fields  originally  fed  by  two  major  canals 
on  the  north  side  of  the  Moche  River.  The 
Three-Pampa  area  as  well  as  the  Intervalley 
Canal  that  was  intended  to  supplement  the  wa- 
ter supply  for  the  Three-Pampa  area  are  the 
main  focus  of  this  study. 

The  Administration  of  Land  Reclamation 

In  order  to  execute  tasks  as  formidable  as  culti- 
vation of  the  Three-Pampa  area  and  construction 
of  the  Chicama-Moche  Intervalley  Canal,  the 
Chimu  built  rural  administrative  centers  (Keat- 
inge  1974,  1980;  Keatinge  and  Day  1973,  1974; 
T.  Pozorski  1987:1 14-1 17).  Although  these  sites 
also  likely  served  to  monitor  maintenance  of  the 
irrigation  systems  as  well  as  production  within 
the  fields,  they  were  primarily  established  to 
oversee  initial  canal  and  field  construction.  In 


T.  Pozorski  and  S.  Pozorski 

Cerro  ' 

Campana    /• 

Intervalley   Canal 



0  2 

4  km 

[/  /j    Modern   Cultivation 
|r-^~|    Hill 
|»v^u|    Bluff 

Prehistoric    Cultivation 

Figure  7.     Map  of  the  Moche  Valley  showing  the  extent  of  prehistoric  irrigation  outside  of  modern  cultivation 
during  Chimu  times  (A.D.  1000-1300). 

this  capacity,  the  rural  administrative  centers  rep- 
resent expansion  of  the  Chimu  state  onto  previ- 
ously unfarmed  desert  areas,  and  they  are  con- 
sistently located  in  close  association  with  canals 
and  field  systems  (T.  Pozorski  1987:114-117). 
Ironically,  many  of  the  canals  and  field  systems 
connected  with  rural  administrative  centers  were 
never  fully  operational. 

Within  the  Moche-Chicama  Valley  area,  four 
rural  administrative  centers  have  been  identified 
and  investigated  to  date.  These  centers  are  Que- 
brada  Katuay,  located  well  inland  on  the  north 
side  of  the  Moche  Valley;  El  Milagro  de  San 
Jose,  located  on  Pampa  Rio  Seco  (Fig.  2);  Que- 
brada  del  Oso,  located  some  3  km  south  of 
modern  cultivation  in  the  Chicama  Valley  and 
associated  with  the  Chicama-Moche  Intervalley 
Canal;  and  Pampa  Mocan,  located  3.7  km  north 
of  modern  cultivation  in  the  Chicama  Valley 

(Keatinge  1974;  Kus  1972:99-102;  T.  Pozorski 
1987:Fig.  1). 

Challenges,  Successes,  Failures,  and 
Alternative  Strategies 

The  Chimu  faced  distinct  challenges  as  they  ex- 
panded the  Moche  Valley  irrigation  system  far 
beyond  its  previous  limits,  and  especially  as 
they  endeavored  to  draw  water  from  the  Chi- 
cama River  into  the  Moche  system.  These  chal- 
lenges are  directly  related  to  the  fact  that,  once 
the  Chimu  moved  beyond  land  reclaimed  in 
Moche  times,  they  were  expanding  the  irriga- 
tion system  into  areas  not  previously  cultivated. 
The  topography,  the  nature  of  the  local  sub- 
strate, and  the  lack  of  adequate  water  were  for- 

Prehistoric  Chimu  Irrigation  Systems 


Phase    1    architecture 

..      Phase  2-3   architecture 

Y  A    Modern  cultivation 

1  Velarde 

2  Squier 

3  Gran  Chimu 

4  Bandelier 

5  Laberinto 

Figure  8.     Map  of  the  Three-Pampa  area  showing  the  maximum  extent  of  canal  systems  during  preflood  Chimu 
times  (A.D.  1000-1300). 

midable  obstacles.  Once  in  place,  prehistoric  ir- 
rigation systems  were  also  impacted  periodical- 
ly by  El  Nino-related  rainfall. 


Paramount  in  the  effort  to  fully  reclaim  the 
Three-Pampa  area  was  the  extension  of  the  Vi- 
chansao  Canal,  the  major  canal  that  drew  water 
from  the  Moche  River,  so  that  water  could  be 
transported  to  Pampas  Rio  Seco  and  Huanchaco 
(Figs.  7  and  8).  In  doing  this,  the  objective  was 
to  incorporate  the  maximum  amount  of  land 
while  also  creating  a  functioning  canal  to  pro- 
vide water  for  this  land.  The  projected  route 

was  along  the  north  edge  of  Pampa  Esperanza, 
then  across  Pampa  Rio  Seco — a  dry  river  chan- 
nel, all  the  while  maintaining  sufficient  eleva- 
tion to  provide  water  to  Pampa  Huanchaco,  an 
area  of  higher  ground  on  the  other  side  of  Pam- 
pa Rio  Seco.  The  Chimu  ran  the  Vichansao  as 
high  as  possible  along  the  valley  edge,  creating 
a  channel  with  a  remarkably  shallow  slope  of 
.0001.  As  the  canal  crossed  Pampa  Rio  Seco, 
the  channel  bottom  ran  at  approximately  the 
surface  level  of  the  pampa  for  much  of  its 
length.  This  was  accomplished  by  building  up 
banks  using  soil  scraped  from  the  nearby  sur- 
face to  create  a  channel  at  ground  level,  but 
without  any  elevation  of  the  canal  bottom.  Fur- 
ther along,  to  cross  lower  portions  of  Pampa 


T.  Pozorski  and  S.  Pozorski 

Rio  Seco  and  maintain  elevation  sufficient  to 
supply  Pampa  Huanchaco  with  water,  a  true  aq- 
ueduct was  constructed,  raising  both  the  chan- 
nel and  banks  above  ground  level. 

Where  the  Vichansao  was  excavated  into  the 
substrate  or  ran  at  ground  level,  occasional 
abortive  channels  that  take  off  "uphill"  attest 
to  the  difficulty  of  the  builders'  task,  and  also 
suggest  that  Chimu  engineering  efforts  were 
characterized  by  trial  and  error.  Nevertheless, 
the  Chimu  were  able  to  create  a  functioning  ca- 
nal that  traversed  varied  terrain  while  maintain- 
ing an  extremely  low  slope  in  order  to  maxi- 
mize the  amount  of  land  reclaimed.  The  Vi- 
chansao, and  lesser  canals  within  the  Three- 
Pampa  system,  were  functioning  canals,  as 
indicated  by  laminar  sediments  and  especially 
oxidation.  Although  the  degree  of  oxidation  de- 
creases toward  the  periphery  of  the  system, 
there  is  clear  evidence  of  functioning  canals  all 
the  way  out  to  Pampa  Huanchaco.  This  is  ample 
testimony  to  the  success  of  Chimu  efforts  to 
extend  the  Moche  Valley  irrigation  system  far 
beyond  any  previous  limits. 

Natural  Substrate 

In  constructing  the  Vichansao  canal,  much  of 
the  canal's  channel  was  cut  through  a  zone  of 
aeolian  sand  banked  against  Cerro  Cabras. 
Sand-filled  channels  attest  to  problems  with  lo- 
cal sand  blowing  into  the  canal,  and  ample  sand 
in  bank  deposits  documents  successful  efforts 
to  keep  the  channel  open  through  regular  clean- 
ing. Such  porous  sand  would  also  have  allowed 
much  water  loss  through  seepage  until  suffi- 
cient finer  particles — silts  and  sands — had  ac- 
cumulated to  self-line  the  channel.  There  was 
little  effort  to  artificially  line  the  channel  as  a 
means  of  retarding  seepage.  Stone  lining  and, 
rarely,  adobe  lining  on  the  canal  interiors  was 
regularly  employed  where  the  Vichansao 
crossed  Pampas  Rio  Seco  and  Huanchaco. 
However,  the  channel  bottom  was  not  lined,  and 
sidewall  lining  apparently  functioned  more  to 
retain  loose  bank  soils  than  to  prevent  seepage. 
The  same  problems  of  substrate  porosity  and 
blowing  surface  sand  also  impacted  smaller 
feeder  canals  and  fields  on  the  Three-Pampa 
area.  On  Pampa  Esperanza,  which  had  been  un- 
der cultivation  since  the  Early  Intermediate  Pe- 
riod, field  soils  were  silt-rich  and  less  porous 
near  the  surface,  allowing  for  better  moisture 

retention.  On  the  other  two  pampas,  especially 
Rio  Seco,  the  substrate  was  very  loose,  con- 
sisting of  porous,  coarse  sand  to  gravel  and  cob- 
bles. Ironically,  although  such  soils  make  farm- 
ing the  surface  difficult  at  first  because  so  much 
water  is  lost  through  evaporation  and  seepage, 
they  also  provide  near-ideal  conditions  for 
drainage  beneath  the  fields  and  canals.  This  pre- 
vents the  buildup  of  salts  that  can  potentially 
render  fields  useless. 

Chicama-Moche  Intervalley  Canal 

The  Chicama-Moche  Intervalley  Canal  ranks 
among  the  most  ambitious  irrigation  projects 
ever  attempted  on  the  north  coast.  It  represented 
an  effort  to  bring  water  from  the  Chicama  River 
across  the  70-km-long  canal  route  of  rocky,  un- 
even desert  to  the  Moche  Valley  (Fig.  9;  T.  Po- 
zorski and  S.  Pozorski  1982:Fig.  1).  Although 
a  few  small  areas  of  fields  were  laid  out  or  con- 
structed along  its  course  between  the  two  val- 
leys, the  Chicama-Moche  Intervalley  Canal 
was  apparently  conceived  of  primarily  as  a 
means  to  increase  the  amount  of  water  available 
for  the  Three-Pampa  area  within  the  Moche 
Valley.  Unfortunately,  it  also  proved  to  be 
among  the  most  noteworthy  engineering  fiascos 
ever  documented  archaeologically. 

Evidence  of  oxidized  sediments  within  the 
main  supply  canal,  the  Vichansao,  all  the  way 
to  Pampa  Huanchaco  reveals  that  the  Chimu 
had  created  a  canal  that  was  sufficiently  well 
engineered  to  reach  the  farthest  limits  of  the 
land  they  endeavored  to  bring  under  cultivation. 
Nevertheless,  the  magnitude  of  oxidation  within 
the  channel  decreases  markedly  along  its  route 
toward  the  periphery.  This  suggests  that  there 
was  rarely  sufficient  water  to  keep  the  farthest 
reaches  of  the  system  under  cultivation.  To  rem- 
edy this,  about  A.D.  1 100  the  Chimu  embarked 
on  a  labor-intensive  effort  to  supplement  the  Vi- 
chansao's  flow  and  provide  additional  water  to 
the  entire  Three-Pampa  area.  Evidence  of  this 
intent  comes  from  the  fact  that  the  Chicama- 
Moche  Intervalley  Canal  path  circles  well 
around  the  base  of  Cerro  Cabras  in  order  to  feed 
into  the  Vichansao  at  a  point  sufficiently  up- 
stream to  allow  access  to  Pampa  Huanchaco 
(Figs.  7  and  9).  The  system  of  smaller  canals 
(Fig.  9,  Canals  I  and  II)  taking  water  from  the 
Vichansao  to  the  fields  was  also  redesigned  at 

Prehistoric  Chimu  Irrigation  Systems 


Y  A   Modern   cultivation 

Figure  9.  Map  of  the  Three-Pampa  area  showing  the  reconfiguration  of  the  Moche  Valley  canal  system  in 
anticipation  of  supplemental  water  from  construction  of  the  Chicama-Moche  Intervalley  Canal.  The  relationship  of 
the  Great  North  Wall  and  Phase  2-3  architecture  of  Chan  Chan  to  Canal  II  is  also  indicated. 

about  the  same  time  in  anticipation  of  the  ad- 
ditional water. 

Much  effort  was  expended  on  the  Chicama- 
Moche  Intervalley  Canal  before  it  was  finally 
abandoned.  At  least  one  channel — which  in 
places  is  quite  shallow — can  be  traced  across 
its  entire  intended  route.  The  greatest  elabora- 
tion, however,  is  evident  in  the  portion  of  the 
canal  north  of  the  "divide" — the  highest  point 
topographically  which  the  canal  had  to  traverse 
along  its  route  between  the  Chicama  and  Moche 
Valleys.  This  northern  zone  is  an  engineer's 
nightmare  because  of  the  uneven  terrain,  a 
seemingly  unending  series  of  quebradas  and 

rocky  ridges  descending  from  the  Andean  foot- 
hills. When  their  first  effort  to  create  a  func- 
tioning canal  failed,  the  Chimu  tried  again  and 
again,  raising  the  channel  each  time  in  the  hope 
of  attaining  sufficient  elevation  to  cross  the  di- 
vide. This  required  tremendous  effort,  especial- 
ly where  the  canal  had  to  be  supported  against 
bare  bedrock.  At  several  locations  the  Chimu 
used  fire  to  heat  crack  the  stone,  and  then  cut 
through  the  bedrock  of  ridges  that  impeded  the 
canal's  progress.  Charcoal  from  these  fires  pro- 
vided samples  for  radiocarbon  dating  (T.  Po- 
zorski  1987:113,  Table  1).  Some  segments  of 
the  canal  were  rebuilt  as  many  as  seven  times, 


T.  Pozorski  and  S.  Pozorski 

with  each  successive  segment  requiring  addi- 
tional stone-lined  terraces  to  shore  up  the  down- 
slope  bank  and  support  the  channel. 

Numerous  excavations  transecting  the  Chi- 
cama-Moche  Intervalley  Canal  channel  were 
made  north  of  the  divide  in  the  vicinity  of  Que- 
brada  de  Oso.  This  location  was  selected  be- 
cause canal  construction  was  especially  elabo- 
rate there  and  a  sizable  expanse  of  fields  and 
smaller  canals  was  also  present.  An  exception- 
ally large  and  long  aqueduct  had  also  been  con- 
structed in  this  area,  across  Quebrada  del  Oso. 
This  aqueduct  was  largely  destroyed  by  El 
Nino-related  wash  down  the  quebrada;  how- 
ever, this  same  El  Nino  destruction  exposed  a 
cross  section  of  the  aqueduct  that  was  cleaned 
as  part  of  the  excavations  of  the  Chicama-Mo- 
che  Intervalley  Canal. 

Despite  claims  of  great  Chimu  engineering 
skills  (Kus  1972,  1984;  Moseley  1992:260;  Ort- 
loff  1981,  1988,  1993,  1995;  Ortloff  etal.  1982, 
1985),  numerous  excavations  within  the  Chi- 
cama-Moche  Intervalley  Canal  yielded  no  ev- 
idence that  the  canal  had  ever  effectively  car- 
ried water  (T.  Pozorski  1987:116;  T.  Pozorski 
and  S.  Pozorski  1982).  Most  significantly,  there 
was  no  evidence  of  oxidation  in  any  of  the 
channels.  Cuts  transecting  the  canal  occasion- 
ally revealed  bands  of  fine  sand  and  silt;  how- 
ever, these  lacked  the  laminar  structure  of  mov- 
ing water.  These  deposits  are  clearly  the  result 
of  standing  water  that  periodically  filled  seg- 
ments of  the  channels  during  El  Nino  rains. 
Capture  of  standing  water  within  segments  of 
the  channel  was  facilitated  by  the  undulating 
slope  of  the  canal  that  resulted  from  engineer- 
ing error. 

Smaller  canals  constructed  to  water  the  area 
of  fields  near  Quebrada  del  Oso  likewise  show 
no  evidence  of  use.  Their  construction  is  inter- 
esting, however,  because  their  intakes  and  chan- 
nels were  cut  into  the  bedrock  of  ridges  that 
projected  toward  the  fields.  Where  these  ridges 
ended,  soils  were  mounded  up  to  aqueduct  the 
channels  into  the  fields.  During  the  latest  effort 
to  rebuild  the  canal,  the  intakes  for  these  canals 
were  filled  in,  becoming  part  of  the  canal  bank. 
This  ended  all  efforts  to  cultivate  fields  along 
the  Chicama-Moche  Intervalley  Canal  route. 

The  entire  70-km  length  of  the  Chicama-Mo- 
che Intervalley  Canal  was  surveyed  on  foot  as 
well  as  mapped,  and  slope  measurements  were 
made  with  a  1 -second  theodolite.  Problems  that 
Chimu  engineers  experienced  in  their  efforts  to 

traverse  the  difficult  terrain  became  readily  ap- 
parent during  this  careful  study  of  the  canal. 
They  clearly  lacked  the  ability  to  topographi- 
cally relate  the  elevation  of  the  intake  for  the 
Chicama-Moche  Intervalley  Canal  within  the 
Chicama  Valley  to  the  elevation  of  the  divide — 
the  highest  point  the  canal  would  traverse.  The 
result  was  a  disastrously  blind  following  of  to- 
pography "up  and  down"  as  the  channel  as- 
cended and  then  descended  quebradas.  The 
channel  was  also  cut  considerably  uphill  across 
seemingly  fiat,  but  actually  ascending,  surfaces. 
Among  the  most  notable  examples  of  such  en- 
gineering flaws  is  a  13.8-km  segment  just  south 
of  Quebada  del  Oso  where  the  canal  slope  goes 
uphill  almost  70  m  (T.  Pozorski  and  S.  Pozorski 
1982:854-860).  It  would  seem  that  once  the 
Chimu  engineers  left  the  Chicama  Valley  prop- 
er, where  they  had  used  the  cultivated  valley 
bottom  and  the  river  as  their  frames  of  refer- 
ence, they  were  unable  to  lay  out  a  functioning 
canal  with  a  downhill  slope. 

Impact  of  the  El  Nino  of  ca.  A.D.  1300-1350 

In  approximately  A.D.  1300-1350,  an  excep- 
tionally strong  El  Nino  event  impacted  the  Pe- 
ruvian north  coast.  The  effect  on  the  Moche 
Valley  irrigation  system  was  considerable.  Ca- 
nal intakes  along  the  river  would  likely  have 
been  washed  out,  rendering  canals  inoperable 
until  repairs  could  be  made.  Damage  to  canals 
was  variable.  In  situations  where  El  Nino  wash 
descended  a  hillside  onto  sandy  pampa,  small 
canals  were  frequently  totally  washed  away, 
covered  over,  or  filled  in  as  the  pampa  sedi- 
ments were  rearranged  by  the  action  of  the 
swiftly  moving  water  (Fig.  10).  Canals  and  aq- 
ueducts crossing  quebradas  were  cut,  and  sub- 
stantial segments  were  washed  away  by  water 
flowing  perpendicular  to  the  canal  course.  In 
cases  where  floodwater  flow  paralleled  the  ca- 
nal channel,  additional  water  frequently  entered 
the  channel.  Flood  water  flowing  within  canals 
that  had  initially  been  excavated  into  sandy  sub- 
strate caused  considerable  damage,  often  cut- 
ting through  the  canal  bottom  and  gouging  out 
a  much  deeper  channel  (Fig.  11).  Floodgate 
flowing  within  canals  initially  excavated  into 
rocky  substrate  caused  less  damage.  Finer  silt 
and  sand  particles  were  washed  from  around 
larger  stones  that  came  in  contact  with  the 

Prehistoric  Chimu  Irrigation  Systems 


Postflood   channel 

0      20      40  cm 

Figure  10.  Profile  of  a  small  north-south  feeder  canal  parallel  to  and  east  of  Canal  II  in  a  sandy  area  on  Pampa 
Esperanza.  On  the  left  are  the  remnants  of  the  original  channel,  partially  collapsed  and  then  buried  by  El  Nino  wash 
that  hit  the  canal  laterally.  On  the  right  is  a  reconstructed  post-flood  channel  built  over  the  flood  sediments.  This 
second  channel  was  never  a  functioning  canal. 

floodgate,  and  the  surfaces  of  the  stones  were 
scoured  to  a  blue-gray  color. 

Such  extensive  damage  made  irrigation  of 
the  Three-Pampa  area  impossible  until  repairs 
could  be  made.  Some  efforts  to  reactivate  the 
system  are  readily  evident  in  the  archaeological 
record.  Where  canals  had  been  totally  washed 
away  or  obscured,  new  channels  were  built 
(Fig.  10).  Gouged-out  segments  were  infilled  to 
approximately  restore  original  slope  (Fig.  11). 
Segments  of  canals  cut  by  perpendicularly 
flowing  water  were  also  rebuilt.  At  times  this 
involved  rerouting  the  channel  above  and 
around  the  break  to  maintain  the  downhill  slope 
within  a  flood-enlarged  gully  or  quebrada. 

Instances  where  transverse  cuts  were  repaired 
were  particularly  instructive  regarding  the  mag- 
nitude of  the  El  Nino  event  of  ca.  A.D.  1300- 
1350.  Characterization  of  this  event  as  unusu- 
ally severe  reflects  evidence  from  canal  recon- 
struction suggesting  that  no  subsequent  El  Nino 
had  comparable  impact.  Survey  data  from  the 

Three-Pampa  area  reveal  that  sizable  segments 
of  some  canals  were  washed  out.  Some  new 
channels  were  built  by  the  Chimu  to  reconstruct 
canals  at  these  locations.  These  new  channels 
are  distinct  from  the  earlier  canal  construction, 
and  have  not  been  affected  by  later  El  Nino 
activity.  Other  new  channels  have  been  tran- 
sected by  subsequent  washes.  None  of  the  sub- 
sequent damage,  however,  comes  close  in  mag- 
nitude to  the  swath  cut  by  the  A.D.  1300-1350 
El  Nino  wash  (see  below,  however,  for  a  cau- 
tionary note  on  this  interpretation). 

Within  the  Three-Pampa  area,  efforts  to  re- 
pair the  irrigation  system  were  extensive;  how- 
ever, excavation  within  these  channels  revealed 
that  the  reconstructed  system  was  never  effec- 
tively used.  Laminar  sediments  within  channels 
are  minimal,  and  there  is  no  evidence  of  the 
associated  oxidation  indicative  of  significant 
wetting  and  drying.  Most  channels  pertaining  to 
this  latest  reconstruction  are  also  considerably 
smaller  than  preceding  uses  of  the  canal.  These 

Original  channe 

Original   channel 

Figure  11.  Profile  of  Canal  II  near  its  north  end.  The  original  channel  was  a  functional  canal  showing  signs  of 
laminar  deposits  and  oxidation.  Then  the  center  of  this  channel  was  gouged  out  by  swiftly  flowing  El  Nino  wash  off 
Cerro  Cabras  that  flowed  down  the  route  of  Canal  II.  Water  flowed  around  a  large  boulder,  and  then,  as  the  flow 
subsided,  sediment  was  deposited.  Finally,  a  reconstructed  post-flood  channel,  which  was  never  functional,  was  built 
above  the  flood-deepened  channel  and  its  deposits. 


T.  Pozorski  and  S.  Pozorski 

less  substantial,  unused  canals  represent  the  fi- 
nal, unsuccessful  effort  to  irrigate  the  Three- 
Pampa  area.  Clearly,  reclamation  of  the  Three- 
Pampa  area  was  no  longer  a  priority  for  the 

Despite  efforts  to  reconstruct  the  system,  the 
Three-Pampa  area  was  never  effectively 
brought  back  under  cultivation  after  the  A.D. 
1300-1350  El  Nino.  The  timing  of  this  disaster 
also  coincides  with  the  latest  dates  for  the  Chi- 
cama-Moche  Intervalley  Canal,  indicating  that 
its  construction  was  halted  at  the  same  time. 
The  devastating  effects  of  El  Nino  appear  to 
have  been  a  catalyst  that  motivated  the  Chimu 
to  abandon  both  their  unsuccessful  efforts  to 
bring  Chicama  water  to  Moche  canals  and  fields 
as  well  as  their  previously  successful  efforts  to 
reclaim  the  relatively  marginal  Three-Pampa 
area  which  the  Chicama-Moche  Intervalley  Ca- 
nal was  supposed  to  have  helped  irrigate.  Pos- 
sibly to  compensate  for  production  lost  due  to 
abandonment  of  the  Three-Pampa  area  and  for 
labor  wasted  on  the  Intervalley  Canal,  the  Chi- 
mu changed  their  strategy  and  began  to  look 
outside  the  Moche  Valley  for  support. 

Alternative  Strategies 

The  sequence  for  canal  construction  and  use  on 
the  Three-Pampa  area  can  be  correlated  with 
the  construction  sequence  for  the  compounds  at 
the  Chimu  capital  of  Chan  Chan,  immediately 
south  of  Pampa  Esperanza  (Figs.  1  and  9).  Gen- 
erally, investigators  agree  that  these  compounds 
served  as  palaces  for  the  rulers  of  the  Chimu 
empire  (Day  1980,  1982;  Klymyshyn  1982;  Ko- 
lata  1982).  Although  there  is  disagreement 
about  the  exact  order  of  construction  of  the 
compounds  (Klymyshyn  1987:101-102;  Kolata 
1990;  Topic  and  Moseley  1983:158-162),  a 
general  three-phase  construction  has  been  de- 
veloped by  Kolata  (1982)  based  on  the  shape 
of  adobe  bricks  used  to  build  the  major  com- 
pound walls.  Of  the  ten  monumental  com- 
pounds, four  (Chayhuac,  Uhle,  Tello,  and  La- 
berinto)  make  up  Phase  1.  Phase  2  consists  of 
the  Gran  Chimu  compound  and  various  asso- 
ciated walls  to  the  north  of  that  compound,  in- 
cluding the  Great  North  Wall  that  bounds  the 
south  side  of  Pampa  Esperanza  (Fig.  9).  Phase 
3  consists  of  the  five  remaining  compounds 
(Squier,  Velarde,  Bandelier,  Tschudi,  and  Riv- 
ero).  Since  the  publication  of  Kolata's  original 

sequence,  many  other  investigators,  including 
Kolata  himself,  have  proposed  more  detailed 
construction  sequences  based  on  analyses  of  ar- 
chitectural elements  within  the  compounds  such 
as  audencia  shape,  burial  platform  configura- 
tion, and  entry  courts,  as  well  as  associated  ce- 
ramics (Klymyshyn  1987:101-102;  Kolata 
1990;  Topic  and  Moseley  1983:158-162).  All 
of  these  sequences,  however,  represent  only  mi- 
nor variations  on  Kolata's  original  1982  se- 
quence and  have  little  bearing  on  the  overall 
relationship  between  the  monumental  com- 
pounds and  the  Three-Pampa  irrigation  area. 
Therefore,  for  the  purposes  of  this  discussion, 
we  will  follow  the  original  Kolata  sequence. 

During  the  construction  of  the  Phase  1  Chan 
Chan  compounds,  when  the  site  was  in  its  ear- 
lier stages  of  growth,  the  irrigation  system 
reached  its  maximum  extent.  Effecting  their  ag- 
ricultural expansionist  policies  through  rural  ad- 
ministrative centers,  the  Chimu  attempted  to  re- 
claim inland  areas  on  both  sides  of  the  valley, 
incorporated  the  entire  Three-Pampa  area,  un- 
dertook construction  of  the  Chicama-Moche  In- 
tervalley Canal,  and  expanded  Chicama  Valley 
irrigation  systems  beyond  modern  limits.  Ar- 
chaeological data  indicate  that  use  of  the  ex- 
panded Moche  Valley  irrigation  system  was 
abruptly  interrupted  between  A.D.  1300  and 
1350  by  a  devastating  El  Nino  event.  Despite 
efforts  to  reconstruct  the  system,  reclamation  of 
the  more  marginal  zones  of  the  Moche  Valley 
agricultural  system  was  effectively  curtailed  at 
about  this  time,  and  work  on  the  Chicama-Mo- 
che Intervalley  canal  also  ceased.  The  same  El 
Nino  event  likely  caused  similar  damage  in  oth- 
er north  and  north-central  coast  valleys. 

Chan  Chan,  however,  continued  to  develop 
after  the  flood.  Five  compounds  (Phases  2  and 
3),  comprising  about  half  the  area  of  Chan 
Chan,  were  built  after  the  irrigation  system  had 
shrunk  to  approximately  its  modern  limits.  The 
key  to  this  dating  is  the  relationship  between 
Canal  II  on  Pampa  Esperanza  and  the  Great 
North  Wall  which  is  part  of  the  Phase  2  con- 
struction at  Chan  Chan  (Figs.  9  and  12).  Canal 
II,  which  was  part  of  the  reworking  of  the 
Three-Pampa  irrigation  system  in  anticipation 
of  water  from  the  Intervalley  Canal,  is  one  of 
the  latest  canals  to  be  built  on  Pampa  Esperanza 
(Fig.  9).  This  canal  contains  sediment  and  oxi- 
dation associated  with  its  original  use  plus  de- 
posits associated  with  the  A.D.  1300-1350  flood 
within  its  channel  (Fig.  12).  The  Great  North 

Prehistoric  Chimu  Irrigation  Systems 


20      40  cm 

Figure  12.  Profile  of  Canal  II  near  its  south  end.  The  original  channel  was  a  functional  canal  complete  with 
laminar  deposits  and  oxidation.  Subsequently  the  El  Nino  wash  entered  the  channel,  scouring  out  a  small  depression 
and  leaving  flood-borne  deposits.  Finally,  a  major  east-west  segment  of  the  Great  North  Wall  of  Chan  Chan,  here 
composed  primarily  of  adobe,  was  constructed  over  both  the  original  channel  and  the  flood  sediments  within  this 
portion  of  the  Canal  II. 

Wall,  which  is  part  of  the  Phase  II  construction 
of  Chan  Chan,  was  clearly  built  over  Canal  II. 
Thus,  at  least  one-half  of  the  visible  compounds 
at  Chan  Chan  postdate  the  time  when  the 
Three-Pampa  area  was  most  effectively  irrigat- 
ed. The  minor,  and  largely  unsuccessful,  efforts 
at  canal  reconstruction  on  the  Three-Pampa 
area  after  the  A.D.  1300-1350  flood  could  par- 
tially overlap  with  the  building  and  use  of  the 
Phase  2  architecture  of  Chan  Chan,  but  are  un- 
likely to  date  any  later. 

The  devastating  El  Nino  flood  that  curtailed 
reclamation  efforts  was  likely  a  key  factor  in 
changing  Chimu  strategy.  Rather  than  expend- 
ing excessive  labor  to  maintain  fields  in  mar- 
ginal lands,  the  Chimu  apparently  formed  ad- 
ditional military  units  and  set  out  to  expand 
their  domain  into  more  northern  and  southern 
lands  from  which  tribute  could  be  extracted. 
Strategically,  this  was  an  optimum  time  to  take 
advantage  of  rival  polities  that  had  been  weak- 
ened by  the  El  Nino  disaster,  especially  farther 
north,  where  the  impact  was  likely  more  severe. 

This  second,  more  far-reaching  phase  of  Chimu 
expansion  was  likely  motivated  not  so  much  by 
the  desire  for  agricultural  products  as  by  the 
desire  to  gain  access  to  and  control  over  the 
production  of  artisan  goods,  especially  the  met- 
alworking  that  had  been  so  successfully  con- 
trolled from  the  Lambayeque  area  (Shimada 
1982:178-179;  T.  Topic  1990).  Within  the  ca. 
1 50-year  span  between  the  flood  of  A.D.  1 300- 
1350  and  their  defeat  by  the  Inca,  the  Chimu 
quadrupled  the  area  they  controlled. 

This  example  from  the  Moche  Valley  and 
surrounding  north  coast  areas  dominated  by  the 
Chimu  reveals  some  surprises  regarding  state 
development  in  the  Andean  area.  Clearly,  irri- 
gation agriculture  provided  the  subsistence  base 
that  allowed  a  certain  level  of  political  devel- 
opment by  the  Chimii.  It  is  not  the  case,  how- 
ever, that  the  maximum  extent  of  land  recla- 
mation for  agriculture  coincided  with  the  max- 
imum extent  of  state  development  and  Chimii 
polity  expansion.  During  the  time  between  ca. 
A.D.  1050  and  the  flood  of  A.D.  1300-1350, 


T.  Pozorski  and  S.  Pozorski 

when  the  Chimu  invested  so  much  labor  in  ca- 
nal and  field-system  construction,  their  political 
control  extended  over  relatively  few  valleys. 
Subsequently,  as  a  result  of  a  distinct  strategy 
that  focused  on  more  effective  control  and  use 
of  human  labor  and  craft  production,  the  Chimu 
emerged  as  an  empire  spanning  1,300  km  of 
coastal  Peru  and  rivaling  the  Incas. 

Detecting  El  Nino  Evidence  in  the 
Archaeological  Record: 
A  Cautionary  Note 

It  is  clear  that  evidence  of  past  El  Nino  events 
can  be  detected  in  the  archaeological  record  of 
the  desert  coast  of  Peru  (Moseley  1992:215, 
254;  T.  Pozorski  1987:113;  Shimada  1982:180). 
The  stronger  the  El  Nino  event,  the  more  likely 
it  is  to  have  a  direct  impact  on  archaeological 
remains.  Such  impacts  can  be  detected  as 
washed-out  areas  or  distinct  laminar  deposits  in 
irrigation  features,  as  shown  in  this  paper,  or  in 
association  with  architectural  features  (Uceda 
and  Canziani  1993). 

Detecting  individual  El  Nino  events  at  single 
archaeological  sites  is  one  thing;  however,  con- 
necting those  events  with  apparently  similar- 
looking  events  at  other  sites  and  areas,  either 
within  the  same  valley  or  in  other  valleys,  is  a 
much  more  difficult  task.  The  ability  to  inter- 
connect El  Nino  events  over  increasingly  large 
areas  along  the  coast  of  Peru  would  be  a  pow- 
erful chronological  tool  that  could  provide  dat- 
ing precision  unmatched  by  any  other  dating 
means  available  in  Peru.  Furthermore,  the  im- 
pact of  strong  El  Nino  events  could  also  pro- 
vide potential  explanations  for  cultural  changes 
in  the  archaeological  past  (von  Hagen  and  Mor- 
ris 1998:22). 

There  are  two  main  problems  with  El  Nino 
correlation  in  the  archaeological  record.  The 
first  problem  is  chronology.  Precise  dating  is 
essential  for  correlating  El  Nino  events,  wheth- 
er one  is  connecting  areas  or  sites  within  a  val- 
ley or  across  many  valleys.  In  the  present  dis- 
cussion, it  is  postulated  that  a  major  El  Nino 
hit  the  Moche  Valley  irrigation  system  around 
A.D.  1300-1350,  resulting  in  major  repercus- 
sions on  Chimu  political  strategy.  However, 
some  authors  have  dated  this  flood  two  centu- 
ries earlier,  to  A.D.  1100  (Moseley  1992:254; 
Nials  et  al.  1979).  Furthermore,  this  Moche  Val- 

ley flood  has  been  correlated  with  an  A.D.  1 100 
flood  that  occurred  in  the  Lambayeque  region 
(Moseley  1992:252-254;  Richardson  1994: 
143).  We  believe  that  the  stratigraphic  evidence 
correlating  the  flood  with  the  construction  se- 
quence of  Chan  Chan  supports  an  A.D.  1300- 
1350  date  for  the  Moche  Valley  El  Nino  and 
that  it  represents  an  event  distinct  from  the 
Lambayeque  A.D.  1100  El  Nino.  It  is  apparent, 
however,  that  there  is  substantial  disagreement 
on  this  correlation. 

This  single  example  points  out  the  chrono- 
logical problem  with  El  Nino  correlation.  Here 
are  two  El  Nino  events,  separated  in  time  by 
two  centuries,  that  are  nevertheless  the  source 
of  chronological  controversy.  The  problem  can 
only  get  more  complicated  as  one  deals  with  El 
Nino  events  more  closely  spaced  or  more  dis- 
tant in  time.  Given  that  major  El  Nino  events 
affect  much  of  the  north  and  central  Peruvian 
coast  at  least  two  or  more  times  per  century, 
and  given  the  relative  grossness  of  dating  meth- 
ods currently  available,  archaeologists  will  be 
hard-pressed  to  distinguish  and  date  El  Ninos 
that  occur  within  50  years  of  one  another,  let 
alone  within  15  years,  as  is  the  case  with  the 
recent  1983  and  1998  floods. 

A  second,  potentially  even  more  difficult 
problem  is  the  spatial  correlation  of  strong  El 
Nino  events.  We  were  able  to  correlate  the  im- 
pact of  a  strong  El  Nino  event  over  a  fairly 
large  area  of  land  by  carefully  studying  strati- 
graphic  relationships  of  linear  features  (canals, 
walls,  roads)  that  intersect  in  certain  places. 
Most  archaeological  contexts  are  not  character- 
ized by  such  linear  features,  instead  involving 
sites  or  features  that  are  separated  spatially  by 
many  kilometers.  In  some  instances,  a  fairly 
strong  case  can  be  made  for  correlating  a  single 
El  Nino  between  two  sites.  For  example,  in  the 
Casma  Valley,  a  major  El  Nino  hit  the  site  of 
Cerro  Sechin  around  1200  B.C.  Here,  a  recon- 
structed floor  built  on  top  of  a  filled-in  corridor 
behind  the  main  mound  trapped  a  pool  of  water 
that  softened  the  clay  floor,  which  was  then  trod 
upon  by  several  individuals  (Fuchs  1997:150- 
152).  Some  5  km  away,  at  the  site  of  Pampa  de 
las  Llamas-Moxeke,  what  were  likely  the  same 
El  Nino  waters  fell,  damaging  portions  of  friez- 
es on  the  main  mound  (Huaca  A)  as  well  as 
wetting  the  floor  of  an  adjacent  enclosure  upon 
which  several  individuals  trod,  similar  to  the 
Cerro  Sechin  case  (Fig.  13). 

The  Casma  Valley  case  just  described  is  en- 

Prehistoric  Chimu  Irrigation  Systems 


Figure  13.  Human  footprints  on  the  floor  of  an  enclosure  adjacent  to  Huaca  A  at  the  Initial  Period  site  of  Pampa 
de  las  Llamas-Moxeke  in  the  Casma  Valley.  The  enclosure  floor  was  wetted  heavily  by  an  El  Nino  event  dated  to 
about  1200  B.C. 

tirely  plausible,  given  the  available  stratigraphic 
and  radiocarbon  evidence,  but  is  by  no  means 
conclusively  proven.  It  is  often  assumed  that 
major  El  Nino  events  will  bring  rains  that  will 
more  or  less  uniformly  blanket  the  entire  area 
adjacent  to  the  ocean  zone  that  is  penetrated  by 
the  Ecuadorian  Countercurrent.  Observations  of 
rainfall  patterns  of  the  1983  and  the  1998  El 
Ninos  indicate  otherwise.  Along  the  north  and 
north-central  coast,  some  valleys  were  hit  hard- 
er than  others.  Most  rainfall  came  down  well 
inland  from  the  coastline,  between  elevations  of 
1000  and  1500  m.  Geologically,  riverbeds  were 
quite  changed  as  river  channels  were  deepened, 
substantially  widened,  and  scoured  of  vegeta- 
tion. This  was  quite  evident  during  the  1998 
event  for  every  valley  between  Chicama  and 

Archaeological  sites  and  modern  settlements, 
however,  were  more  variably  affected.  In  the 
Casma  Valley,  the  Late  Intermediate  Period 
adobe  mound  site  of  Sechin  Bajo  was  complete- 
ly washed  away  by  the  swollen  Sechin  River. 
One  kilometer  away,  the  Initial  Period  site  of 

Sechin  Alto,  situated  a  few  hundred  meters 
south  of  the  Sechin  River,  was  only  minimally 
affected  by  rainfall  that  resulted  in  a  few  thin 
patches  of  silt  that  settled  from  small  puddles 
of  water.  In  the  modern  town  of  Casma,  there 
were  episodes  of  rainfall  during  March  1998. 
During  one  particularly  heavy  downpour  that 
lasted  some  two  hours,  the  south  part  of  town 
was  drenched  by  several  centimeters  of  rain, 
whereas  the  north  part  of  town,  0.5  km  away, 
received  less  than  1  cm  of  rain.  This  uneven 
distribution  of  rainfall  during  El  Nino  events 
should  not  be  surprising  to  anyone  who  has  ex- 
perienced rainfall,  and  there  is  no  reason  to  as- 
sume that  El  Nino  rainfall  patterns  should  be 
any  different. 

The  main  point  of  this  discussion  is  to  high- 
light the  difficulties  of  El  Nino  correlation. 
There  are  problems  associated  with  both  the 
temporal  and  spatial  correlations  of  El  Nino 
events  documented  from  different  areas  of 
coastal  Peru.  El  Nino  events  that  leave  abun- 
dant evidence  in  several  places  can  potentially 
reveal  important  chronological  and  cultural  in- 


T.  Pozorski  and  S.  Pozorski 

formation,  yet  careful  study  is  needed  to  make 
precise  correlations.  A  more  difficult  task  is  the 
correlation  of  El  Ninos  that  leave  behind  only 
widely  scattered  pieces  of  evidence.  What  ap- 
pears to  be  a  major  El  Nino  event  in  one  valley 
may  leave  only  minimal  or  no  evidence  in  an- 
other valley  or  even  in  another  part  of  the  same 
valley.  The  absence  of  evidence  of  an  El  Nino 
event  at  a  particular  site  does  not  mean  that 
such  an  event  did  not  happen.  All  this  means  is 
that  the  particular  El  Nino  event  did  not  happen 
to  affect  the  one  site  in  question.  What  remains 
a  challenge  to  both  archaeologists  and  geomor- 
phologists  alike  is  the  documentation  and  cor- 
relation of  El  Nino  events  and  their  physical 
and  cultural  effects.  This  can  only  be  done 
through  a  long  series  of  careful,  detailed  studies 
that  will  need  to  be  carried  out  over  the  next 
few  decades. 

Acknowledgments.  Funding  for  the  Programa 
Riego  Antiguo  investigation  of  prehistoric  irri- 
gation systems  was  provided  by  National  Sci- 
ence Foundation  grants  BNS76-24538  and 
BNS77-24901.  Permission  to  excavate  was 
granted  by  the  Peruvian  Institute  Nacional  de 
Cultura.  The  authors  thank  Michael  E.  Moseley 
for  the  opportunity  to  serve  as  codirectors  of 
the  project;  to  Eric  E.  Deeds  for  his  hard  work 
as  part  of  the  project,  particularly  in  survey, 
mapping,  and  the  recognition  of  archaeological 
evidence  of  El  Nino;  and  to  geologist  Fred 
Nials  for  his  help  in  interpreting  both  cultural 
and  natural  soils  associated  with  irrigation  fea- 

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.  1990.  Huaynuna.  a  Late  Cotton  Preceramic 

site  on  the  north  coast  of  Peru.  Journal  of  Field 
Archaeology.  17:  17-26. 

RICHARDSON,  J.  1994.  People  of  the  Andes.  In  J.  Sa- 
bloff,  ed..  Exploring  the  Ancient  World.  St.  Remy 
Press,  Montreal,  and  Smithsonian  Institution,  Wash- 
ington. D.C. 

PENA,  AND  E.  DECIMA  ZAMECNIK.  1990.  The  north- 
ern frontier  of  the  kingdom  of  Chimor:  The  Piura, 
Chira,  and  Tumbez  Valleys,  pp.  419-445.  In  M.  E. 
Moseley  and  A.  Cordy-Collins,  eds..  The  Northern 
Dynasties:  Kingship  and  Statecraft  in  Chimor. 
Dumbarton  Oaks  Research  Library  and  Collection. 
Washington,  D.C. 

ROWE,  J.  1948.  The  kingdom  of  Chimor.  Acta  Amer- 
icana, 6:  26-59. 

SHIMADA,  I.  1982.  Horizontal  archipelago  and  coast- 
highland  interaction  in  north  Peru:  Archaeological 
models,  pp.  137-210.  In  L.  Millones  and  H.  To- 
moeda,  eds..  El  hombre  y  su  ambiente  en  los  Andes 
Centrales.  Senri  Ethnological  Studies  10.  National 
Museum  of  Ethnology,  Osaka. 

.  1990.  Cultural  continuities  and  discontinu- 
ities on  the  northern  north  coast  of  Peru,  Middle- 
Late  Horizons,  pp.  297-392.  In  M.  E.  Moseley  and 
A.  Cordy-Collins,  eds.,  The  Northern  Dynasties: 
Kingship  and  Statecraft  in  Chimor.  Dumbarton 
Oaks  Research  Library  and  Collection,  Washington, 

STUIVER,  M.,  AND  B.  BECKER.  1993.  High-precision 
decadal  calibration  of  the  radiocarbon  time  scale. 
A.D.  1950-6000  B.C.  Radiocarbon,  35(1):  35-65. 

TOPIC,  J.,  AND  M.  MOSELEY.  1983.  Chan  Chan:  A  case 
study  of  urban  change  in  Peru.  Nawpa  Pacha,  21: 

TOPIC,  T.  L.  1990.  Territorial  expansion  and  the  king- 
dom of  Chimor,  pp.  177-194.  In  M.  E.  Moseley 
and  A.  Cordy-Collins,  eds.,  The  Northern  Dynas- 
ties: Kingship  and  Statecraft  in  Chimor.  Dumbarton 
Oaks  Research  Library  and  Collection.  Washington, 

UCEDA,  S.,  AND  J.  CANZIANI.  1993.  Evidencias  de 
grandes  precipitaciones  en  diversas  etapas  construc- 
tivas  de  la  huaca  de  la  luna,  costa  norte  del  Peru. 
Bulletin  de  L'lnstitut  Francais  d'Etudes  Andines, 
22(1):  313-343. 

VON  HAGEN,  A.,  AND  C.  MORRIS.  1998.  The  Cities  of 
the  Ancient  Andes.  Thames  and  Hudson,  London. 

El  Nino,  Early  Peruvian  Civilization,  and  Human  Agency: 
Some  Thoughts  from  the  Lurin  Valley 

Richard  L.  Burger 

The  role  of  El  Nino  in  the  rise  and  fall  of  early 
Andean  civilizations  has  attracted  increasing  at- 
tention over  the  past  two  decades  as  more  has 
become  known  about  the  role  of  climate  change 
in  human  history.  It  is  no  coincidence  that  this 
greater  sensitivity  to  climate  change  in  the  ar- 
chaeological past  has  emerged  as  we  have  be- 
come increasingly  anxious  about  global  warm- 
ing and  the  way  it  could  affect  our  future.  As 
science  has  focused  more  intently  on  global  cli- 
matic change,  new  methods  and  theories  have 
been  developed  that  allow  us  to  reconstruct  past 
climates  and  to  appreciate  the  degree  of  vari- 
ability that  has  existed  in  the  Holocene  climate, 
of  which  the  El  Nino  phenomenon  is  but  one 
small  piece. 

The  past  two  decades  also  saw  two  major  El 
Nino  events.  As  a  consequence,  many  archae- 
ologists working  in  Peru  have  experienced,  ei- 
ther firsthand  or  through  media  coverage,  the 
devastation  that  a  major  El  Nino  event  can  pro- 
duce. By  contrast,  in  1980,  only  the  most  senior 
archaeologists  had  personally  experienced  a 
major  Nino  event,  and  most  academics  had  to 
rely  on  accounts  of  the  1925  El  Nino  to  imagine 
what  its  effects  were  like.  Thus,  historical  hap- 
penstance has  placed  scholars  in  a  situation 
where  there  are  now  both  personal  experience 
and  the  academic  predisposition  to  take  El  Nino 
seriously  in  the  archaeological  modeling  of  civ- 
ilizational  trajectories  in  the  distant  past.  Such 
was  not  always  the  case.  In  the  late  1960s,  for 
example,  both  Edward  Lanning  (1967)  and  Luis 
Lumbreras  (1969)  found  it  possible  to  write 

syntheses  of  Andean  prehistory  with  barely  a 
reference  to  the  El  Nino  phenomenon,  and  the 
immediately  previous  generation  of  scholars, 
such  as  Bushnell  (1957)  and  Bennett  and  Bird 
(1960),  ignored  El  Nino  entirely.  Such  an  ap- 
proach has  now  been  largely  supplanted,  as  ev- 
idenced by  the  work  of  Michael  E.  Moseley 
(1992)  and  James  Richardson  III  (1994),  in 
which  El  Nino  figures  prominently  as  a  possible 
contributing  factor  to  the  emergence,  expansion, 
reorganization,  and  demise  of  multiple  Peruvian 
cultures,  including  those  of  Chavfn,  Moche,  and 

Recent  archaeological  literature  on  the  pos- 
sible effect  of  El  Nino  on  Andean  prehistory 
has  usually  focused  on  the  role  of  El  Nino  in 
the  evolution  of  Andean  civilization.  A  classic 
example  was  a  1981  article  by  David  Wilson, 
in  which  he  posited  the  El  Nino  phenomenon 
as  a  limiting  factor  in  the  development  of  an 
early  maritime  civilization  in  the  Central  Andes 
because  of  the  unpredictable  but  radical  reduc- 
tion in  maritime  carrying  capacity  along  the 
coast  during  major  El  Nino  events.  In  a  more 
recent  1999  synthesis,  Wilson  (1999:352-356) 
updated  his  earlier  argument  and  suggested  that 
the  stresses  caused  by  El  Nino  could  help  ex- 
plain how  a  primarily  maritime-oriented  people 
might  accept  agriculture  as  an  alternative  strat- 
egy, thus  creating  the  conditions  for  the  emer- 
gence of  complex  society.  In  the  models  pro- 
posed by  Wilson  and  others,  El  Nino  is  seen  as 
shaping  a  long-term  evolutionary  trajectory  as 
cultures  become  adapted  to  their  environmental 


El  Nino,  Early  Peruvian  Civilization,  and  Human  Agency 


conditions;  the  role  of  human  actors  and  their 
strategies  is  seen  as  secondary  to  larger  evolu- 
tionary processes.  Not  surprisingly,  such  mod- 
els have  been  criticized  as  treating  humans  as 
fundamentally  passive  and  as  constructing  so- 
cial change  merely  as  a  process  of  reacting  to 
natural  phenomena,  such  as  natural  disasters  or 
long-term  changes  in  climate.  Although  such 
models  have  merit,  it  also  is  important  to  con- 
sider whether  the  peoples  of  pre-Hispanic  Peru 
anticipated  the  dangers  posed  by  El  Nino  events 
and  whether  they  were  able  to  develop  strate- 
gies to  mitigate  them.  In  adopting  this  second 
approach,  we  recognize  that  human  agency 
played  an  important  role  in  determining  cultural 
stability  and  change  in  the  past,  just  as  it  does 
in  the  present. 

In  the  modern  world,  major  disasters  are 
most  successfully  dealt  with  at  the  level  of  the 
nation-state  or  international  community.  For  ex- 
ample, 90%  of  the  $14  billion  in  aid  to  the  vic- 
tims of  the  1994  California  earthquake  came 
from  the  federal  government  of  the  United 
States  rather  than  from  local  or  state  sources, 
and  in  Honduras,  virtually  all  aid  to  alleviate 
the  devastation  wreaked  by  Hurricane  Mitch 
has  come  from  governmental  and  charitable 
sources  outside  of  Central  America  (Davis 
1998).  But  what  disaster  strategies  were  em- 
ployed prior  to  the  emergence  of  such  over- 
arching social  and  political  structures? 

Possible  Pre-Hispanic  Responses  to 
El  Nino  Events  in  the  Central 

In  the  absence  of  state-based  systems,  one  way 
of  dealing  with  recurring  environmental  disrup- 
tions such  as  El  Nino  is  for  families  or  small 
social  units  to  develop  links  with  distant  com- 
munities that  are  less  likely  to  be  affected  by 
the  environmental  perturbation.  In  the  case  of 
the  northern  and  central  coast  of  Peru,  for  ex- 
ample, longstanding  links  with  adjacent  high- 
land communities  would  have  facilitated  a  pre- 
historic alternative  to  current  disaster  relief, 
perhaps  under  the  rubric  of  fictive  kinship  ob- 
ligations or  gift  exchange.  At  the  1982  confer- 
ence on  Early  Monumental  Architecture  at 
Dumbarton  Oaks,  I  suggested  that  in  combina- 
tion with  the  dietary  needs  of  highlanders  (e.g., 
for  iodine  and  salt),  the  danger  presented  by  El 

Nino  events  would  have  favored  the  establish- 
ment of  ties  between  highland  and  coastal 
groups  that  could  be  mobilized  in  times  of  di- 
saster. Llama  caravans  could  have  brought 
highland  agricultural  produce  down  to  com- 
munities where  an  El  Nino  had  devastated  both 
the  year's  crops  and  maritime  productivity 
(Burger  1985:276). 

A  modern  version  of  such  a  strategy  was 
mentioned  in  Robert  Murphy's  description  of 
the  1925  El  Nino,  in  which  food  shortages  on 
the  central  coast  were  solved  by  "mutton  on  the 
hoof"  driven  down  from  the  high  grasslands 
(puna)  and  by  pack  trains  of  llamas,  horses,  and 
burros  from  the  highland  valleys  carrying  po- 
tatoes and  other  foodstuffs  (Murphy  1926:46). 
The  continued  viability  of  agricultural  systems 
in  the  northern  highlands  during  the  last  two 
major  Nino  events  supports  the  plausibility  of 
this  idea. 

Moreover,  recent  research  by  Ruth  Shady 
(1997)  at  Caral  in  the  Supe  Valley  and  by  She- 
lia  and  Thomas  Pozorski  (1992)  at  Huaynuna 
and  Pampa  de  las  Llamas  in  Casma  has  rein- 
forced our  appreciation  of  the  Late  Preceramic 
and  Initial  Period  links  between  the  highland 
societies  involved  in  the  Kotosh  Religious  Tra- 
dition and  their  contemporaries  in  centers  on 
the  coast.  Unfortunately,  the  hypothesis  of  high- 
land economic  assistance  to  coastal  settlement 
during  El  Nino  events  has  yet  to  be  tested  on  a 
microlevel  by  studying  examples  of  a  Late  Pre- 
ceramic or  Initial  Period  center  that  coped  with 
an  El  Nino  event.  It  would  be  fascinating  to 
know  if  the  survival  strategy  of  such  a  site  was 
characterized  by  refuse  that  included  a  sharp 
increase  in  the  amounts  of  highland  meat  and 
agricultural  produce  to  compensate  for  the  dis- 
ruption of  marine  and  lower-valley  agricultural 

In  Andean  archaeology,  one  of  the  rare  in- 
stances of  a  local-level  analysis  of  a  prehistoric 
community  struggling  to  deal  with  an  El  Nino 
event  is  the  study  of  two  Chimu  settlements  in 
the  Casma  Valley  by  Jerry  Moore  (1991). 
Moore  not  only  used  archaeology  to  document 
the  occurrence  of  a  fourteenth  century  A.D.  El 
Nino  event,  he  also  explored  some  of  the  cul- 
tural responses  to  it.  He  concluded  that  imme- 
diately following  a  powerful  El  Nino,  the  Chi- 
mu state  established  a  complex  of  ridged  fields 
in  order  to  reclaim  waterlogged  soils,  and  an 
adjacent  community  to  house  agricultural  work- 
ers. This  subsistence  system  was  apparently 


R.  L.  Burger 

maintained  for  no  more  than  a  few  years,  while 
the  normal  farming  system  was  restored,  after 
which  time  the  site  was  abandoned.  According 
to  Moore,  by  shifting  to  the  cultivation  of  fields 
that  were  not  irrigated,  along  with  exploiting  El 
Nino-resistant  species  of  shellfish,  it  was  pos- 
sible to  support  the  continued  occupation  of  the 
Casma  Valley  and  its  administrative  center  at 
Manchan  despite  the  devastation  wreaked  by  a 
major  El  Nino  event.  This  case  is  particularly 
interesting  because  it  illustrates  how  one  pre- 
Hispanic  group  consciously  combined  two  of 
many  possible  strategies  in  order  to  cope  with 
the  conditions  created  by  El  Nino.  In  this  case, 
the  rains  from  El  Nino  may  have  created  the 
opportunity  for  successful  dry-farming  in  this 
section  of  the  normally  arid  coast. 

Given  recent  history,  it  should  not  be  news 
to  anyone  that  El  Ninos  produce  occasional  op- 
portunities as  well  as  serious  problems.  One  has 
only  to  recall  the  scandal  that  occurred  during 
the  1982-1983  El  Nino,  when  several  high- 
ranking  military  men  were  accused  of  using 
army  cargo  planes  to  fly  cattle  down  from  Pan- 
ama to  graze  on  the  vast  pasturelands  that  had 
appeared  in  Peru's  Sechura  Desert.  The  appear- 
ance of  more  robust  lomas  vegetation,  the  mi- 
gration of  new  kinds  of  fish,  the  short-term 
availability  of  new  land  for  rainfall  farming, 
and  the  sprouting  of  new  pastures  may  be  only 
small  consolation  when  weighed  against  the 
enormous  losses  occasioned  by  an  El  Nino 
event,  but  such  factors  may  have  been  crucial 
for  crafting  locally  based  survival  strategies  in 
pre-Hispanic  times.  Additional  studies  along  the 
lines  of  the  Casma  research  should  yield  greater 
insight  into  the  significance  of  these  alterna- 
tives. It  should  be  noted  that  the  strategy  pos- 
ited by  Moore  for  Casma  involved  the  inter- 
vention of  state  institutions,  which  were  absent 
in  much  earlier  prehistoric  times. 

Pre-Hispanic  Human  Agency, 

El  Nino,  and  the  Manchay  Culture 

Thus  far  I  have  explored  some  of  the  possible 
short-term  responses  to  the  effects  of  El  Nino 
events  in  the  pre-Hispanic  Central  Andes.  How- 
ever, as  geographer  Kenneth  Hewitt  has  ob- 
served, "Most  natural  disasters  are  character- 
istic rather  than  accidental  features  of  the  places 
and  societies  where  they  occur"  (Davis  1998: 

52).  In  the  longer-term  perspective,  humans  can 
be  considered  agents  that,  with  the  accumulated 
knowledge  of  their  landscape,  either  learn  to 
anticipate  potential  disasters  and  avoid  them  or 
choose  to  ignore  the  dangers  and  place  them- 
selves in  harm's  way.  Mike  Davis's  book,  The 
Ecology  of  Fear  (1998),  provides  an  excellent 
illustration  of  this  perspective.  He  shows  how 
flawed  human  decisions  acted  to  turn  tectonic 
and  climatic  forces  into  major  dangers  in  the 
course  of  human  settlement  in  southern  Cali- 

Following  in  this  line  of  thought,  I  want  to 
consider  here  whether  the  coastal  societies  of 
Peru  during  the  second  millennium  B.C.  (known 
as  the  Initial  Period)  perceived  the  possible 
threat  posed  by  the  El  Nino  phenomenon,  and 
if  they  did,  what  actions  they  may  have  taken 
to  protect  themselves.  In  the  Central  Andes,  this 
period  of  time  is  of  particular  interest  to  those 
interested  in  the  relationship  between  El  Nino 
and  the  appearance  of  complex  societies  be- 
cause it  was  the  time  of  the  emergence  of  the 
region's  earliest  civilizations.  Among  the  ac- 
complishments of  the  coastal  cultures  of  the  Ini- 
tial Period  were  the  creation  of  abundant  mon- 
umental architecture,  the  production  of  sophis- 
ticated public  art,  breakthroughs  in  metallurgi- 
cal techniques,  and  the  building  of  extensive 
irrigation  systems.  This  Initial  Period  culture, 
characterized  by  massive  civic-ceremonial  cen- 
ters with  a  U-shaped  layout,  extended  along  the 
central  coast  from  Chancay  Valley  on  the  north 
to  Lurin  Valley  on  the  south.  Investigations  of 
these  U-shaped  centers  of  Manchay  culture  by 
myself  and  Lucy  Salazar  (Burger  1992:60-75; 
cf.  Silva  and  Garcia  1997)  have  focused  on  the 
southernmost  of  these  valleys,  which  is  located 
immediately  south  of  contemporary  Lima,  and 
the  following  commentary  is  based  on  our  on- 
going research. 

During  the  second  millennium  B.C.,  the  pop- 
ulation in  the  lower  Lurin  Valley  gradually  in- 
creased, as  reflected  in  the  founding  of  civic- 
ceremonial  centers  that  served  as  the  focus  of 
small-scale  social  units.  Only  one  such  center 
is  known  to  have  existed  in  1800  B.C.,  but  by 
1000  B.C.,  at  least  six  such  centers  appear  to 
have  been  functioning  in  the  lower  valley,  and 
several  more  in  the  middle  valley  (Fig.  1). 
These  centers  appear  to  have  been  autonomous 
and  were  not  organized  by  an  overarching  state 
apparatus;  the  latter  appeared  only  much  later 
in  the  prehistory  of  the  central  coast.  The  pop- 

El  Nino,  Early  Peruvian  Civilization,  and  Human  Agency 




Figure  1.     The  location  of  Initial  Period  U-shaped  pyramid  complexes  in  the  lower  Lurin  Valley,  Peru.  (Map 
drawn  by  Bernadino  Ojeda.) 


R.  L.  Burger 

ulation  supporting  these  centers  survived  on  a 
mixed  subsistence  system  based  on  irrigation 
farming  of  crops  such  as  squash,  peanuts, 
beans,  red  pepper,  guava,  pacae,  and  lucuma,  as 
well  as  yet  unidentified  tubers  (sweet  potato?), 
manioc,  and  a  small  amount  of  maize.  These 
domesticated  crops  were  supplemented  by  the 
collection  of  wild  plants,  the  acquisition  of  fish 
and  mollusks  from  the  Pacific  shore,  and  the 
hunting  of  deer,  camelids,  vizcachas,  and  birds 
from  nearby  lomas  and  riverine  environments 
(Benfer  and  Meadors  2002;  Burger  and  Salazar- 
Burger  1991;  Umlauf  2002). 

The  largest  of  the  valley's  centers,  Mina  Per- 
dida,  was  occupied  for  about  a  thousand  years 
(calibrated  C14  years)  without  evidence  of  hi- 
atus or  abandonment  (Burger  and  Salazar-Bur- 
ger  1998,  2002).  If  one  accepts  the  proposition 
that  the  pattern  of  El  Nino  events  was  estab- 
lished by  5,800  years  ago  (Rollins  et  al.  1986), 
the  Manchay  culture  in  Lurin  presents  an  ex- 
ample of  cultural  continuity  and  resilience  for 
at  least  ten  centuries  in  the  face  of  the  major  El 
Nino  events  that  must  have  occurred  during  this 
time.  Even  if  one  accepts  that  El  Nino  had  a 
longer  recurrence  interval  until  3200-2800  cal 
B.P.  (Sandweiss  et  al.  2001),  the  centers  of  the 
Manchay  culture  would  still  have  experienced 
numerous  major  El  Nino  events,  a  fact  con- 
firmed by  the  research  I  shall  describe  below. 

Considering  the  dangers  posed  by  El  Nino 
events,  the  choice  of  location  for  Lurin's 
U-shaped  centers  was  not  auspicious;  in  fact,  to 
use  Mike  Davis's  phrase,  it  could  be  said  that 
the  groups  living  in  the  lower  Lurin  Valley 
chose  to  place  their  centers  in  harm's  way.  The 
public  complexes  were  generally  built  at  the 
mouth  of  deeply  cut  ravines  (quebradas).  These 
quebradas  were  normally  bone  dry,  but  they 
sometimes  carry  water  during  El  Nifios.  Such 
locations  may  have  been  chosen  because  they 
provided  expanses  of  relatively  level  land  ad- 
jacent to  the  valuable  irrigated  bottomlands  of 
the  valley.  Moreover,  the  nearby  rocky  ravines 
and  barren  valley  sides  offered  ample  building 
materials,  including  stone  blocks  and  lenses  of 
clay  suitable  for  mortar  and  adobes.  Unfortu- 
nately for  the  inhabitants  of  these  centers,  the 
loose  rock,  rubble,  and  earth  in  these  quebra- 
das, which  make  such  good  building  materials 
under  normal  circumstances,  are  incorporated 
into  landslides  and  debris  flows  when  heavy 
rainfalls  occur  in  the  lower  Lurin  Valley  during 
major  El  Nino  events. 

Manchay  Bajo  and  Its  Monumental  Wall 

Judging  from  the  results  of  fieldwork  in  1998 
and  1999  by  the  Yale  University  Lurin  Valley 
Archaeological  Project  at  Manchay  Bajo,  the 
Initial  Period  occupants  of  Lurin  not  only  were 
aware  of  the  danger  posed  by  an  El  Nino  event, 
they  consciously  worked  to  protect  themselves 
against  potential  disasters.  Manchay  Bajo 
(PV48-147)  is  located  in  the  lower  valley,  12 
km  inland  from  the  Pacific,  at  140  m  above  sea 
level  (masl).  In  contrast  to  the  U-shaped  com- 
plexes of  Mina  Perdida  and  Cardal,  Manchay 
Bajo  is  on  the  northern  bank  of  the  Lurin  River, 
only  800  m  from  the  current  course  of  the  river. 

Manchay  Bajo  is,  in  most  respects,  a  typical 
U-shaped  complex.  The  archaeological  com- 
plex is  dominated  by  a  terraced,  flat-topped 
central  pyramid  (Fig.  2),  and  the  site  is  oriented 
to  the  northeast.  The  pyramid,  found  at  the  apex 
of  the  U,  measures  100  X  75  m  at  its  base  and 
rises  13m  above  the  current  level  of  the  valley 
floor.  Two  elongated  lateral  mounds,  one  of 
which  is  attached  to  the  main  pyramid,  flank  a 
central  plaza  that  is  3  hectares  in  area  (Fig.  3). 
Although  lower  than  the  main  mound,  the  lat- 
eral mounds  are  of  considerable  size,  with 
heights  of  1 1  m  and  8  m,  respectively.  The  area 
of  the  site,  roughly  20  hectares,  and  the  scale 
of  the  monumental  architecture  are  slightly 
larger  than  at  Cardal,  which  is  located  1.7  km 
away  on  the  other  side  of  the  river.  The  exca- 
vations at  Manchay  Bajo  revealed  a  long  his- 
tory of  construction  at  the  center  that  included 
a  minimum  of  nine  superimposed  central  stair- 
ways, three  superimposed  atria,  each  with  mul- 
tiple renovations,  and  at  least  nine  major  build- 
ing episodes.  Thus,  the  large  public  construc- 
tions seen  today  were  the  result  of  repeated 
constructions  that  spanned  at  least  six  centuries. 

Most  of  the  ceramics  associated  with  the 
monumental  constructions  date  to  the  late  Initial 
Period  (approximately  1200-800  cal.  B.C.).  This 
is  consistent  with  an  AMS  measurement  of 
3010  ±  60  (AA  3442),  which,  when  calibrated, 
has  a  2a  range  of  1404-1052  B.C.;  the  specimen 
tested  comes  from  a  fiber  bag  (shicra)  used  to 
hold  stone  in  the  fill  covering  the  site's  middle 
atrium.  Since  this  measurement  dates  the  clos- 
ing of  this  structure,  and  since  an  even  older 
atrium  exists  below  this  one,  Manchay  Bajo 
must  have  been  founded  significantly  before 
this  time.  Although  most  of  the  construction  ep- 
isodes at  Manchay  Bajo  date  to  the  late  Initial 

El  Nino,  Early  Peruvian  Civilization,  and  Human  Agency 



Figure  2.  Central  mound  at  Manchay  Bajo,  Lurin  Valley,  during  the  1998  excavations  on  the  summit  terraces. 
Modern  agricultural  constructions  visible  on  the  lower  left  are  encroaching  on  the  archaeological  site.  (Photograph 
by  Richard  L.  Burger.) 

Period,  the  uppermost  levels  yielded  a  distinc- 
tive ceramic  assemblage  that  dates  to  the  Early 
Horizon;  no  hiatus  is  indicated  (Fig.  4).  The 
preliminary  stylistic  interpretation  of  the  pot- 
tery is  consistent  with  two  AMS  C14  measure- 
ments of  2560  ±  50  B.P.  (Beta- 122683)  and 
2600  ±  50  (AA  34441)  from  the  final  period 
of  construction  which,  when  calibrated,  pro- 
duced a  2a  range  between  815-525  B.C.  and 
894-539  B.C.,  respectively.  Thus,  the  available 
evidence  indicates  that  whereas  Manchay  Bajo 
was  contemporary  with  Cardal  and  Mina  Per- 
dida  during  the  final  centuries  of  the  Initial  Pe- 
riod, it  continued  to  function  as  a  civic-cere- 
monial center  for  a  century  or  more  after  the 
others  were  abandoned  (Fig.  5).  Manchay  Bajo 
is  situated  at  the  mouth  of  two  quebradas  that 
were  incised  into  the  Andean  spur  separating 
Lurin  from  the  Rimac  drainage  (Fig.  6).  The 
larger  of  these,  known  today  as  the  Quebrada 
Manchay,  is  a  dry  tributary  valley  located  to 
the  north  of  Manchay  Bajo.  It  is  separated  from 
the  valley  through  which  the  Lurin  River  flows 
by  a  massive  rocky  spur  (246  masl).  The  small- 

er of  the  two  quebradas  is  located  to  the  north- 
west of  the  site  and  is  unnamed;  it  extends  only 
for  about  a  kilometer.  The  Quebrada  Manchay 
was  used  as  a  natural  corridor  between  the  Lu- 
rin and  Rimac  in  prehistoric  times,  and  this 
route  continues  to  be  used  today  despite  the 
poor  state  of  the  unpaved  road.  Given  the  nature 
of  the  topography  and  Manchay  Bajo's  location, 
a  major  El  Nino  could  have  triggered  landslides 
through  the  large  Quebrada  Manchay,  which 
would  have  buried  the  site's  central  plaza  in 
stone  rubble.  A  debris  flow  from  the  shorter, 
unnamed  lateral  quebrada  would  have  had  a 
strong  effect  on  the  western  lateral  platform  of 
Manchay  Bajo.  Undeterred  debris  flows  from 
either  or  both  quebradas  would  have  had  the 
greatest  impact  on  the  residential  zone  covering 
the  flatland  to  the  north  and  northwest  of  the 
public  architecture. 

The  potential  danger  posed  for  prehistoric 
occupations  and  public  spaces  by  landslides  and 
debris  flows  from  the  small  lateral  quebrada 
was  highlighted  by  the  excavations  at  the  site 
of  Pampa  Chica  by  archaeologists  from  the 


R.  L.  Burger 


Figure  3.     Topographic  map  of  the  Manchay  Bajo  complex  indicating  the  location  of  excavation  units  and  the 
monumental  wall  extending  along  the  western  and  northern  extremes  of  the  site.  (Map  drawn  by  Bernadino  Ojeda.) 

Pontificia  Universidad  Catolica  (PUC),  Lima, 
under  the  direction  of  Jalh  Dulanto  as  part  of 
the  Proyecto  Arqueologico  Tablada  de  Lurin, 
directed  by  Krzysztof  Makowski.  Pampa  Chica, 

a  small  site  located  up  the  smaller  of  the  two 
quebradas  at  180  masl,  had  been  covered  by 
landslides.  Occupied  between  the  Early  Hori- 
zon and  the  Middle  Horizon,  investigations  at 

El  Nino,  Early  Peruvian  Civilization,  and  Human  Agency 


Figure  4.  Incised  fragment  of  a  polished  blackware  vessel  depicting  a  frontal  face  with  two  large  fangs.  This 
sherd  from  Manchay  Bajo  illustrates  the  pottery  associated  with  the  final  phase  of  construction  at  the  U-shaped 
pyramid  complex.  (Photograph  by  Richard  L.  Burger.) 

the  site  found  evidence  of  repeated  debris  flows 
in  prehistoric  times  (Dulanto  et  al.  2002). 

In  addition  to  the  danger  posed  to  Manchay 
Bajo  by  flash  floods  and  debris  flows  coming 
out  of  the  Quebrada  Manchay  and  the  smaller 
lateral  quebrada,  a  threat  also  was  posed  by  a 
138-m-high  rocky  outcrop  (278  masl)  immedi- 
ately to  the  west  of  the  main  mound  (Fig.  7).  It 
is  covered  with  large  stone  boulders  and  loose 
stone  rubble,  and  this  unconsolidated  material 
would  have  become  unstable  during  an  El  Nino 
event  or  an  earthquake. 

Prior  to  1998,  no  topographic  map  of  the  en- 
tire archaeological  site  of  Manchay  Bajo  exist- 
ed. However,  Harry  Scheele  (1970:179-190) 
had  carried  out  test  excavations  at  the  site  in 
1 966  and  produced  a  sketch  map  of  the  central 

portion  of  the  site.  In  subsequent  years,  many 
visitors,  including  Alberto  Bueno  Mendoza, 
members  of  the  PUC  Pampa  Chicha  team,  and 
me,  have  examined  Mancho  Bajo  and  been  in- 
trigued by  a  large  wall  that  rings  its  western  and 
northern  perimeter.  Our  investigations  included 
a  detailed  mapping  of  the  entire  site,  and  it  was 
determined  that  the  massive  wall  begins  at  a 
rocky  outcrop  near  the  southwest  corner  of  the 
northwest  lateral  platform  and  runs  in  a  north- 
erly direction  for  some  460  m.  The  wall  then 
turns  eastward  and  runs  for  another  240  m  (see 
Fig.  3).  Unfortunately,  its  final  section  was  de- 
stroyed by  the  construction  of  a  modern  road, 
but  it  appears  that  the  eastern  end  terminated 
45  m  away,  at  the  large  rocky  outcrop  that  de- 
fines the  eastern  edge  of  the  Quebrada  Man- 


R.  L.  Burger 











Figure  5.  Radiocarbon  measurements  from  the  three  U-shaped  complexes  excavated  in  the  Lurin  Valley  dem- 
onstrate both  the  general  contemporaneity  of  the  centers  and  the  continued  occupation  of  Manchay  Bajo  after  the 
abandonment  of  the  other  two  sites.  (Chart  by  George  Lau.) 

chay.  Both  of  the  two  extremes  of  the  monu- 
mental wall  appear  to  have  been  engaged  with 
natural  topographic  features  anchoring  this  re- 
markable cultural  feature  to  the  landscape.  The 
total  length  of  the  original  wall  is  estimated  at 
745  m. 

During  the  mapping  and  surface  survey  in 
1998,  masonry  retaining  walls  could  be  seen  at 
various  points  along  both  the  north-south  and 
east- west  segments  of  the  perimetric  wall.  In 
those  sections  where  it  has  been  exposed,  the 
original  wall  can  be  seen  to  be  double-faced, 
with  a  core  of  unconsolidated  stone,  gravel,  and 
earth.  In  both  segments  there  is  evidence  of  at 
least  one  and  in  some  cases  two  renovations  of 
the  wall;  this  was  done  by  adding  new  walls 
separated  from  the  previous  walls  by  a  layer  of 
fill.  These  additions  would  have  widened  the 
wall  substantially  while  reducing  strain  on  the 
walls  incorporated  into  the  core.  This  same  pat- 
tern of  growth  was  determined  for  the  terrace 
walls  on  the  central  pyramid  of  the  Manchay 
Bajo  complex.  Like  the  Manchay  Bajo's  plat- 
form constructions,  construction  of  the  original 

monumental  wall  and  its  subsequent  renovation 
were  carried  out  with  medium-sized  blocks  of 
roughly  dressed  stone  from  the  nearby  slopes 
(Fig.  8).  Clay  mortar  was  used  at  the  junctures, 
but  during  the  surface  reconnaissance,  no  sur- 
viving evidence  of  surface  plastering  was  en- 
countered. The  width  and  height  of  the  wall 
varied,  and  in  many  places  its  limits  are  com- 
pletely hidden  under  collapsed  or  accumulated 
material.  Nevertheless,  the  topographic  map 
suggested  that  the  north-south  segment  had  an 
average  width  of  about  12.5  m  and  an  average 
height  of  at  least  5  m,  and  portions  of  the  east- 
west  segment  were  still  more  massive.  Surface 
ceramics  were  encountered  at  various  points  on 
the  summit  of  the  wall;  they  were  particularly 
common  near  its  eastern  end  because  of  distur- 
bance from  the  modern  construction  of  a  small 
chapel  on  top  of  the  wall.  Based  on  vessel 
forms  and  decoration,  all  of  the  pottery  can  be 
dated  to  the  late  Initial  Period.  It  included  nu- 
merous shallow  open  bowls  and  neckless  ollas. 
Some  of  the  former  had  the  vessel  interior  dec- 
orated with  broad  incisions.  The  surface  ceram- 

El  Nino,  Early  Peruvian  Civilization,  and  Human  Agency 


Figure  6.  Aerial  photograph  of  Manchay  Complex  taken  in  1945  displaying  the  relation  of  the  pyramid  complex 
to  the  two  ravines  or  quebradas  (on  the  viewer's  left  and  upper  left)  and  the  Lurin  River  (on  the  viewer's  right).  The 
monumental  wall  can  be  seen  anchored  to  two  rocky  outcrops  to  the  west  and  north  of  the  site.  (Courtesy  of  Servicio 
Aereofotografico  Nacional,  Lima.) 

ics  found  on  the  wall  in  1998  were  indistin- 
guishable from  those  found  in  the  excavations 
of  the  main  mound  at  Manchay  Bajo  that  same 
year.  No  later  ceramics  were  on  or  near  the 
wall.  Based  on  the  masonry  style  of  the  surface 
architecture  and  the  ceramic  evidence,  a  prelim- 
inary conclusion  was  reached  that  the  monu- 
mental wall  had  been  constructed  during  the 
Initial  Period  and  was  roughly  contemporary 
with  the  adjacent  U-shaped  public  architecture. 
Following  the  mapping  and  study  of  the 
monumental  wall  just  described,  we  encoun- 
tered another  masonry  feature  at  the  foot  of  the 
steep  rocky  outcrop  to  the  west  of  the  main  pyr- 
amid (Fig.  9).  Cut  by  a  modern  canal,  ancient 
floors  and  fills  were  exposed,  and  these  were 

reminiscent  of  features  such  as  circular  courts 
such  as  those  found  at  Cardal.  However,  clear- 
ing and  excavation  in  this  area  revealed  that  the 
remains  actually  corresponded  to  another  mas- 
sive wall  running  for  at  least  105  m,  with  a 
width  of  5  m  and  a  height  of  5  m.  The  stone- 
work and  construction  were  similar  to  those  al- 
ready described,  and  there  was  evidence  of  two 
episodes  of  renovation  in  which  additional 
walls  were  added.  In  the  1 998  excavations  of  a 
small  section  of  this  wall,  late  Initial  Period  pot- 
tery was  recovered  from  intact  floor  surfaces 
along  the  wall's  eastern  face.  This  evidence, 
combined  with  the  construction  style  and  tech- 
nique, lends  support  to  the  conclusion  that  this 
and  the  other  monumental  walls  at  Manchay 


R.  L.  Burger 

Figure  7.  Rocky  outcrop  immediately  to  the  west  of  the  Manchay  Banjo  complex.  Traces  of  the  monumental 
wall  at  the  foot  of  the  outcrop  were  visible  prior  to  excavation  and  can  be  seen  near  the  stadia  rod  in  this  1998 
photograph.  (Photograph  by  Richard  L.  Burger.) 

El  Nino,  Early  Peruvian  Civilization,  and  Human  Agency 


Figure  8.     Excavation  in  1999  of  the  eastern  face  of  the  monumental  wall  at  Manchay  Bajo.  (Photograph  by 
Richard  L.  Burger.) 

Bajo  are  coeval  with  the  platform  complex  and 
were  built  by  the  same  population.  It  is  hypoth- 
esized that  this  wall  was  built  to  protect  the  area 
of  the  central  mound  from  debris  slides  coming 
from  the  steep  slopes  of  the  rocky  outcrop 
above  it.  Thus,  the  total  extent  of  the  monu- 
mental perimetric  wall  at  Manchay  Bajo  must 
include  this  feature  as  well,  bringing  the  total 
length  of  the  wall  constructions  to  some  850  m. 
If  a  rough  calculation  is  made  of  the  volume  of 
earth  and  stone  moved  to  construct  these  walls, 
it  produces  a  figure  in  excess  of  30,000  m3. 

In  1999,  during  the  second  field  season,  ar- 
chaeological excavations  were  carried  out  in  a 
small  section  of  the  monumental  wall  (Sector 
VIIA,  Excavation  3)  in  order  to  clarify  its  date, 
construction  history,  and  the  building  tech- 
niques utilized.  The  work  in  this  sector  was  su- 
pervised by  Marcelo  Saco  (PUC),  and  technical 
assistance  in  the  interpretation  of  the  stratigra- 
phy was  provided  by  the  Polish  sedimentolo- 
gist,  Krzyzstof  Mastalerz.  The  excavated  units 
were  located  along  the  wall's  north-south  sec- 
tion, which  crosses  the  mouth  of  the  small  lat- 
eral quebrada  to  the  west  of  the  site.  Initially, 

7  m  of  the  eastern  face  of  the  wall  was  cleared 
(see  Fig.  8).  This  revealed  that  the  southern  half 
of  this  section  was  well-preserved,  while  the 
northern  half  had  collapsed  after  the  site's  aban- 
donment. Subsequent  excavations  in  the  area 
focused  on  the  intact  portion  of  the  wall;  the 
zone  investigated  had  an  area  of  49  m2.  This 
included  a  1-m-wide  trench  perpendicular  to  the 
wall  face.  At  the  conclusion  of  this  excavation, 
a  17-m  east- west  transect  of  the  monumental 
wall  complemented  the  horizontal  exposure  of 
the  wall's  eastern  face  (Fig.  10). 

Judging  from  the  excavations,  the  original 
monumental  wall  in  this  area  was  trapezoidal  in 
cross-section.  The  hearting  of  the  wall  consists 
of  loose  soil,  gravel,  and  stones.  The  wall  was 
built  on  a  sloping  surface  created  by  ephemeral 
sheet  flows  that  predated  the  occupation  of  the 
site.  Both  faces  of  the  wall  consisted  of  roughly 
quarried  medium-size  stones  (e.g.,  40  X  38  cm) 
set  in  mud  mortar.  Both  sides  of  the  wall  cant 
inward  for  greater  stability,  and  as  a  result,  the 
upper  section  of  the  wall  is  approximately  2  m 
in  width  and  nearly  3  m  wide  at  its  base.  The 
upper  section  of  the  original  wall  was  missing. 


R.  L.  Burger 

Figure  9.  The  clearing  of  the  masonry  visible  at  the  foot  of  the  western  rocky  outcrop  revealed  the  eastern  face 
of  a  monumental  wall  in  association  with  Initial  Period  ceramics.  Loose  rock  can  be  seen  on  the  steep  slopes  above 
the  wall.  (Photograph  by  Richard  L.  Burger.) 

El  Nino,  Early  Peruvian  Civilization,  and  Human  Agency 


Figure  10.  A  trench  transecting  the  monumental  wall  revealed  the  western  face  of  the  original  monumental  wall 
and  evidence  for  two  subsequent  enlargements.  The  trowel  rests  upon  a  caliche-like  layer  formed  as  the  result  of 
floor  deposits  pooling  up  against  the  western  face  of  the  enlarged  wall;  this  layer  is  absent  on  the  interior  or  eastern 
side  of  the  wall.  (Photograph  by  Richard  L.  Burger.) 


R.  L.  Burger 

It  was  feasible  to  reach  the  wall  base  on  the 
western  face,  and  it  can  be  demonstrated  that 
the  original  wall  was  over  2  m  in  height. 

Later  in  the  history  of  Manchay  Bajo,  the 
wall  was  widened  by  stone  retaining  walls  built 
parallel  to  the  faces  of  the  original  wall.  Along 
the  eastern  face  the  new  retaining  wall  was  ter- 
raced. The  lower  terrace  was  1  m  in  height,  and 
1.2  m  remains  of  the  upper  terrace  wall.  Along 
the  western  face,  sterile  fills  of  gravel  and  stone 
were  added,  completely  burying  the  original 
wall.  The  massive  layers  piled  against  the  wall's 
original  western  face  were  studied  in  terms  of 
their  sorting  and  position,  to  determine  whether 
they  were  man-made  construction  fills  or  the 
result  of  slumps  or  debris  flows  from  the  lateral 
quebrada.  These  layers  include  loose,  frag- 
mented material  ranging  from  angular  boulders 
to  muddy,  coarse-grained  sand.  Sedimentologist 
K.  Mastalerz  (1999)  concluded  that  they  were 
man-made  deposits  piled  against  the  western 
side  of  the  original  wall.  These  fills  added  at 
least  1  m  in  height  and  4  m  in  width  to  the 
monumental  wall,  bringing  the  total  scale  of  the 
wall  in  this  section  to  over  9  m  in  width  and 
over  3  m  in  height. 

Interestingly,  the  floor  articulating  with  the 
western  face  of  the  original  wall  showed  evi- 
dence of  caliche-like  cementation  due  to  the 
precipitation  of  soluble  compounds  from 
groundwater.  Mastalerz  (1999)  believes  that 
such  a  layer  was  probably  the  result  of  the  pool- 
ing of  water  from  El  Nino  rains  against  the 
monumental  wall.  Significantly,  this  cementa- 
tion was  not  encountered  along  the  eastern  face 
of  the  wall.  Little  evidence  survived  of  the  new 
western  face  of  the  expanded  monumental  wall 
due  to  the  narrowness  of  our  trench  (1m);  only 
a  limited  portion  of  what  remained  could  be 
exposed.  However,  the  base  of  the  wall  (Muro 
6)  and  its  associated  floor  was  identified.  Sur- 
prisingly, the  wall  was  made  of  stone-filled  shi- 
cra  bags  covered  with  mud  mortar.  This  tech- 
nique of  wall  construction  was  rare  at  the 
U-shaped  complexes  in  the  Lurin  Valley,  but  it 
had  been  identified  previously  at  Mina  Perdida 
(Burger  and  Salazar- Burger  2002).  It  was  pos- 
sible to  date  the  fiber  used  in  the  shicra  in  order 
to  get  an  idea  of  the  age  of  the  monumental 
wall's  renovation.  The  AMS  measurement  on 
this  sample  produced  a  date  of  3020  ±  40  B.P. 
(calibrated  2<r  range  of  1389-1129  B.C.).  This 
result  confirms  the  overall  contemporaneity  of 
the  monumental  wall  with  the  U-shaped  civic- 

ceremonial  complex  and  the  associated  residen- 
tial constructions  at  Manchay  Bajo.  The  date 
suggests  that  the  original  monumental  wall  was 
built  early  in  the  site's  history  and  renovated  at 
least  once  during  the  late  Initial  Period.  Judging 
from  the  section  excavated,  that  renovation  may 
have  involved  as  much  labor  as  the  original 
construction  itself.  Finally,  it  would  appear 
from  the  caliche  layer  that  a  minimum  of  one 
major  El  Nino  event  occurred  after  the  wall  was 
constructed  and  while  the  site  was  still  occu- 
pied. It  is  reasonable  to  hypothesize  that  this  El 
Nino  event  may  have  stimulated  the  enlarge- 
ment of  the  original  wall,  since  the  addition 
covers  the  cementation. 

There  are  two  other  massive  layers  of  gravel 
and  stone  that  post-date  Muro  6.  According  to 
Mastalerz,  these,  like  the  strata  they  cover,  also 
are  man-made  deposits  still  in  their  original  po- 
sition. A  possible  explanation  of  these  strata  is 
that  they  represent  a  subsequent  second  phase 
of  enlargement  after  the  collapse  or  dismantle- 
ment of  the  shicra  wall  (Muro  6).  This  enlarge- 
ment to  the  west  could  have  involved  a  retain- 
ing wall  whose  traces  have  disappeared  com- 
pletely, or,  alternatively,  as  Mastalerz  (1999) 
suggests,  the  final  outer  western  surface  of  the 
monumental  wall  could  have  been  left  as  an 
unfaced  embankment.  At  the  end  of  this  hypo- 
thetical third  construction  phase,  the  monumen- 
tal wall  would  have  reached  12  m  in  width  and 
increased  in  height  by  at  least  another  50  cm  to 
3.5  m.  We  have  no  way  of  directly  dating  this 
third  episode  of  wall  construction;  we  suspect 
that  it  could  date  to  the  final  Early  Horizon  oc- 
cupation of  the  public  center. 

The  location  of  the  walls,  their  massive 
width,  and  their  substantial  height  all  suggest 
that  they  were  built  as  a  dam  to  protect  the  civ- 
ic-ceremonial complex  from  land  and  rock 
slides  coming  off  the  rocky  outcrops  and  out  of 
the  dry  quebradas.  It  is  significant  that  walls  do 
not  exist  to  the  east  or  south  of  the  Manchay 
Bajo  complex,  where  there  is  no  danger  of  such 
disasters.  Moreover,  there  is  evidence  that  the 
walls  served  their  intended  purpose  with  some 
success.  In  all  four  of  the  transects  that  we  doc- 
umented in  1998,  the  surface  level  outside  the 
wall  (i.e.,  the  exterior  facing  the  potential 
source  of  debris)  was  significantly  higher  than 
inside  the  wall  (i.e.,  the  interior  facing  the  plaza 
or  platform  mounds).  It  appears  that  in  some 
areas,  1-2  m  of  material  had  accumulated 
against  the  wall,  presumably  from  one  or  more 

El  Nino,  Early  Peruvian  Civilization,  and  Human  Agency 


debris  flows  provoked  by  El  Ninos.  In  one  deep 
cut  to  the  north  of  the  wall  made  by  modern 
builders,  this  pattern  of  debris  flow  evidently 
recurred  on  several  occasions  both  before  and 
after  the  wall's  construction.  Judging  from  our 
excavations  within  the  wall's  perimeter,  Man- 
chay  Bajo's  monumental  wall  or  dam  stopped 
the  entry  of  stone  rubble  from  debris  flows,  as 
was  intended.  In  no  area  inside  the  wall  did  we 
encounter  deposits  of  boulders  or  large  stones 
carried  by  landslides  or  other  disasters.  The 
dam  also  appears  to  have  protected  the  civic- 
ceremonial  center  from  floods  during  the  Initial 
Period  and  Early  Horizon  occupation  of  the 

Nevertheless,  the  problem  posed  by  large 
quantities  of  flood  water  blocked  by  the  mon- 
umental wall  appears  to  have  presented  a  seri- 
ous problem.  Our  investigations  revealed  that 
deep  layers  of  water-borne  deposits  cover  most 
of  the  site,  with  the  exception  of  the  elevated 
public  architecture.  For  example,  an  excavation 
in  the  Manchay  Bajo's  open  plaza  area  (Sector 
IV,  Excavation  1)  revealed  that  the  central  sec- 
tion of  this  space  featured  a  low,  stone-filled 
platform  at  least  1  m  in  height.  This  Initial  Pe- 
riod construction  was  buried  by  over  2  m  in 
flood  deposits,  which,  according  to  Mastalerz 
(1999),  were  the  product  of  six  El  Nino  epi- 
sodes whose  character  varied  in  size  and  dura- 
tion. Some  layers  of  sediments  were  the  result 
of  flash  floods,  while  others  were  produced  by 
powerful  floods  followed  by  stagnant  water 
conditions.  In  one  period  the  rains  were  suffi- 
cient to  stimulate  in-channel  fluvial  processes 
and  the  resulting  deposition  of  sand  and  gravel 
bars  at  Manchay  Bajo.  The  repeated  floods  doc- 
umented by  these  deposits  came  primarily  from 
the  Quebrada  Manchay,  and  it  would  appear 
that  the  northern  section  of  the  dam  was 
breached  on  numerous  occasions  during  the  last 
2000  years  following  the  center's  abandonment. 
Considerable  numbers  of  Initial  Period  artifacts 
are  mixed  in  with  some  of  these  flood  deposits, 
and  it  is  clear  that  these  floods  destroyed  some 
of  the  upper  layers  of  the  site's  Formative  set- 
tlement. While  there  is  compelling  evidence  of 
destructive  floods  following  Manchay  Bajo's 
abandonment,  at  the  present  time  there  is  no 
evidence  that  floods  disrupted  the  Initial  Period 
or  Early  Horizon  occupation  of  the  civic-cere- 
monial center  of  Manchay  Bajo. 

Agents  and  Environment 

The  evidence  summarized  here  suggests  that  ( 1 ) 
the  people  of  Manchay  Bajo  perceived  a  threat 
to  their  center  and  adjacent  agricultural  lands 
from  El  Nino-related  landslides;  (2)  they  were 
able  to  generate  a  solution  to  the  problem  using 
available  technology  and  materials;  (3)  they 
were  able  to  mobilize  enough  labor  to  complete 
a  dam  large  enough  to  protect  them  from  El 
Nino  debris  slides;  and  (4)  during  some  six  cen- 
turies of  occupation,  they  were  able  to  bring 
together  enough  manpower  to  renovate  the  dam 
on  at  least  two  occasions  by  encasing  the  orig- 
inal wall  within  new  fills  and  retaining  walls. 
The  monumental  walls  succeeded  as  bulwarks 
against  the  feared  landslides,  and  they  are  still 
capable  of  doing  so.  These  findings  highlight 
the  importance  of  human  agency  in  shaping  a 
culture's  destiny;  clearly,  the  actions  discussed 
here  were  preemptive,  anticipating  potential 
threats  from  unpredictable  future  El  Nino 
events.  The  population  employed  a  knowledge 
of  environmental  risks  to  formulate  a  strategy, 
and  they  were  able  to  implement  this  strategy 
even  though  it  involved  thousands  of  person- 
days  of  labor  without  immediate  short-term 

The  case  of  Manchay  Bajo  provides  a  good 
opportunity  to  reconsider  some  of  our  precon- 
ceptions about  the  ability  of  different  kinds  of 
societies  to  cope  with  environmental  variability. 
It  has  often  been  assumed  that  states  are 
uniquely  well  suited  to  deal  with  disasters  be- 
cause of  their  coercive  capacity,  managerial  ap- 
paratus, and  ability  to  marshal  resources  from 
a  wide  area.  Nevertheless,  the  continuity  and 
duration  of  the  Manchay  culture  for  a  millen- 
nium are  a  clear  demonstration  of  the  resilience 
and  flexibility  of  its  social  forms  in  the  face  of 
mega-El  Ninos  and  other  disasters  that  must 
have  occurred.  In  this  respect,  the  Manchay  cul- 
ture's lack  of  centralization  and  hierarchy  may 
have  been  an  asset  rather  than  an  obstacle.  The 
mobilization  of  labor  for  efforts  like  the  mon- 
umental wall  should  not  surprise  us,  since  even 
greater  projects  were  undertaken  during  the  sec- 
ond millennium  to  obtain  water  through  gravity 
canals.  In  fact,  the  creation  of  new  canals  was 
intimately  linked  to  the  establishment  of  the  ag- 
ricultural lands  needed  to  support  newly  estab- 
lished social  units  and  their  public  centers.  Oth- 
er corporate  labor  efforts  were  undertaken  to 


R.  L.  Burger 

obtain  supernatural  favor  through  temple  con- 

The  ability  of  the  Manchay  culture's  subsis- 
tence economy  to  withstand  short-term  climatic 
disruptions  is  comprehensible,  since  its  contin- 
ued dependence  on  a  range  of  maritime  resourc- 
es, hunting,  and  wild  plants  would  have  served 
the  people  well  during  an  El  Nino  event.  More- 
over, the  social  institutions  underlying  the  im- 
pressive public  constructions  of  the  Manchay 
culture  would  have  been  an  asset  in  times  of 
crisis.  In  times  of  emergency,  the  annual  mo- 
bilization of  public  labor  usually  used  to  refur- 
bish the  U-shaped  pyramid  complexes  could 
have  been  turned  to  repairing  the  relatively 
short  canals  that  irrigated  their  fields  and  that 
would  have  been  damaged  by  major  El  Nino 
events,  or  to  renovate  the  monumental  dam  pro- 
tecting the  site. 

As  already  noted,  the  construction  technique, 
the  masonry  style,  and  the  pattern  of  episodic 
renovations  of  the  dam  differ  little  from  that 
used  in  the  temple.  In  many  respects,  the  chal- 
lenge of  building  a  long  linear  feature  like  the 
Manchay  Bajo  dam  is  analogous  to  the  con- 
struction of  a  gravity  canal.  Contemporary 
communities  construct  and  maintain  canals 
without  state  intervention  by  dividing  the  re- 
quired labor  between  the  family  units  or  com- 
munities that  benefit  from  the  irrigation  water, 
with  participation  in  the  cooperative  labor  effort 
a  prerequisite  for  continued  community  mem- 
bership (i.e.,  access  to  land  and  water).  Such 
cooperative  labor  practices  have  been  docu- 
mented for  pre-Hispanic  times,  and  may  have 
been  in  place  by  the  Initial  Period  (Burger 
1992;  Mosely  1992).  Considering  these  factors, 
it  is  worth  considering  whether  the  pre-state  so- 
cieties of  the  Initial  Period  may  have  been  as 
well  as  or,  perhaps,  even  better  equipped  to  deal 
with  mega-El  Niflos  than  the  more  fragile  com- 
plex societies  of  later  times. 

Acknowledgments.  Research  was  conducted 
by  permission  of  Peru's  Institute  Nacional  de 
Cultura  and  made  possible  by  grants  from  the 
Heinz  Family  Foundation,  FERCO  (the  Foun- 
dation for  Exploration  and  Research  on  Cultural 
Origins),  and  The  Curtiss  T.  Brennan  and  Mary 
G.  Brennan  Foundation.  I  am  deeply  grateful  to 
Lucy  C.  Salazar,  Co-Director  of  the  Proyecto 
Lurin,  and  to  archaeologists  Jose  Pinilla,  Ber- 
nadino  Ojeda,  and  Marcel  Savo,  who  helped  to 
supervise  the  fieldwork.  I  am  also  indebted  to 

Krzysztof  Mastalerz  for  his  insights  into  the 
sediments  and  depositional  processes  at  Man- 
chay Bajo. 

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